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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by wowj

  1. be a vassal again until you gather enough players so you can actually venture outside of your tile
  2. Hello there wowj here, this was discussed in the LoTC Lore Discord and I believe it to be a needed addition to the Atronach Body redline section of the Atronach Lorepiece. A Simple Addition to this lore would be follows: All Atronach cores must be ST-Signed and given the Significant Lore Item tag. Upon the destruction of an Atronach Core, the Atronach would completely lose of all personality and memory if it was rebuilt. This does not require a new Creature-Application. I'll be quite honest I'm unsure as to why this isn't a thing currently - If golems need their Cores ST Signed, and need for a mechanical item, why don't Atronachs? There's no way to check if an Atronach Forger did the proper RP for it!!! Creation Mechanics
  3. Likely going for the average CA creation of three months per slot, with a three month cooldown on each slot. Month One: You create three. Month Two: You cannot create any Month Three: You cannot create any Month One: You create Two Month Two: You create One Month Three: You cannot create any Etcetera.
  4. wowj

    Skin Auction

    20- 200bajillion dollars!
  5. "I'm totally buying!!!!"
  6. "NYEH? EVIL INC? WHAT KINDA KNOCKOFF IS THIS!" The Dark Inc Secretary reads this missive with disgust and anger!
  7. could just be something added onto Druidism instead of Alchemy
  8. I strongly disapprove of this amended lore for Malchediael's Radiant Templars. While I understand the intention of having a powerful purging magical ability, I have a few serious problems with it. Firstly, this is far too far-reaching and powerful. Cleansing Clap has the potential to break skulls and shatter a Templar's hand when improperly used. Furthermore, the power of this ability means it can remove curses, even those put on by Djinn and Druids. This completely eradicates their intended power and would severely diminish them as a legitimate enemy. Lastly, I cannot agree to the idea that it affects most Dark CAs as there would be serious balance implications involved in bringing down such creatures with so little effort. All in all, this is far too powerful and should not be incorporated into the lore.
  9. make sure to +1 Werew0lf's posts!
  10. give it to me so i can give it back to you
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