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  1. lol chess discord 

  2. The Tresery Seed Lion’s Pride I. History With the disappearance of Malin that led to the era of the tribal Seeds forming, one such Seed took to the great savannahs to live a nomadic life. Led by Leric Tresery, this tribe lived away from their kin, towards the harsher plains of the savannah where they were free to live and prosper in the wilds. The game was abundant and so were the predators, allowing the Seed to hone their skills and take on great challenges in order to survive. It was here where the legend of the Great Lion Spirit began and became cemented in the Seed's history and culture. Legends expanded across the savannah wilds, from orc to human, of the Tresery Seed. A beast who killed without cause terrorized the region, leading to the disappearance of hundreds over the centuries. One day legend became fact as a Tresery child had gone to gather water and never returned. The hunters of the Seed took up arms and tracked down the beast. Their efforts led them to his lair where they found themselves surrounded by hundreds of descendant corpses in varying stages of decomposition. The beast, overcome with rage, attacked the hunters as they entered his cave and a fight began, forcing the hunters to work together to slay the great beast. When the beast finally collapsed onto the floor the reason for its actions became known. A foul blight had overtaken its mind and caused the centuries-long destruction that unfolded. A fog then crept into the lair, revealing a set of glowing golden eyes within the darkness. A silhouette of a massive lion then revealed itself and the hunters felt within them a sudden surge of pride and courage. The fog slowly dissipated, leaving the hunters in an otherwise empty cave. But a blessing had been placed on the Tresery Seed for generations to come. Throughout the centuries thereafter, the story of what had happened with the Great Lion Spirit was kept safeguarded within the Tresery Seed, giving reverence and praise to the mysterious wild God. Such examples extend to the past centuries, and the deeds of Leric Tresery. Having begun life within the White Rose to where he became one of Xan's chosen, The Keeper of Order. His son Tristin took to aiding that of their own kind, having fought as a warrior and leader to the standing of High Prince and the first labelled King within the Mali'ame since that of Malin himself. His presence re-ignited the Tresery Seed and its standing as a Royal Seed during Vailor when a Druid named Artimec brought back the lost culture of the Mali'ame people. With Tristin's disappearance, the Seed itself fell into the pages of history once again. Those that still held the bloodline scattered and pursued their own path of courage and prideful valor. It was in this time that Andria Tresery, daughter of Vailoen Winterleaf and Leric Tresery, returned to the Mali'ame people of Irrinor. With her determination and resolve, she set out on reviving the clan and restoring some of its former glory. She was reunited with her cousin, Kalius Tresery who soon became Chieftain as she was called elsewhere. Over time the clan gew stagnant again, that was until Kalius was appointed Warden of the Elven Pale, where the seed now formally resides, though it has members living in many places such as within Siramenor and within the Druidic Grove. Modern Status The Seed currently resides within the Elven Pale where Kalius Tresery leads as Chieftain in attempts to revive the Seed. With this new era of the Seed's History comes a change in its tattoo along with more spiritual guidance and an emphasis on finding one's way in the world. A warrior status is highly revered in the Seed, and teachings revolve around physical strength just as much as mental fortitude.   II. Customs & Practices Seed Values Pride - A trait that all Tresery possess, Pride is revered most of all within the Seed. Pride in oneself emits from within and pushes forward through all hardships of life. Even in failure pride does not sway or falter, a Tresery gets up, learns from their mistakes, and pushes forward until they achieve their goal. Pride in family radiates as the Seed stands and moves together as one. Those that insult, disrespect, or harm ones of this Seed are met with barred fangs and a mighty roar in return. Courage - Courage is the willingness to stand up in the name of what is just in the face of danger and judgement from others. A Tresery does not back down and does not let fear consume them to where duty fails. It is the call of the warrior, the guardian, the protector and the leader. It is an unmistakable urge to stand up and fight for their ideals and virtues. This however should never be mistaken for foolish ventures, for even a lion knows when to strike and when to retreat to fight another day. Leadership - Leadership runs deep with the history of this Royal Seed. The lion’s power to command and lead is instilled within each member. It is the combination of courage and pride that shows a Tresery's presence as one not to be trifled with, and in turn, it is not uncommon for one of this Seed to assume a leadership role. A Tresery, when placed in a follower position behind a strong leader, will acknowledge and respect such to where they gain the Lion's protection in regards to safety and alliance. Loyalty - Loyalty must lie within the soul of every Tresery. Every member is entrusted with being able to uphold and stay true to the noble history of the seed. Loyalty also can extend towards individuals or other clans and Seeds as a Tresery will be undeniably loyal to their friends and compatriots. Though this falls in turn should one betray a member of the Seed as they would be met with ferocity and fervor. This trait is displayed through action and announcing towards the group or individual of the Lion standing by their side. Ilmyumier Tattoo The Ilmyumier of the Tresery Seed is that of a golden lion's head. The gold not only represents the animal itself, but also the seeds' reverence of pride and the royal history of the Seed. The tattoo is worn only on the upper chest, symbolizing the courage of their worth and proudly displaying their identity. Exceptions are very rarely made, generally only if a severe injury in that area prevents it being placed or if another symbolic tattoo is there. If