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Everything posted by BuilderBagel

  1. "Will peace finally come to Canondom then?" Leon, the Prince of Minitz, thought to himself as he read over the missive. He rose from his chair within his study before moving to show his cousin, Alfred, the Prince of Sutica, the parchment.. ( @Gandhi )
  2. REINMAREN-KLEIDUNGSEDIKT REINMAREN CLOTHING EDICT Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1960 An embellished portrait of Leon II, Grand Prince of Minitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKhkyFqOb4w SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and loyal subjects of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg; So I have bestowed onto my newly blooded tribesmen the cap and the cloak to tell tale of the Kanunic statuses and rights of my subjects as Reinmaren. Yet, mine eyes rarely witness display for the vestments granted upon initiation, the garbs of the noble tribesman falling into neglect to be picked apart by moths and dust, while the assembly at the Landag don an array of armor and garments foreign to our ways whenever summoned. Thus, by this proclamation, I shall decree the rightful attire for the Reinmaren, to be donned with pride when partaking in ceremonial or tribal affairs such as moots, councils, and courtly gatherings. Be it proclaimed across the lands of Minitz and the vast realm of Reinmar: I. Henceforth, let it be known that every tribesman shall wear the cloak and hat bestowed upon them during the occasion of their blooding, in times of ceremonial attendance. II. Henceforth, let it be known that every warrior shall wear the cloak and hat bestowed upon them during the occasion of their blooding, in times of ceremonial attendance. III. Henceforth, let it be known that every Geehrte and Hochgeehrte will wear the cloak and hat bestowed upon them during the occasion of their proclamation, in times of ceremonial attendance. IV. Henceforth, let it be known that every Chieftain and Peer will wear the cloak and hat bestowed upon them during the occasion of their ennoblement, in times of ceremonial attendance. Furthermore, let it be declared that failure to attire oneself in the prescribed hats and cloaks during ceremonial events, moots, councils, and other sacred rituals shall result in the exclusion of the defying individual from participating in such hallowed proceedings. Herein shall be the display of the hats belonging to each group of Reinmaren: TRIBESMAN WARRIOR GEEHRTE NOBLE WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Leon Barclay, Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen and Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  3. IGN: BuilderBagel2k RP Name: Leon Barclay Persona ID: 83364
  4. "Fetch my armor! Prepare my spear and sword!" commanded Leon Barclay, the Prince of Minitz. "I'll be ready for when the banners assemble.." He said to himself, resolving to be prepared for the summon.
  5. Matthias Barclay was tending to some acolytes when he received the letter from his brother's murderer.. "Not now!" He yelled to the courier, intent on continuing his teachings.. As the lesson progressed and eventually began to wrap up, curiosity filled the Cardinal's mind.. "What could possibly be in that letter? Perhaps a directive from the Pontiff? A response from Father Davide? Maybe a birthday has come up.." As thoughts and predictions on what the letter could possibly contain, the man made his way towards his study. He took a seat at his desk before opening the seal on the letter. He opened it, reading it with much interest. "No.." He thought first, denying the possibility his beloved brother was murdered.. He teared up, distraught by the reality that now befell him.. "At the hands of a Raev.." He shook in anger and rage. As the Cardinal experienced a plethora of emotions he remembered something.. something important.. "Leutwin's children.. They now fall under my care.." He then rose from his chair, gathering his things. "Little Winifred, Anselm.. The whole lot.. I've got to care for them.." He then left his chambers, knowing what he now had to do..
  6. Below is an excerpt from the personal diary of Leon Barclay [!] Today was my second battle. We once again saw victory over the vile warbands of Veletz, Stassion, and Krugmar. I remember rallying the banners of Minitz in Kanunsberg, whilst Cousin Alfred brought his host. His face is not one I’d forget. He’s a glum and hardy looking man, he boasts numerous scars from conflicts and disputes. He bears the gaunt features that soldiers often have after a long campaign. He’s been fighting the enemies of Reinmar as long as I’ve been alive. We spoke and drank wine together in the tavern, and our men joined us. Once we were called to do so, we parted ways, I joined the King’s army in Whitespire, and Alfred went to join his own liege’s host. I felt much pride as I was bid to ride next to King John and the Knights of Saint Godwin, though tension also rose as the impending siege grew close. I spoke with my Herrenmeister, Sir Stanton, about the battle. We discussed tactics, troop placements, and the keep we were