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Everything posted by Algoda

  1. #FreeTheLynx

  2. Why is lotc turning into a politically correct medium

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blaqss


      im reporting you rn  your donezo kid you broke my feelings for the last time

    3. Algoda


      Yes. Yes i am surprised.

    4. MinionManXDD


      R u surprised?

  3. How hard can it be for a GM to send someone a forum message to the person they ban with the reason. 

    Grow a backbone, GM's.. jesus christ. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raomir


      3 days is a dayout not a timeout ******, timeout is 15 minutes

    3. Algoda


      He got banned for breaking 2 blocks which the town owner was completely fine with. GM's went ahead and banned him anyway, without even taking the effort to poke around for info. 

      Great GM attitude, BAN FIRST then discuss if it's valid. Innocent until proven guilty has obviously stopped being a thing on this server.

  4. Seems like accepting gms with the least self respect is back on the menus, boys.

  5. ========================================= Name of the Treaty: The Kaz’Ulrah Nottingham Pact ========================================= Type of Treaty: [Defensive Pact] ========================================= [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: The Kingdom of Nottingham] [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah ] ========================================= Date of Signing: 7th of Snow's Maiden, 1669 ========================================= The Kaz’Ulrah - Nottingham Pact Sensing times changing and wanting to acknowledge their former vassal of Kaz'Akztan's ascension into nationhood, the leadership of Kaz'Ulrah and Nottingham have decided that joining forces is the best course of action in the face of an uncertain future. This pact must be upheld and adhered to by all citizens of their respective nation, and if a clause is broken then a period of truce for five stone days shall be held where disputes may be solved. The. pact itself comes up for renewal every 8 stone weeks, and must be decided upon unanimously if the treaty is to be upheld. I. The Kingdom of Kaz’Ulrah and the Kingdom of Nottingham will henceforth invoke and adhere to the basic principle and standards of a Defensive pact. Bound by this promise, both sides has agreed to assist each other in defensive conflicts. II. The Kingdom of Kaz’Ulrah and the Kingdom of Nottingham will henceforth invoke a trade-agreement, permitting the free flow of trade between the sovereign citadels and its vassals unhindered. III. The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and the Kingdom of Nottingham will allow land access to each other in their entirety, their troops being able to freely pass and to be provided safe haven should it be a necessity. IV. The two nations have formally agreed to host joint-trainings and missions in accordance with both their Army and Military. As Ograhad Decrees, High King Garrond Frostbeard, Son of Gorum ‘Legend’ Frostbeard, First of his name and Founder of the Kingdom of Kaz’ulrah
  6. NAME: Thealgoda, Rûkhus Frostborn Type out your IGN and RP name. QUANTITY OF TICKETS: 1 Remember, one ticket costs 300 minas. SCREENSHOT OF SENT MONEY: Transfer the money to Quirkyls
  7. The moderation team that moderates the least, moderates the best.

  8. I love me some inflammatory war that makes the staff team look bad no matter what they do. 

    1. Raomir


      wtf why do you say that @The North

  9. Apply for gm! Sell your soul today!

    1. MyLittleUnicorn
    2. Dreek


      What about tomorrow?

  10. Reading toxic BR's is fun

    1. Dreek


      My next trip is to Ireland in the summer 


      But maybe I'll make it to Sweden eventually??

    2. SeventhCircle


      Ikr, I enjoy reading them while I eat my breakfast.

  11. Bug antag next? The people clamour for more bugs, and this would be a pretty cool addition to the world. +1
  12. Moments of despair



    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I don't get it, care to explain it to me?

    2. Algoda


      Building the snelf city, all on his own. Layer by layer. What an absolute legend

  13. "An entire subrace" You make it sound like we're attempting to gain some sort of power by this lore, but its simply for some nuance in the old and stale dwarf roleplay community. I dont see why other clans attempting to be sea dwarves would be a negative factor here, this should not be clan-locked. Also, where has this been "proven" to have little bearing on any dwarf related rp? How would you know what it effects, you dont even rp with the dwarves.
  14. Lead Dev When?

  15. Suxals for admin 2k17

  16. #KeepKevinBanned

    1. rukio



  17. https://gyazo.com/84d14fe82ed2ba8744acdd860c338084

    Intimate moment. Do not disturb.

    1. Raomir


      do you fear death rebels?

    2. MinionManXDD


      Death cometh Urguan!

  18. OOC: Username: Algoda Skype: (Pm if you want.) algodathedrummer Ideas and Suggestions?: RP (Humans only, I apologize.): Colony Name: Nordiska unionen (the Nordic Union) First Planet Type: 3 kilometre thick glaciers and tundra covering 80% of the planet, only around the equator are where temperate climates can be found. History: (Assuming it's a bit of a custom nation.) When the news leaked that the sun was going to destroy the earth the peoples of the north panicked just like everyone else. Riots and revolts struck and almost brought the various nations down as they desperately tried to keep control. As the discovery of the interstellar drive was made public the governments of Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Sweden, Norway and Finland soon realized that to put the technology to practical use they would have to spend enormous amounts of money and resources to get their own shot at making it to the stars. Resources that they didnt have. In a massive collaborative effort that has never been seen amongst the Nordic nations before they pulled everything their lands had to offer and funneled it into a massive colony ship. It was decided that this ship would be the start of a new nation called the Nordic Union, and that all nations would send their best and brightest minds to carry on the legacy of the northmen. As a surprise move, the governments opted to individually evaluate and send the top researchers to go on the ship instead of having an open and democratic discussion regarding the limited seats. Before the public was made aware of what was happening, the ship had been launched and a new chapter had begun.
  19. AFmDds3.jpg

    1. Chorale__


      thank mr drsdevil

    2. Harri


      thank mr dsdevil

    3. DoomedDM


      I wonder why I am even doing this but

      thank mr dsdevil 


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