such occurs, it is allowed then to be placed somewhere usually visible, such as the arms, head or face. Worship The viewpoints of this Seed extend back to its earliest roots, having been both spiritually and physically devoted to the wilds and that of the people. The Wild Faith holds a dominant role in worship, seeing more relation to that of the Mani and their symbolism of nature's strength. The Aspects are acknowledged as either guardians over all of the natural world or different parts of nature itself that shows areas of life and death. The Great Lion Spirit and its story is what is followed mostly given how closely it relates to the values of this Seed. It isn't uncommon however to see one also worshipping or following Xan, with many of this Seed being Paladins. The Aengul of Order and Guardianship is highly respected in this Seed, showing duty above all else. This is seen in the paladins throughout history, depicted as holy warriors of courage and pride, dispatching enemies that wish to harm descendants. Common Druidic Ways that a Tresery might follow would be Emerald or Ichor Way. The Emerald embodies dedication and resolve to one's self in order to achieve their goals. The Ichor Way stirs actions through passion and strength in order to take down the challenges before them. Other deities that display a warrior or protector spirit are highly regarded as well. This includes Cernunnos, Morea, Moccus, Bolomornaa, etc. The Ritual of Mahae The ritual is performed as a tribal dance where one person plays the lion and the rest of the participants play the hunter(s). The dance begins with the lion displaying his predatory prowess, encircling the group. Each step is elegant, hands striking towards the hunters to mimic claws. The hunters in turn dance in reaction, mimicking the dodging of blows and striking back in turn. Only bows or spears are permitted as weapons for the hunters. After a few circles around the hunters, the lion changes the dance where they lunge at the hunter in a much more aggressive manner. The hunter dances back, and goes on the aggressive themselves, then uses striking motions with a spear. The lion acts like it is struck and the dance ends as the lion then bows down completely to the hunters. The prayer is then spoken as the hand remains on the chest, displaying the blessing that was given long ago. Music of drums or other tribal instruments are used to tell this tale that follows along with the dance and ends when the prayer is spoken. Prayer "ellaurir ay'Ame, kae Mahae nae sanere. cerun okansaen'ehya ito heya'leh myumin, kaean nae'leh Sirame ahern'onn adonterae, iyul kaean hiylun myumierae. Marhiylun maehae'onn, nae'leh iheiuhii il'kae ahera." "Prince of the Wild, I name you Mahae. Whose charge is strength and guardianship, We ask for your blessing of honour, That we may take up your spirit hereafter. Great Spirit of the Lion, bless us with your voice." Trials of the Seed Trial of Devotion - This trial done shows commitment and loyalty to the Seed. It begins with pledging oneself and undergoing the Acceptance Rite Ceremony that allows the person into the Seed as an acolyte. This is done through the performing of the Mahae dance and ritual. The acolyte plays the hunter and the seed member plays the lion. Through this dance, the seed member judges the acolyte's actions and display. If deemed worthy by the end of the dance, the Seed member will then paint the acolyte's chest with a paw symbol, showing a cub like status and now under the protection of the Seed. The paint colors allowed are gold, orange, or brown. Once done, the acolyte are both protected and a responsibility to the members to follow and uphold the values and ideals of the Seed during their training. Trial of Combat - Pride and Courage doesn't come from mere words. It shows most through action and prowess. A warrior's worth is from experience and dealing with hardships throughout life so they can push towards their goals and climb higher. It is why for this trial, it commands the acolyte to prove their worth as a warrior by challenging members of three different groups or backgrounds to a duel, and winning. The challenge declared is a sign of utter respect towards those challenged, showing that the Lion acknowledges them as a warrior and worthy challengers. Trial of the Lion - When the acolyte is seen as having their other trials complete, it is then they undertake the final. To prove they are a true Tresery and worthy of the Ilmyumier, the acolyte shall take on the challenge of the hunters from generations ago. They embark on a hunt to fight and kill a lion. A member of the Seed will follow on this journey yet will not interfere as they are the symbolism of the child and descendants that were killed in the story and what gives courage to take on such a foe. A spear and/or bow is all that is permitted as a weapon, ensuring equal grounds for the predator when issuing a challenge to it. Should the acolyte succeed, the remains are used to craft an ornament to proudly wear or a weapon to use. The rest of it is offered to Mahae, the Great Lion Spirit as a symbol of respect towards the beast. It is then that the acolyte shall be given the tribal marking, now becoming a full Tresery Seed member.   III. Bloodline Appearance The physical attributes from the Tresery Bloodline extend far down through many generations, holding a dominant gene when offspring are born. This is mostly seen from the bloodline of the Tresery males, having the trademark ebony colored hair, peak physical build, and tanned colored skin. From females of this bloodline it is less so yet the ebony hair color still seems to be a more dominant gene when offspring are born. A Tresery often has high, defined cheekbones. Clothing wise, the colors used by the Seed are golden, orange, brown, or any mixture of the three. This is usually seen with fabrics and decorations that are shown in the Tresery Seed Hall. Armor falls with the individual, though members of the Seed are gifted with a set that has engravings and style that is symbolic towards the Tresery Seed and that of the Great Lion Spirit Mahae. ((OOC: Contact Sykotic#1867 for more information))
  3. This is pretty tight man. Actual Char Art: Skin: Random Ref the Character is based on:
  4. Sykogenic


    is this a new remix of the hottest single of 2015 "trap queen" by fetty wap?