determined to take. I had the same sort of discussion with my Chancellor, Roland. They are both men with illuminating insights on the subject of warfare, I find them much more adept at command than myself. Once the royal army and men of Aaun marched into the Coalition’s camp, I gathered my host and made sure they were prepared. I met with Cousin Alfred once again, this time at his tent, and we spoke to the Warchief, Wilhelm. I then met with Uncle Gottfried. He spoke with me some about the cannons on our battlements, and the trebuchets on the enemy’s. He compared the two, before explaining to me the importance of siege engines. It wasn’t long after that conversation that the Siege of Fredericksburg began. I scrambled to join the men operating the cannons. I carried the rounds, and helped the cannoneers load their shots. I have never heard anything louder than those cannons, the sheer cacophony is enough to ring in a man’s head for decades. Once we had destroyed the enemy’s engines and punctured their palisades of dirt and stone, we surged forward. I remember the men who led the charge, ladders carried upon their shoulders. They darted through cannonfire and mounted their ladders upon the walls, allowing our men to climb up and breach the keep. I joined the contingent of men who climbed up from the inside of the keep, fighting on the battlements. Despite all the training and the bit of battle experience I have gained, I still find myself a poor match against the seasoned soldiers in this war. Once we had taken the battlements, I took a moment of respite. I caught some of our fallen in my eye, and sorrow filled me. They were martyrs of a righteous cause. I didn’t have much time to rest, but was grateful for the spare few minutes I was allowed. We then went through the keep, cutting down any defender we found. The castle was secure, but the plains it overlooked had many mounted men-at-arms. They went through, fighting each other as we watched on. As our cavalry saw success, the commanders had discussed what to do for a time. Once the time was right, we sallied out from the captured keep, set on engaging what was left of the enemy host. It was not long until we saw complete victory after our charge. We had put the enemy to the sword, those that managed to survive routed. The men of the Coalition gathered, triumphant and joyous. I met with my grandfather, and his praise for my efforts further steeled my resolve to dig out the Veletzian scourge from the realms of Canondom. Once the rallied armies had begun to separate, mine and my cousin’s hosts made their way to Kanunsberg, the warriors of Reinmar and Minitz celebrated together, whilst I met with my kinsmen and discussed our next move.
  7. "Long live King John!" exclaimed Leon, the young Prince of Minitz.
  8. ANKÜNDIGUNG DES GROßEN FESTES ANNOUNCEMENT OF GRAND FEAST Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1957 An embellished portrait of Leon II, Grand Prince of Minitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyybMyCi1sk SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and friends of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg; It is a long held goal of mine and my house to strengthen ties with the Oyashimen and Númenedain, to build lasting relationships of friendship. For this reason I wish to invite you to break bread with myself and my people, in hopes of a fruitful future to come. The event shall be held in the halls of Kanunsberg Castle, on the 11th of Owyn’s Flame, 1958. Additionally, I would extend an invitation to all my subjects in Minitz to enjoy the festivities, and to celebrate a continuation of friendship. Beyond invitations to all Reinmaren in Minitz, invitations are sent to the following found below: Formal Invitations Her Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Numendil and the Númenedain Shugo Kato Oijin of Sakuragakure and the Oyashiman Personal Invitations His Holiness, Sixtus VI, High Pontiff of The Holy Mother Church His Eminence, Brandt, Grand Prince-Emeritus of Minitz and Cardinal Albarosa His Princely Grace, Alfred, Prince of Sutica and Duke of Reinmar His Grace, Gottfried, Duke of Kanunsberg His Lordship, Siegmund, Margrave of Velen and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert, Count of Talentine and his noble pedigree GOTT MITT UNS, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Leon Barclay, Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen and Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  9. ANKÜNDIGUNG DER INTHRONISIERUNG ANNOUNCEMENT OF ENTHRONEMENT Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1956 An embellished portrait of Leon II, Grand Prince of Minitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKhkyFqOb4w SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and loyal subjects of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg; Since my father’s untimely passing, I have taken up the mantle of ruling his holdings. I now declare that I will formally step into my birthright as Grand Prince of Minitz, following a ceremonial enthronement. After the event, there will be a funeral service for my late