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Everything posted by burntgoosebuns

  1. "They attacked me on the road, and I easily escaped what must of been twenty to thirty of 'em, only to arrive at Oren in time to see my comrades charge forth and obliterate my pursuers... And their morale! Irony is a funny thing," a drunk 'ker states, grinning.
  2. "Are they really that scared of Oren and its hired companies?" Ruina asks aloud.
  3. "Hope they don't mind if I show up a bit frazzled," she says, taking a sniff of the new herb mix she'd created. "Now this. This is the good stuff."
  4. Ruina, being in both groups, shrugs. "Well, this should be interesting. I get to fight Haelun'or and anyone trying to attack Oren!"
  5. "I mean, I did get my cinnamon bun, so, all is well in my eyes," Ruina says with a reassuring nod to herself. "Business. Is. Good."
  6. "Food?" Ruina asks aloud after getting up from snorting a line of wizard powder off of the missive. "Sounds delicious!"
  7. "They should've surrendered rather than torture themselves against our blades... But a surrender is never any fun!" she laughs as she begins snorting a line of wizard powder.
  8. Ruina, too, signs the petition.
  9. "I fought them while pregnant!" she laughs. "With twins!" she adds, almost cackling.
  10. Name: Ruina Race: Dark Elf Age: 50-60 Gender: Female [[OOC]] Username: burntgoosebuns Discord: Goose#2584 Timezone: CST
  11. burntgoosebuns


    Ruina was hastily born after her mother gave birth to her about a month before she was expected. Her mother died in the process and her father, of course, blamed her for his wife's death. Friends were uncommon in her youth, and she had an especially close bond to those she did have. Her father turned to a drunkard, spending most of his time and coin in taverns. His alcoholism meant he could no longer support Ruina, and so he kicked her out of what she'd known to be home for most of her life. She turned to theft to support herself, and ran into her father a few months later as she was prowling the marketplace, looking for a meal. He caught her lifting, and announced it to a guard in the hopes of receiving some form of compensation. He received none, and Ruina was imprisoned for several years in a cold cell, her only contact with an unknown and unnamed man who brought her a meal once a day. She matured without any form of advanced education, and eventually decided to escape. She returns to one of her friend's homes, only to find a new family inhabiting it, and receiving the news that her friend died in a street fight a few months ago. She is then swiftly forced out of the community (which lies to the far west of what is known as Elvenesse) when the guards learn of her escape. She'd meant to track down her father, finish him for what he'd done to her, but decided against it, figuring the drink would take him soon, if it hadn't already. She fled into the forest, and lived and survived off of the land for a few more years before making her way to the Commonwealth of Sutica, hoping to finally ingratiate herself back into the world, become another cog in the vast machine. She figures she's 30 or so, but has no clue of when her birthday might be. She wants, someday, to discover her past, see if she has any older siblings her father never mentioned, find out who her mother was. She also has a desire to learn love, however slow the process might be, and learn more than just what she's learned outside of an institution for the years she's been alive. She is determined and adamant to find a way to be remembered, to perform some grand action.
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