  5. 100% I think that we can really chalk the Muffins issues up to first being someone who is unsuited for being an admin and second that is out of touch with what the community and staff under their ‘command’ need. Solution to the first issue? Get a new admin who as Xarkly says is already experienced in Community management, and not delegate the shunned admin to some silt administrative position. Solution to the second issue? Get a new admin who as Xarkly says is in touch with the community. I have nothing against Telanir personally, but I think it would be silly to say that he’s fully in touch with the community. As a player first and staff second, Telanir seems to disappear for months or weeks at a time and only pops his head in to “facilitate transitions of power” and make changes to teams, or to handle big drama outbursts. Whether that’s actually accurate or not, the semblance of activity (or lack thereof) is rather hard to look past and leaves a bit of a worrying feeling.
  6. Kalius Tresery reads the decree, nodding slightly as he did so. However upon completion he would begin frowning slightly, pursing his lips in thought. He would turn to whatever Eldarhim near him, speaking in a somber tone. ”A bold move one can respect, but our kin best temper their attitudes and pay heed to the consequences of their actions. Perhaps our people bested the Uruks under the flag of the Dominion, but we are the Dominion no longer. We wax and wane much like the moon, and I daresay we have waned of late.”
  7. PLAYER NAME : Michaelhz CURRENT POSITION : A SUGGESTED POSITION : B REASON FOR CHANGE : you get raw-dogged every time we 1v1 PLAYER NAME : Sykogenic CURRENT POSITION : D SUGGESTED POSITION : B REASON FOR CHANGE : I am an ape and cba to do teamfights so ill take the penalty, but I raw-dog you in 1v1s (also I can usually beat most of the C tier and fights against B go 50/50)
  8. Kalius Tresery sits somewhat slumped in front of the fire pit within Last Light Camp. His face is dirty and gaunt with small splatters of blood splashed across his face, deeply juxtaposed from his typical obsessive cleanliness. His lower thigh is wrapped in a bandage, soaked through with now dried blood. He runs his dirt caked hands through his hair, pushing the greasy strands back, fingertips hesitating slightly as he feels the hair on the sides of his head longer than he has felt in many, many years. Head resting softly on a closed fist, he reads over the letters sent out by the so called Princes. A fire lights in his eyes, but it is not an invigorating fire, burning brightly with the newfound hope of the Princes words. Rather it is a smoldering fire, fueled by anger and pity as it burns just beneath the surface. Anger at the incompetence and passive nature of the leaders of Aegrothond and Siramenor, and pity for those who they are meant to protect. He finishes reading with a loud snort, crumpling the paper into a ball and tossing it into the roaring fire. ”Fools, they’ve only doomed themselves. Fancy words will not save them now.”
  9. Only question I have after reading is about this... How is a forest a primary region type but a desert a secondary? Does this have to do with the frequency of the regions across the map or is this some random assignment? As someone who has spent plenty of time in deserts in the last two maps I would argue that a desert is a primary region, but it might not be a huge deal. Otherwise, looks fun! I hope that we will see more information on the professions and the full system before 8.0 release so that we aren’t all left scrambling to figure **** out.
  10. This is aight, woulda been cooler to have Israeli’s tho :\
  11. Guide: Paladins - Champions of Xan https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193163-magic-lore-paladins-champions-of-xan/ Lore Summary Physical Changes A Paladin undergoes incredibly minimal physical changes when they are connected. A Paladin should already be in near-peak physical condition by the time of their connection as their duty to the mortal realm extracts a heavy toll from their body, however this degradation and regeneration of the body is better explained as a core concept of the magic rather than a physical change. However once they are connected the Paladin is filled with constant warmth which comforts them, giving them the feeling of a continuous fatherly embrace. As a result of effects of cold are also weakened on a connected Paladin, yet not to a very significant effect. Any Descendant or any Descendant equivalent can become Paladins. However, any who have a condition or state of being that may cause them to prioritize the material over their service, they cannot become Paladins. An example is the Epiphyte, who have their plant to take care of under their charge. Even Machine Spirits can, in theory, become Paladins. Additionally, Kharajyr and Houzi cannot become Paladins because Xan views their souls as amalgamations, abominations. Things such as Kani, Chi, Afflicted, and other neutral magics may be learned and utilized. Additionally, feats can be utilized if applicable and do not break any other conditions of being a Paladin. Mental Changes The connection to Xan does not bring about any inherent mental changes. The trials that a Paladin with a TA will put potential students through are meant to test aspects of the individual's psychology to ensure that they are fit for a life of duty and servitude to Xan. It should almost be considered a prerequisite to connection that the student be within the proper headspace. Connection The process of connection involves two primary aspects: trials and the connection itself. The trials leading up to connection are meant for the Teacher to determine whether or not the potential student is mentally and physically equipped to become a Paladin. While there are no real guidelines on what trials the teacher must require of the student, and can even be bypassed entirely if the teacher deems it unnecessary, some good examples are as follows: Trial of Knowledge: Talk to different paladins, learn their paths, convictions, why they do what they do. learn about Xan and the various interpretations. Trial of Medicine: Get taught basic herbology and field medic training so you aren't useless when near an injured comrade. Trial of Combat: Fight your