father led by the Cardinal Albarosa. This event will be held in the halls of Kanunsberg Castle, as is tradition of my hallowed house. Additionally, I would extend an invitation to all my subjects in Minitz, to attend this event and welcome in the advent of a new era of stewardship under myself, the new Grand Prince of Minitz. Beyond invitations to all Reinmaren in Minitz, invitations are sent to the following found below: Formal Invitations to those of Aaun: His Royal Majesty, John, King of Aaun and his royal pedigree His Highness, Johannes, Prince of Merryweather and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Siegmund, Margrave of Velen and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert, Count of Talentine and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Henri, Baron of Virdain and his noble pedigree Formal Invitations to those of The Waldenic Diet Personal Invitations: His Eminence, Brandt, Grand Prince-Emeritus of Minitz and Cardinal Albarosa Her Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Numendil His Princely Grace, Alfred, Prince of Sutica and Duke of Reinmar Kato Oijin of Sakuragakure GOTT MITT UNS, His Serene Highness, Leon Barclay, Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen and Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  10. 1956 WIEDERHERSTELLUNG DER TITEL 1956 RESTORATION OF TITLES Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1956 An embellished portrait of Leon II, Grand Prince of Minitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Yeb3NexF0 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and loyal subjects of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg. With the mandate given onto me after succeeding my father, I do declare this here edict; Since my grandfathers’ division of our familial titles in the tradition of Gavelkind, lands and honorifics that have been held in our family have been divided among my uncles. Verily, it has now come to my awareness that some among the uncles of my lineage, kinsmen bound by blood, have taken leave from public business, rescinding themselves to live within their keeps, holdfasts and castles. Thus, by this decree and the mandate of my birthright, I declare this proclamation onto my uncles, Anton Leopold and Wilheim Friedrich; The titles and realms, bestowed upon those uncles by their father, and my grandfather shall return to the fold of my stewardship until such a time comes where my uncles present themselves to reclaim what belongs to them by right of titular division. GOTT MITT UNS, His Serene Highness, Leon Barclay Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  11. Entry 14 of The Frankland Diaries Below is an excerpt from the personal diary of Leon Barclay [!] I had never engaged the Franks before that day. I, nor my father, Grand Prince Ferdinand, expected a fight. I was told stories, but I had always dismissed them as exaggeration. Quickly, I learned that I was mistaken. We were supposed to meet with an “informant” in a secluded thicket in the Franklands near the keep of Velen. We were urged to dispose of our weapons before the rendezvous and, trusting our would-be allies, we obliged. During the meeting, I admit, my mind wandered. I regret that. We should've known that diplomacy, peace, and decency are all alien to these savage peoples. As my father spoke with this "informant", he was offered a drink and assured it was safe. I watched as he drank from the same wineskin, though they did not share a glass. I don't know if it ultimately caused his death, but his drink was poisoned. After my father drank of the poisoned wine, and we had all been lulled into a sense of safety by the Franks' deceit, the "informant" tore off his disguise, and revealed his plot. He declared that he, the Roach, had poisoned the Prince. I knew almost nothing of the Roach, but I can say now that he is a coward and a traitor, and that I will make him pay. The Roach quickly dropped a smoke bomb, which then filled the small meeting area as he made his escape. The heathens then lit the underbrush on fire, trapping us within a hell of their own making. The two Franks that were still within the thicket assailed my father, who was unfortunate enough to be within their reach. They gouged his eye, but he fought them off as long as he could. My grandfather, The Cardinal Albarosa, came to his aid with the brave Johanna von Minitz. Had it not been for her and my grandfather, I fear my father's demise would have come much sooner. The rest of us, in a frenzy, desperately struggled to claw our way out of the burning thicket. My first thought was to flee the way we came in, before realizing it had been blocked off by the traitorous Franks. I watched my father’s Knight, Sir Varik Sturmweber, and our Warchief, Roland von Sturmweber, break down the barricade, and I did what I could to aid them. Once we managed to free ourselves from the blazing grove, we were met with Franks, blocking our escape. The Cardinal Albarosa and Johanna, thankfully, managed to secure my father. I stood alongside Sir Varik and Roland as we endeavored to fight the heathens back. My grandfather, having