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Everything posted by BakedPotato

  1. Katja looked down at the paper her mother handed her. She frowned slightly at her mom's comment, "I suppose if you insist. . ."
  2. An inferi gripped the paper in a clawed hand, the missive scrunching do to how tightly she held to it. Cackles rang out from her, "Darkeners and lighteners? What silly little terms these mortals make." Translucent flames appeared on the top of her head like a crown as she pointed a finger at the paper, shooting flames at it before tossing it to the ground, letting it turn to nothing more than ash.
  3. I get the argument that starting a fight in a city should mean you should allow guards to join. However I have raided cities and have been raided and the rp can go on for hours. What would've been a 5v8 (still a losing battle) could become a 5v20 after a few hours assuming there is no meta rally. I suppose extending the timer to something like 30 minutes isn't the worst idea I think the current rule is just fine.
  4. Is there a range for the disconnect of magi? Everyone in #rp distance or #s distance?
  5. Gazhnahk looked down on the sickly Rex as he began to recover, "Koward humanz, dizhonourable zkum. Do they have nub zhame? Nub even kapable of klomping face to face? They have zhown juzt how weak dey ahm."
  6. A Klomp for Kukaal ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ For too long have I, Gazhnahk’Akaal, been the only Akaal in the goi. Ixula’Akaal appears once in a blue moon but it is simply not enough. There are young orcs who wish to join the clan which I can’t do a single thing about. Our clan grows colder and more dead by the day. Maukûrz’Akaal, I have not seen you in years, as a Kukaal it is your duty to help the clan thrive. If I am to be the only Akaal in the goi I need the power to help it grow. So, Maukûrz’Akaal, I challenge you to a klomp for your title. You can either be around in the goi to help our clan grow or forfeit your title. I give you one cactus week to accept my challenge and show your face around the goi more often, otherwise I’ll take it as a forfeit of your title. ____________________________________________________________ - Gazhnahk’Akaal
  7. Gazhnahk prepared herself a cup of the hot chocolate. She sat down and took a sip, "Mmm, tazte like genocide."
  8. A particularly tempermental Azulyte clenched the paper in a taloned hand, "What is this bull? Don't associate me with my kin who willingly become slaves of the moon! Disgusting, I would never worship a tyrant spirit for a day in my life!"
  9. Gazhnahk'Akaal laid in bed and she flipped through the missives she was given, taking a moment to scan each one. "Maybe it iz tik to finally blow up dhat Lur village. Grimruk haz lozt hiz mynd if he thinkz he kan hunt down Akaalz zo eazily." She lit the missive on fire using one of her nearby candles and watched as it burned, moving on to the next one.
  10. Gazhnahk'Akaal scanned over the missive she was handed, letting out a heavy sigh as she read. "Thiz waz an inevitable fayt. If thiz iz what Kybal haz chozen to do, then Mi zhall follow. Zubmitting to ah Inferi or Olog rex iz ah unfathomable notion, Kybal'Akaal iz dah only Rex Mi will lizten to." Gazhnahk crumpled the paper and tossed it to the ground as she stomped towards an eyeless uruk to deal with him.
  11. I haven't been a blood mage for very long, so this might be an unpopular opinion but I'm not sure if I want combative blood magic. I knew going into blood magic that it wasn't combative based and I was fine with that, I thought the rituals seemed fun. If I wanted a more combative magic I would've gone with a different magic or got something in addition to blood magic. While I think the idea of combative spells would be neat, I wouldn't trade it for rituals like Call Calamity, Quiet, Spirit Spell, all of which I haven't had much of a chance to play around with. While I'm not sure what the rest of the community has really used them for if at all, I could think of some things I would want to do. Also, while I think having a tell is important for combative spells it would make it hard to do around people. Casting blood magic in front of people is a good way of getting yourself killed and outed to a lot of people so I can't see myself using it often. Maybe if the rewrite passes blood magic might be able to be practiced more openly, but currently it's viewed as a dark magic so rituals have to be preformed in secret. I could just not be envisioning how well the combative spells would be used and if that's the case I would like to know how others plan on using it.