mentor in a spar and do well enough that they reckon you could hold your own against most mortal threats, an important one for paladins. Trial of Forging: Learning to forge is important because the creation of enchanted weapons for paladins is also important, so learning the basics of a forge is something Initiates often do. Once the teacher has determined that the potential student is ready to undergo connection they will hold a ritual in which the students soul will be ignited with the eternal light of Xan. The student is brought to a Chancery and the teacher invokes a vision of sorts while the mists of Xan surround them. It is at this time that the newly connected Paladin discovers Xan’s love for them taking hold of their very being, keeping them warm even when the last flickering light is engulfed within the darkness. Once complete the newly connected Paladin will emerge from the mists reforged, a pillar of duty and strength. An example of connection emotes are as follows: Ben closes his eyes, thrusting his right arm skyward as he mumbled a quick prayer under his breath. Slowly a fine blue mist would begin to seemingly mist down his arm, enveloping it over the course of several seconds. A sense of comfort would enter the man, his body relaxed despite the powerful magic he was summoning. As Ben moved forward toward his new student small wisps of the blue mist would float away from his figure, eventually dissipating into the night. His hand and fingers formed into a claw shape, the mist now thick upon them. Wordlessly he extends his hand toward the soon-to-be Paladin, pressing his claw shaped hand into the man's chest. With an audible gasp from the Paladin Ben’s hand would sink into his chest, grasping a hold of his very soul itself. The air around the duo felt warm, filling them both with a sense of warmth and fatherly embrace. The young man's soul changed at that moment, a connection with Xan alight within him now. Creeds Creeds are divine laws that the holy men and women of Xan follow, set before them by their deity since the creation and establishment of Paladinism. There are 6 creeds total, each representing a core concept of Paladinism. They are as follows; [Do not engage in descendant/descendant wars. All descendants are equal in the eyes of Xan and engaging in such a war is enacting harm upon descendants over politics. This is exempt if the Paladin’s area is directly affected by a warring/raiding party.] [Paladins may join any organization they want as long as it doesn’t break other Creeds. It also doesn’t matter if the Paladin worships another as long as the Paladin isn’t breaking other Creeds in doing so.] [Do not attack, betray, and/or kill fellow Paladins. This as well sending others to kill your fellow Paladins too. If an honorable duel is declared, then it is exempted from this Creed.] [Do not sell out your deity. This obviously means giving connections, deific artifacts, and/or abilities for money, favors, or personal gain. Donations or praise rewards given are fine, but not the sole reason for doing your duty.] [Do not use your holy abilities on innocents except in self-defence or its clear intent said person is a threat to others. On that same note, do not kill any innocents regardless of abilities used or not. Torturing innocents counts in this as well.] [Do not assist dark groups in working their dark arts, committing slaughter, hurting innocents, or anything else that may jeopardize the Creeds. Willfully standing to the side and watching as they do this counts as well, as bad as if the Paladin had committed these acts themselves. Infiltrating or tricking dark groups is acceptable, as long as no Creeds are broken in the process and no dark or nefarious deeds are done or permitted in the name of ‘subterfuge.’ Above all, guardianship and order must reign supreme.] These concepts are all incredibly important to being a Paladin, and breaking one of these Creeds can lead to possible disconnection. The only way to avoid said disconnection is to undergo Redemption, in which you must make amends in the eyes of Xan by actively doing something that so some effect is the reverse of what you did to break the creed. Redemption When a Paladin breaks a creed they either face disconnection or a one-time Redemption per Creed broken. That is to say that you could theoretically break each creed once and be able to absolve yourself of your sin without facing disconnection. The first step in Redemption is called ‘Realizing the Sin’. This step involves seeking out a Paladin, who was not involved in your Creed breaking, and confiding in them what you have done. Should this Paladin agree to aid you, which they realistically should, they will be considered your temporary Warden for the duration of your Redemption. Once you have found a Warden you may begin the second step in the Redemption process. It is at this point that you must right the wrong committed, and it is dependent upon the Creed that you break that determines what punishment you receive and what reparations must be made. The final step in the Redemption process is the Bodily Reparations. Upon absolving of a sin, and returning to their Warden and telling them, the pair must descend to a Chancery. Here, a deific rune must be carved into the body of the Paladin who wishes to be redeemed. This serves as a reminder, and as penance, for their sin and their hubris. More on the carving of Deific runes can be found in the Deific runes section of this guide. Disconnection In the case that the Paladin is unwilling to undergo redemption, or unable to for whatever reason, disconnection is the only path available to them should someone take heed of their actions. When a disconnection is begun the mists would be summoned, flowing down the arm of the Paladin doing the disconnection as it coats it within a semi-transparent veil. With this mist veil upon them, the Paladin then thrusts their arm into the victim’s body and grasps a hold of their soul that has the eternal ember within. A simple tug is all that is needed to then sever the connection completely. It is of note while the process of teaching or even performing this ability upon someone, that moment of grasping upon the soul feels as if your very life is being held. The air feels thin and difficult to breathe. But for