returned from ensuring The Grand Prince’s safety, handed me a dagger and buckler that he concealed during the meeting. I held the shield high as the Franks stabbed at me. They surrounded us, and we found ourselves forced into a fight for our survival. There was hell at our backs and Frankish spears were aiming to drive us toward it. As the situation grew increasingly desperate, hope was nearly lost. I heard Roland pleading for GOD to save us. It was then that my friend and champion, Yvon Galken, arrived with a small rally of allied Franks, led by The Hawk, Olaf von Reinmar, and Ser Alfred Barclay. As they approached, we saw more of the traitorous Franks rushing from the forest. We were surrounded, but now, so was our enemy. As the ambush morphed into a skirmish, myself, Roland, Sir Varik and The Cardinal Albarosa found ourselves forced back, closer and closer to the flames which licked at our heels. The melee became dire as the burning flora of the thicket began to bake us in our armor. Outnumbered as we were, we barely held our ground before our reinforcements could turn the tide. I personally witnessed my grandfather’s valiant heroics; he saved both me and our Warchief from Frank spears that day. As our saviors, Alfred, Yvon and Olaf crushed what remained of the Frank ambush, we thought we had won, but we quickly realized it was at a great cost. My father, the Grand Prince, lay dying just outside the thicket. Prince Alfred made many attempts to save him, and I stayed by my dear father’s side in his last moments. I held onto him as he spoke his final words to me before his demise. I pray he did not suffer in the end, and that he went to the Skies. We attempted to take my father’s body, along with our wounded, to Velen, but the Roach harassed us with bombs. He threw Godsflame onto me as I tried to escape, carrying my fallen father. I collapsed, writhing in pain as the Roach sent another down at me; the coward was hidden in the treetops. I was saved by the heroic Olaf von Reinmar, who risked his life to mitigate the blast by leaping atop the bomb. By the grace of GOD, Olaf’s shield protected him from harm, and we were able to escape without further casualties. It was after we had escaped the Roach’s final assault that I took a long look at the burning grove, and wondered how this could have happened. Under flag of truce, my father, Grand Prince Ferdinand, was slain by Frankish savages; poisoned and brutalized. I will never forgive this heinous crime. The Roach will pay-- By blood, by fire, he will pay.
  12. "This Tungkhuidai Gantulga guy sounds pretty neat!" Leon Barclay exclaimed as he planned a visit to the Turghits..
  13. "What a great family!", thought the young Baron of Hussen, Leon Barclay, upon reading the text.
  14. 1950 CONCLAVI PONTIFICII The 1950 Pontifical Conclave Matthias Cardinal Lotharia had anxiously waddled into the halls of the Pontifical residence in Valdev. He was the last cardinal to arrive, and the most inexperienced with the dealings of the conclave. He looked at his more senior brother cardinals nervously, greeting them: “Hello, your Eminence.” He dipped his head to Antonius Cardinal Artorus, the Prelate of the Clergy. He remembered when the now aging Archbishop had administered the clerical examination to him. “Hello, Patriarch.” He nodded to Josef Cardinal Jorenus, the Pontifical Secretariat. He thought of the man as a friend, and a superb partner when it came to dining. “Hello, Father.” He waved to Arnaud Cardinal Albarosa, the Vice-Chancellor. He remembered when the now middle-aged Archbishop had taken him in as an altar boy many years ago. Matthias smiled now, happy to be amongst the College of Cardinals. He took a seat with them at the table which rested at the center of the hall. He looked at the empty throne which sat atop a dias and found encouragement. He resolved himself to go through what must be done; The Pontifical Conclave. After some small talk Matthias walked with the college to the Everardian Basilica. He knelt before the altar and venerated it with a kiss. His fellow Cardinals knelt with him before allowing him to lead them in prayer. He asked the Exalted to pray for the college, and for almighty GOD to grant them all his hand of protection. Once he had finished conducting the prayer, the group rose and returned to the Pontifical residence. He took his seat and soon the process of the conclave began. He listened intently to the details of those that were nominated, and was very surprised when his own name was mentioned at one point during the talks of the conclave! The events of the day were like nothing the young Cardinal had experienced before. He was impressed by how his more senior brothers spoke and made their cases for who should be put on the Pontifical throne. He however, had his mind made up long before the occurrences of that day. When the voting began he quickly scribbled one name onto his slip of paper which had been so generously offered to him by Patriarch Josef. Matthias felt anxious during the events of the first vote, and hoped that a Pontiff would be selected hastily. When the results of the vote had been called