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Everything posted by Blazehunt3r

  1. i posted a kha app :D


    day 29 part 2

  2. just shelved a character, he should be back soon!


    day 29

  3. i just had a heart attack thinking i forgot to make a status on saturday


    day 28

  4. i started a dungeons and dragons game a few weeks ago. it's fun :D


    day 27

  5. fridayyyyyyyyyyyy is here


    day 26

  6. so i was just playing a rhythm game and my hands hadn't really ever hurt playing them (bc i play violin) until a friend of mine put on a bunch of anime songs. my hands are numb now please help


    day 25

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      i played this game called osu and it gave me severe tension pains in my tendons whenever i play it

    3. Blazehunt3r


      @_hexe_from what i've heard osu can be pretty brutal ;-;

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      it's ok until 7 star

  7. and now we see the blazehunt3r in its natural habitat, attending online school


    day 24

    1. Unwillingly


      i hated online school

  8. do y'all ever have those panic moments where you aren't prepared for a commitment you made four months ago? because i totally am not having one


    day 23

    1. Blazehunt3r


      edit: i am in fact still alive after the commitment.

    2. ronin_champloo


      keep your head up king

    3. Blazehunt3r
  9. these days, i feel like i'm the one of the only people who still plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons


    day 22

    1. Myleres


      how was bunny day for you? 

    2. Blazehunt3r


      @Kuila trying to start an orchard and staying away from Zipper for as long as possible. i've never really been a fan of the bunny day items and the eggs annoy me so i usually just play normally but had a lot of fun! how about you?

      Edited by Blazehunt3r
    3. Myleres


      same here! i dont really like the bunny day stuff too much x) just trying to terraform and make my island look nice

  10. happy Easter! or is it merry Easter? good Easter? this is gonna take a lot of googling to figure out, folks


    day 21



  11. what is it with me always forgetting to put up statuses in the morning ;-;


    day 20 (yeehaw! around 1/18th of the way there!)

    1. Laeonathan


      man I dont even know how to do statuses to this day

  12. bet you guys thought i forgot a status! well, april fools! ... what do you mean it's april 2nd?


    day 19

    1. bloodshedchan


      u made this 30 mins before it was 3rd of april for me, u nrly missed xD

    2. Blazehunt3r


      @LionbiletiCaerme'onn is going great so far, thank you for asking! Held a bbq last night and it was a lot of fun!

    3. WestCarolina


      Caerme'onn STRONK

  13. much to my surprise, this is a status. or is it?


    day 18


  14. guys, it's been fun, but according to this 'Our Forum Path' post, they will be deleting status updates. we made it to day 17 and today learned that the mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell. I bid you all farewell and hope i will meet you all in game someday! (and maybe, if i someday join the staff, i will continue where i left off as long as it isn't deemed spam by those who run the server!)

    1. Blazehunt3r


      starting to think that this was just an elaborate fake-out

    2. Laeonathan


      this is a secret plan to stop you by evil staff masterminds

  15. Matthias strolls into the Caerme’onn manor and tilts his head curiously upon seeing an opened letter unfolded on the commons table. He walks over, amber gaze shifting over it slowly, and his lips form into a smile. “How exciting! Now… time to find wedding gifts.”
  16. the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


    day 17

  17. (insert funny/witty comment that is a clever play on words here)


    day 16

  18. guys i passed the Caerme'onn trial cue the party music we did it


    day 15

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RainbowRoad1234


      congrats!! was a pleasure hearing how excited you were in vc xD 

    3. WestCarolina


      Caerme'onn STRONK! You've made me so proud, Blaze! 

    4. Blazehunt3r


      @WestCarolinatysm for letting me join! it's been an honor :D

  19. it's today it's today it's today oh shoot gotta fight Abelas Caerme'onn to try to join


    day 14

  20. tomorrow's the last caerme'onn trial. i'm not nervous, you're nervous


    day 13

    1. Nug


      elves cant make me nervous its impossible

      theyre elves

    2. Blazehunt3r


      elves are awesome tho >:(

  21. finishing off some of the last Caerme'onn trials. i just hope the last one goes well


    day 12

  22. i've been hitting a few roadblocks with the song so i hope it turns out well ;-;


    day 11

    1. Blazehunt3r


      currently trying to decide if my ear is too picky or if it just sounds bad

  23. probably gonna record that Battle Against a True Hero thing today. if i get the theme of the song right, i'll already have 75% of the whole thing done


    day 10 (two digits pog)

    1. Xarkly


      hype. i love that ost.

    2. Blazehunt3r


      yea. it's really good. i just hope the product turns out well ;-;

  24. gonna make a violin cover of Battle Against a True Hero from Undertale. very exciting :D


    day 9

  25. spring break is over now. i have school today oh godddddd


    day 8

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