those that had not broken any of the creeds set forth would grow unaffected by it. It should be noted that disconnection is to be the last step of actions taken by the order, and so, there are a myriad of other ways to punish an orderman, unless their conduct truly was horrendous. An example of disconnection emotes would appear as such: Ben closes his eyes, thrusting his right arm skyward as he mumbled a quick prayer under his breath. Slowly a fine golden mist would begin to seemingly down his arm, enveloping it over the course of several seconds. A sense of comfort would enter the man, his body relaxed despite the powerful magic he was summoning. As Ben moved forward toward the shamed Paladin strapped down to the table small wisps of the golden mist would float away from his figure, eventually dissipating into the night. His hand and fingers formed into a claw shape, the mist now thick upon them. Wordlessly he extends his hand toward the Paladin, pressing his claw shaped hand into the man's chest. With an audible gasp from the Paladin Ben’s hand would sink into his chest, grasping a hold of his very soul itself. The air around the disgraced Paladin felt thin, as if growing ever more difficult to breathe. It was the flex of an index finger that is all it took to sever the man's connection, Xans faith in him was lost forever. Once disconnected the former Paladin’s mind would be left cracked and in a state of disarray. They would likely be unable to find comfort or solace in anything for quite some time, and would be left with a constant feeling of longing for the warmth that Xan formerly filled them with, unable to fill that void. Their soul would be permanently scarred, any deific figure or person able to read their soul would be able to read of their failure to Xan. Chanceries A chancery is the most sacred place for a Paladin. Usually well guarded or hidden, a chancery is an area that has been blessed with pure Xannic energies that allow for a Paladin to carry out important rituals. A chancery may reside within a more complex area, such as a cave system or in the middle of a pool of water, when a spell or ritual refers to requiring a chancery the Paladin must be within the area that is actually blessed by Xan. While the area the chancery resides in may be however large, the blessed area that is the chancery itself does have size limitations depending on how it is created. A single paladin creating a chancery is capable of blessing a 7x7 area. For every additional Paladin who assists in the creation of the blessed area you can add an additional 7x7 area per Paladin assisting. The process of creating, and moving/removing, a Chancery is simple. The Paladin(s) must simply say a prayer to Xan and provide a sacrifice in the form of their blood. Only a droplet is required. Once they have spilled their blood they must summon the mists and imbue the area with its energy. When the ritual is complete the Paladin must contact the ST (via /sreq) to confirm the location and so that signs can be placed down signifying what the area is. For a Paladin to move or tear down a chancery they simply must stand within the blessed area and call out to Xax, explaining the situation and then they are free to remove the chancery. An example of emotes for creating a Chancery would appear as such: The air in the small save would slowly be filled with the sound of Ben’s voice, speaking aloud a prayer to Xan. A golden mist would begin to form around his finger tips, slowly radiating from his person into the space around him. At the culmination of his prayer he would, with a single, deft movement, pull a small dagger from his belt and prick the palm of his hand with its pointed tip, a few droplets of blood splattering to the cold stone floor. The mists surrounding him would strengthen in its density, the veil covering more and more of the space as it hummed with Xannic energy. The Xannic Mists The Xannic mists are one of the most quintessential abilities that a Paladin possesses. However, the mists themselves are little more than a ‘tell’ by itself. The Xannic mist that a Paladin manipulates may be one of three colors; Gold, Emerald or Silver. The color that your mists manifest in is a purely OOC choice, but once chosen it cannot It is only in Xans direct presence that a fourth mist color is usable, a sapphire blue. When a Paladin is manipulating the mists they will be filled with a sense of warmth, and the effects of cold are ever so slightly weakened against them. When interacting positively with another, healing them for example, they too will feel this sense of warmth. Effects of Xannic Mists Due to the raw power of Xans energy being manifested by summoning the mists the use of the mists will cause a Paladin great fatigue with extended use of their abilities. The exception to the following is the use of Utility abilities and the Holy Affinity ability. The fatigue of using the spells within the Paladins arsenal will begin upon the cast of the second ability within a short period of time or within a specific scenario. That is to say that if a substantial amount of time passes between the use of the spells, or you have had a substantial amount of narrative time to rest (a nights sleep), the ‘counter’ resets. On cast of the second ability in an encounter the Paladin will begin to feel a general sense of fatigue. Their muscles will ache as if they had just finished a hard day's work. On the cast of the third, and subsequent fourth, ability the Paladin will experience an eruption of searing pain across their body. The player is free to take creative liberties with this pain. It can be used as emote flavor and the bodily fatigue just taken into account for future actions, or if you feel it is necessary you may take an emote or two to recover from the pain. It is really up to the player to determine what a situation calls for and how their roleplaying of the effects of using the mists affects those around them. On the cast of the fifth, which is also the final ‘spell slot’ for an encounter, the Paladin will encounter serious physical effects. It is possible that their muscles will tear under the strain of Xans energy, they may begin bleeding from the mouth and nose, or they could simply slump over unconsciously. While it is not required it should be more