out, he felt his heart sank: “Arnaud.” “Arnaud.” “Stanislaw.” “Stanislaw.” The college had entered a tie. The group had entered into talks about their own votes, and why they had made them. Various cases were made and for hours Matthias had listened; however, he remained steadfast in his own decision, and stuck with his vote. He was handed a paper before the second vote had begun and scribbled the same name onto his paper. Soon, the college had submitted their votes and they were called out loud: “Arnaud.” “Arnaud.” “Arnaud.” “Stanislaw.” Matthias thought to himself, “Our church may now move on.”, glad that the selection of a new Pontiff had finally occurred. Matthias rose from his seat with much effort, he had been stuck to the chair for hours. His brothers followed suit, and soon they all stood next to each other. They congratulated Arnaud on his victory and departed. On his way out from Valdev, Matthias felt compelled to pray and found the bridge outside suitable for his endeavors. Outside of the city, in the harsh cold of the Midlands, he knelt and ushered a prayer for guidance to himself: “Almighty GOD, heavenly father, please look over me. Help me and the church. Guide me towards the path I’m supposed to take, help me do what I have to do in order to assist the church and your new vicar.. Look over us, your children, in these most extraordinary times. Please place a hedge around your church, your flock. Amen.”
  15. PRIMA MINOR BULLA LOTHARIA FIRST MINOR BULL OF LOTHARIA TABLE OF CONTENTS ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ SECTION I - Opening Prayer SECTION II - On Current Tensions SECTION III - Consecrations SECTION IV - Vicarial Appointment SECTION V - On the Absence of Fr. Mikhael ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ SECTION I - OPENING PRAYER Exalted Horen, pray for us. In these times of hardship, we ask you, Lord GOD, that you grant peace upon the citizens of Balian, the laymen of Lotharia, and all our brothers in Canondom. Render unto us, your children, serenity, and make a hedge around your flock. Amen. SECTION II - ON CURRENT TENSIONS The recent troubles plaguing the nations of the faithful have come to my attention. I have heard that even so far from the heartlands there are worrying prospects for the Canonist League’s continued peace and stability. In these trying times I ask the laity in Lotharia to do their best in maintaining steadfast virtue and upholding the tenets of the True Faith. I pray that no danger reaches Portoregne, or any of the other great cities of the faith, and urge the laity to heed and keep in their hearts this most sacred text; “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.” - Virtue 5:9 SECTION III - CONSECRATIONS Flock of Lotharia, let it be known that the following locations have been consecrated into Houses of Worship; The Chapel of Tuvia A humble Chapel under the care of House Kervallen and its patriarch, Lord Ephrem Kervallen. The Chapel’s congregation is composed of House Kervallen and all citizens of Tuvia. The Chapel of Ven. Ivan A humble Chapel under the care of House Ruthern. It is named after Ven. Ivan var Ruthern. The Chapel’s congregation is made up of Marsana and the House of Ruthern. SECTION IV - VICARIAL APPOINTMENT As my duties in Lotharia grow, the need for a mediator between my office and the flock of the people of Balian heightens also. Elevating a local parish priest to the position of Vicar, representing myself and the Holy Mother Church, to represent me in my absence and aid in my duties is a natural step forwards for our diocese. As a result, I have seen fit to see to the following appointment; FR. MATTIA VICAR OF LOTHARIA 1945 - Present SECTION V - THE ABSENCE OF FR. MIKHAEL Many in our dioceses may have wondered of Fr. Mikhael’s whereabouts, following his interest in ministering the flock of Tyria, and transfer from his office as Bishop of Buron in Aaun. Unfortunately, the good Bishop has since gone missing without a trace and left much of the clergy confused as to the nature of his disappearance. If you have any details on his Grace’s current location, send a bird out to the Archdiocese, or otherwise write directly to Matthias Cardinal Lotharia. ☨ PER DEUM, MISERERE ☨ THROUGH GOD, MERCY
  16. Long Time Coming Artames Apis de Sarkozy [Artames Apis de Sarkozy laid in his deathbed] Artames was taken from the world at the age of thirty-six after he succumbed to consumption. He had been a fair, honest man and was always willing to assist those around him - even to the detriment of himself. Despite being a good person, he had his flaws; Artames was a man without a strong will and was meek, he typically was usually easily swayed by those he thought had authority over him. He passed whilst he laid on his bed, tired and in pain. He had lost the energy of his youth after years of suffering from his ailment and was a husk of his former self when he died. By his side were his dutiful wife, Victoria Orel, and son, Alexander Edwin. Artames left notes to his dearest friend and relative: Joseph Beckett Laurent Frederick
  17. Cope + Ratio + Canadian + White + Stupid + Coal VIP