  12. Gazhnahk heard the news of Drus' betrayal, though unsurprised she did feel disappointed. Emotions sealed away began bubbling up ever so faintly underneath the surface as she sat in her blarg, mulling it over in her head. "Lat bettur pray tu dah zpiritz Mi dew nub fynd lat, bekauze Mi wyll be peeping." She spoke, though only to herself.
  13. As the green hued uruk made her way back to the goi her fever began to grow. She would play their conversation over in her head and think on it. In the silence and loneliness of the night with the only sound being her steps in the sand she would begin to speak to no one in particular, "It iz tik tu zpread Vitalizm... Azh fer all, azh fer uz." She muttered. Though her fevered state made it hard to think clearly, she knew she was excited.
  14. There Sharog laid in a pool of her own blood, headless. A few minutes before she was ready to strike her spear into an enemy as another came at her from behind. She could not see her fate as blade sliced her throat and took her head clean off while distracted. Atemu-ta claimed victory over the orcess
  15. Elyona Jusmia stood, chatting with Ayda and Silth when suddenly Ayda decided to tackle the 'ker. A voice whispered in her head, "It would be funny if your head cracked open" Slith's unwise words spoke. So that is what happened, Ayda tackled Elyona and her head cracked open on the hard stone ground. And with that, she was dead at the young age of thirty-nine.
  16. A Pact Formed: Ivruxark, Spirit of Bombs and Forest Fires Ailise, Acria, and Dal'lisse sat around a hookah and fell asleep, being pulled into the spirit realm of the element of fire. They traveled along a path until they found themselves in a forest of burning trees which rained ash and embers on them. Ailise walked forward and a massive spirit appeared in front of the group. "Who enters the domain of Ivruxark, Spirit of Bombs and Forest Fires" The spirit questioned "My name is Ailise, and I come to pact with you, Ivruxark, Spirit of Bombs and forest fires" Ailise said with a bow "Why should I pact with a tiny creature such as yourself? How will I know you will spread fire through the forests in my name?" The spirit spoke "If you'd be willing to pact with me, Ivruxark, I promise to set fires in your name" Ailise said back "Prove it" The spirit echoed and the once burning dead trees were replaced with vibrant, flourishing with life. The spirit then presented Ailise with a torch Ailise walked to the trees, with little hesitation, and set ablaze the largest trees which quickly spread to the trees that surrounded them "Good work" The spirit said back, pleased with her. Ailise bowed in response as she was picked up by the spirit "I shall pact with you and you shall be reborn" The spirit told her as he swallowed her whole Ailise woke up, back in front of the hookah. She was truly reborn, a servent of the flame.
  17. BakedPotato


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "How could you have been expecting me if I don't know who you are?" Ailise questions, eyeing her suspiciously, "If I'm to answer your question, I think you should tell me who you are" Ailise stares at the woman for a moment, who doesn't say a word. "Fine, but if I tell you who my 'story' you tell me who you are, deal?" Ailise asks and the old lady nods. "I'm a dark elf, from The Crown of Amathea, I'm sure you know it" Ailise told her and the lady simply nodded as before, "I'm trying to get to Nor'Asath." "I wish to learn more about the Azulites and their practices and I'm hoping Nor'Asath has more answers than my homeland" Ailise said, getting quieter when she spoke of the Azulites so no prying ears could hear. Ailise was expecting the hag to looked shocked or at least surprised, but it was if she already knew that. "My parents were killed when I was young, murdered in the night" Ailise said, looking more solemnly than before, "So I don't know much about them and I've been on my own for a while." "It hasn't been all bad though, I got pretty practiced with a bow and I'm not too shabby with a sword either so I was able to survive" Ailise told the lady who leaned back in her chair and still carried a blank expression. "Now I think it's my turn to learn about you, isn't it?" Ailise mimicked the lady and leaned back in her chair, "I mean it's only fair right?"
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