    1. Gandhi


      iron vip + ratio


  19. @Nouveau-Chapeauare you loyal to the Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, of the most blessed nation the Druk Gyal Khap, or Bhutan?

  20. IGN: BuilderBagel Name: Percival Hartcold Age: 57 Place of residency: Hartcold Estate Bank account balance: Loaded, trust me Hobbies: Being rich, duh One interesting fact about yourself: Great great great Grandson of Aurelius I Why should Tatiana choose you?: Rich and noble
  21. El Matador looked out to the sunset, rose in his hand, before turning his back to it and shouting into the streets of Osanora, "I shall find you, Pedro, and when I do, we shall duel like the Hyspians we are!" Before throwing the rose into the street.
  22. @argonianare you a loyal supporter of the Dragon Kingdom of Bhutan? And loyal to Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

    1. argonian


      lmao how is wangchuck a real name

    2. argonian


      and the answer is yes of course, until my dying breath 

  23. Confirmed college sans user, legit, no lie, no cap.

    1. Timer



    2. drowknows


      stp posting o n my profile i dont eve n know u.


    3. Timer


      Stop posting on my profile


  24. PURITY THROUGH SACRIFICE A thesis by Acolyte Urzog COMMON VERSION: Vanity plagues the world GOD has given us. Narcissism is unchecked across the world, and self absorption pollutes the minds of the impressionable young. The sin of this world is continuing as the faithful blind themselves with vanity. The pursuit of worldly possessions is inhibiting our ability to praise GOD as we should, because GOD is all we should strive for, to serve him is one of the greatest thing one of his children can do. Purity can only come to use if we become more modest in our thoughts and create a closer relationship to GOD free of sin and vanity. I myself, a humble servant of all-mighty GOD would advise all children of GOD that wish to be closer to him to take the vows and put on the modest robes of the clergy, or those that wish to protect the Mother Church to take the sword and join the Order of Exalted Owen. Humility in all things is what we should want in the lives GOD has given us. BLAH VERSION: Vaytyne plagez duh wurlduh GUD haz geveen uz. Narcizzizm iz unchecduh acrozz duh uzg, agh zeelf abzorption pullutez duh mindz uf duh imprezzionul yung. Duh zin uf diz uzg iz cuntinoing az duh feethfull bluwnd temzelez wit vaytyne. Duh purzuit of uzgly pozezhunz iz unhibuhtung ur abiluty tu preeze GUD az wee shuhld, bezuze GUD iz all wee zhud ztrive fer agh tu zerve hum iz one uf duh greetezt thung one uf hiz kubz cun do. Purutee cun onlee cum too uz uf we beecwom mur moduhzt un ur touhtz und creatuh a clozur reelathunzhip tu GUD free uf zin agh vaytyney. Mi, uh humble zervant uf all-mity GUD wuld advize all kubz of GUD tat wizhuh tu bee clozur tu hum tu take duh vowz agh put un duh modest robez uf duh clurgee, ur tose dat weeshuh tuh prutec duh Momo Chrchuh to takee duh zult agh join duh Ordur uf Ewaltud Oween. Humelete un all tingz iz wut we zhud wan un duh livez GUD haz geevun uz. The lust for fortunes and power is lesser than the want to serve our one true GOD.
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