or less considered that they are out of the fight, or not very useful. Should a Paladin keep engaging in physical combat after casting their 5th spell they would be in an incredibly vulnerable place physically if they have nobody else to protect them. Again, after casting 5 spells in an encounter you cannot cast any more. Side Notes: -While they do not cause the same effects as casting holy abilities, a Paladin may only use 3 major enchantments in a single encounter. -While Holy Affinity and Utility abilities do not count toward the maximum spell slot, after using all 5 slots attempting to use Holy Affinity or Utilities will fail. Deific Runes The Deific Runes are in short, a different way for a Paladin to show their weakness/fatigue when casting their abilities. Instead of what is listed in the Effects of Mists, this gives a way to specifically design a drawback for your individual character that matches what is normally shown when casting to many abilities. This is in no way, shape, or form meant to be any easier or better than the Effects of Mists area and follows around the guidelines of reaching five abilities that the Paladin cannot do anymore. It is merely an aesthetic. To place such Deific Runes requires at least two Paladins. The one receiving the runes must at least be tier 3 to be able to withstand such a ritual. With the one chosen, the duo embarks down into the chancery area where the ritual is required to be performed. With a special, enchanted carving tool, the teacher carves out the runes on the body of the student that is specialized for each one. It is then that the student steps into the pool while the mists from the teacher are invoked. The whole area casts off into a veil of holy energy, infusing directly into the student’s freshly carved runes upon their body. The deity of course watching over this and regarding the trade off for such a request. Should the student prove themselves, the deific runes start to emit the holy aura of their mists color that signals the ritual is complete. Redlines -Requires at least two Paladins to perform this ritual. (One carving the runes, one receiving) -This is simply another way of having a weakness to the magic. It does not override or make it ‘easier’ for that Paladin to cast the magic, with the max as seen above in the previous ‘Effects of Mists’ still applying. -Requires LT approval to confirm the equal weakness in exchange to obtain the Deific Rune(s). -Must RP the effects of what is confirmed and agreed upon when receiving the Deific Rune(s). What is decided must be roleplayed, doing otherwise will result in an infraction from the ST. -Must be at least Tier 3 to request/receive the Deific Runes. The exception to this is those who have broken a Creed and been redeemed. -Must have the Deific Rune carving tool (which is seen under Sacred Artificery) to place the runes on the body. -An ST must comment on the MA of a Paladin receiving a Deific Rune, commenting that it is now in place and what the specific tradeoff in place is. Mist Manipulation (Utility) From the beginning of when the first Paladin was born, the art of mist weaving had been ingrained within the magic and creational summoning of Xan’s holy light. It is a sign, a beacon of hope, a testament to what is a Paladin and how they use such magic as an extension to their duty and resolve. In those times, masters of the magic were able to use it to create weapons of warfare, healing that matched even Tahariae’s servants, and even crafted creations that rivalled the gods of this realm. Regrettably however, most has been lost to the passing of time. Whether it be from the dying out of those that knew such things or the will of our Lord of Sunlight, the art of Mist Manipulation has had its fair share of changes and shifting. With the most recent fine tuning from the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, some of what was known in the past can be seen again. For beginning Paladins, tiny objects such as marbles of the mists for example can be created and aid in practicing. A mundane view seen yes, but as well a good foundation to start with in understanding the mist weaving art. As the Paladin progresses through their training, they are not only able to unlock more advanced spells, but as well master their mist manipulation. Designed clothing, various objects, emitting an aura, and/or even stories weaved before our eyes are but examples of what Paladins could do with the mists. It is of note however that none of these outside of the more specific abilities are harmful in any way, shape, or form. To use in such a way would immediately cause the mists to disperse immediately. Emote Requirements (1 for connecting, 1+ for anything else) Example: Raising his arms to the sky, emerald mist begins to form around Ben and the nearby group of overlookers, seemingly brought towards him by curiosity. Around the small clearing rained a storm, yet the watchers were not getting wet, the mist dispersing as it hit their clothing, leaving a comfortable feeling in its wake. Thunder stroke. It was a very unsettling night inside the cloud. Redlines: -If a grey area or loophole is seen, contact a LT otherwise the answer is no. -Mist Manipulation cannot be used for combat. It is purely aesthetic. -Any attempt to harm, throw, or do anything to harm would cause the mists to disperse immediately. - If a dragonkin or exposed dark being decides to touch the mists created by mist manipulation, they would suddenly get an itchy feeling all over their bodies. For the aura itself, it's just an uneasy feeling. -The advancement of Mist Manipulation is seen in Tier Advancement. -Cannot be used for ‘tests’ or metagaming of any sort. Aura of the Mists: Lion’s Roar (Utility) Their auras already being able to cause warmth and comfort, Paladins have also been observed to be able to cast a more direct version of their passive ambience. The men and women able to properly activate this spell would expand their circle of passive influence unto others, moving the borders of their once close-to-personal aspects to up to 10 meters (10 blocks), whether with a defiant roar or a calming cry. The ability works on most folk, yet it seemingly doesn’t affect revealed beings of darkness. The individuals affected by the aura would find themselves as comforted and calmed by it as would they when embraced by the normal Aura of the Mists, their panic and fears dispersing. The newly expanded aura would go as soon as it arrives, yet leaving behind a lingering effect, 5 emote rotations. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 1 to cast) Example: It was there that the group stood before the enemy in sight. Several showed fear and hesitation, as if there was lingering doubt in succeeding in such a venture. Even with the rise of shields, it was clear to the Paladin of the moral rather low. Thus, Ben stepped forward some with a silvery hue suddenly flashing within his gaze. The hand around the sword he carried would then start to tense up before raising high in the sky. A cry, or perhaps a roar, echoed across the area as a wave of holy aura erupted from the Paladin’s form. His words spoke confidence and courage into his allies while the holy aura emitting brought calm and comfort. A showing of hope in the battle to come, that seemingly lingered within each their own upon the Paladin’s side. Redlines: -Lion’s Roar cannot be used for metagaming, testing, etc. -Cannot affect dragonkin or exposed dark beings. -Is able to be used on dark beings using disguises, working like a normal person. -Lion’s Roar cannot harm anyone, it is merely an aura ability. The Ambuscade Rune (Utility) The Xannic huntsmen of yore would often use this device to capture their stoic prey; usually in the forms of blackened beasts and blemished creatures. The means to forge this useful tool was once lost with the death of Henryk, the last Huntsmen of Sol Invicta's dutiful reign; lost to the Abyss. Alas, knowledge once lost, can be scribed once more, for those knowledgeable in the Mists of Xan had performed sacred divinations to recover the lost knowledge, and once more- they were enlightened. With this ability, a Paladin can summon a temporary trap to be placed and hidden on the ground. The trap in question is a deific rune of sorts infused into the ground with the outline of it visible when active. This may be concealed and hidden with the use of mundane means. When an enemy steps onto it, it binds them in place for four emote rounds. The victim in question is able to attempt to strike at the trap to break it, requiring two effective strikes of a strong weapon in order to break and disperse it. Given this ability, the Paladin is able to have at most two out at any given point. Emote Requirements (1 summon, 1 cast) Example: It was rather quiet in the forest where the beast was rumored to be. Anna furrowing her brows at the lack of songs from the birds or usual sounds one would hear within the area and thus knowing her target was near. With a quiet exhale of breath, she would start to focus. Gold mists weaving effortlessly with her hand just hovering near the ground. With Anna continuing to focus, the mists would flow downward and start to condense into the form of a shimmering, golden rune like patch upon the forest floor. It hums softly with Xannic light then fades with an outline depicting of it now placed. With a covering of leaves and bait placed, Anna would then move to hide and await for her prey to draw near. Redlines: -If a loophole is seen, contact a LT otherwise the answer is no. -Max of two traps can be laid at any given time. -The Paladin must be in the area to keep the traps maintained. Once left or focus lost, the traps immediately disperse. -Must have an OOC sign stating the traps were set in the area. To avoid metagaming, it doesn’t need to state specifically what block. Just because an OOC sign is placed in the general area, any knowledge known of a hidden trap not found out legitly IRP is considered metagaming. -The traps in question are only a stun. Cannot harm those caught in the trap. A max of 4 emotes rounds before the trap disperses. 2 emotes rounds if the person successfully strikes the trap with a strong weapon. Aka, a mere dagger isn’t going to do it. -While this traditionally works on all aerial foes, an ET can decide the stunning effect is minimized or the Sun’s Spear has a different effect; for example, the aerial creature is only pained by the Sun’s Spear, or only lasts for one emote, et cetera. Additionally, the ET can also determine how many Sun’s Spear strikes are required to ground the creature. Combat: The Paladin's Arsenal The combat abilities within the Paladin’s arsenal are what allow the Paladin to perform great feats, yet it isn’t something that they fully rely on in the end. Each one is merely an extension of what they could do or achieve without it, and is there to use when a moment requires such certain abilities to be cast. It is with wisdom for a Paladin to effectively invoke their abilities right, otherwise the wrong move can be met with an unfortunate end. Below is the list of combat abilities a Paladin could summon to aid them. Holy Affinity Melee One of the easiest spells a connected Paladin would learn, as well as one of the least mana-intensive spells in a Paladin’s arsenal,the Holy Affinity is what is commonly seen when a Paladin goes into battle. The Paladin who has called upon the mists of Xan holds the weapon they wish to effect, spreading the light upon it from their palms. When the imbued weapon strikes, it creates a searing effect where it makes its mark. The weapon, as it is lit, colours itself in the same colour of the mists its wielder has taken upon, holding the spell until the wielder grows too tired to continue channeling his mana or he loses contact with the item. There are plenty of effects a weapon can produce once taken hold of, yet all of them are merely aesthetic in nature. A few to mention would be a constant ‘electrical’ surge running through the blade, to a more stable humming, glowing appearance, and so on. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 1 to cast) Example: Emerald mists start to appear and flow about Ben’s armored digits, having the Paladin now focusing on the spell at hand. Its direction being the sword he wields as he commands the mists to flow down the length of the blade itself. As the mists continue to move and coat the edge of the sword, sparks of emerald like electricity course off the tip and length of the blade to signal the light now fusing into the weapon itself. Its form now imbued with Xannic light, allowing Ben to now focus on the fight before him. Range Whereas Holy Affinity: Melee deals with close quarter combat, Holy Affinity: Range is from the exact opposite side of the spectrum as being the effects of mist weaving upon a ranged weapon. Paladins using this spell weave their mists into creating ammunition from thin air, such as starlight arrows or bolts, disabling the need for a Paladin to carry any themselves. As a Paladin prepares to fire their weapon, their mists would form proper ammunition while they aim, then fire it. Once the arrow hits its mark, it remains within the target unless the Paladin disperses it with the max of four arrows able to be active. The searing effect on the projectiles is akin to a burn where it strikes. For larger siege weaponry, the strain and focus to maintain such a spell requires two or more Paladins to properly summon the needed mists and create a projectile befitting the size of the siege engine. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 2 to cast) Example: Ben’s fingers would curl tightly upon the handle of the bow, staring directly towards his quarry as he slowly moves to position it before him. His breath calm and focused with the other hand now taking the bow string within his fingers to start to pull back. As the bow string started to pull back, particles of golden mists would start to form, condensing quickly into a straight line as the tip and shaft of the arrow started to appear. The image as if starlight while the Paladin continued to draw the bow string back and aim. With a faded breath, Ben timed his release well. The string would be released and send the arrow flying across the area to close the distance until it struck its target. The beast in question howled in pain with the arrow having gone through its flesh before dispersing completely, leaving the wound bleeding. Redlines: -If a loophole or question regarding weapons is seen, get approval from LT or the answer is no. -As Holy Affinity: Melee requires constant touch, losing physical connection with the affected melee weapon instantly dispels the enchantment. -Paladins are required to carry a suitable weapon to activate the holy affinity ability. -Gauntlets, iron knuckles, and other fist based melee weapons count as valid weapons that can be used with Holy Affinity: Melee. -Cannons, if applicable, can be utilized with Holy Affinity: Ranged. They are treated as siege weaponry, in this case. -Disguised undead/dark beings cannot be exposed with Holy Affinity: Range. It would work as intended with everyone. -A max of four arrows can be active at a time. Should a fifth be fired, as soon as the summoning begins, the first arrow fired immediately disperses. -Cannot use either ability as a form of metagaming or ‘testing’. -For siege weaponry, requires two or more Paladins to invoke and maintain the projectile. -Aesthetics can be used when summoning the mists on a melee weapon. Examples being electrical looking charge, flames, a soft hum of light, etc. -The burning sensation received is that of a second degree burn, very painful and damaging but not capable of melting flesh, burning through flesh all the way to bone, et cetera. It is simply a surface burn, unless the flesh is broken and the internals are burned. Guardian’s Bulwark Having fought against villainous curses of unsightly magics, as well as mighty beasts to take down and remove such a threat upon the realm, Paladins have been given access to proper protection against the abnormal through the ability known as Guardian’s Shield. Paladins using the spell can create a pseudo-transparent shield or frontal wall of sorts to fend off both magical and physical attacks alike. Shield When a Paladin invokes the Guardian’s Bulwark ability to create a shield, any form of shield is able to be conjured. The strength of this shield is superior in its protection from any form of magical attack, rather than a physical resistance. This includes dragon’s fire breath, a beast’s poison spit, alchemical effects, elemental attacks and so on. Physical attacks is however where the weakness of this shield lies. While it can withstand several good hits, around four solid hits on the shield itself it would then be too much to be able to be maintained and shatter upon the fourth solid blow. When that occurs, the physical force that shatters it would get hit with a knock back that moves said enemy back five blocks. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 2 to cast) Example: Adrian stands before his opponent with a calm, focused breath. His gauntlet outstretches to his side while silver mists start to be conjured around his armored digits. This direction is random at first with twists and swirls around his hand. As he maintains his focus, the silvery particles would extend forth, stretching outwards as the holy light would start to take on the outline of a heater type shield tailored to the Paladin’s form. Its appearance is still weak and not fully set as it weaves and condenses down to a more solid mass. With a steady exhale of breath, the silver mists would finally finish its work, now producing a firm, semi-transparent heater type shield that is able to be wielded by Adrian. Frontal Wall While the shield part of the Guardian’s Bulwark is less straining, the frontal wall aspect of it takes far more time and focus to maintain. When a Paladin summons the Frontal Wall, a semi-transparent holy wall is cast in front of the Paladin to ward off attacks. It’s range is three blocks wide, four blocks tall, yet one block distance from the Paladin itself. This form of attack is immune to magical attacks, much like the Shield, however it cannot take more than four heavy solid hits before it shatters completely with the knockback ability activated. On top of this, the Paladin endures pain within their bodies from each blow struck. A sacrifice counter, given this ability is meant to protect others from the assault of enemies. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 3 to cast) Example: Laurina would stand firm before the mighty beast. Her comrades at her side as the creature would start to depict a charge up, a sign to the veteran Paladin to begin focusing. Emerald mists would emerge from her gauntlet while keeping a steady breath. The creature’s head winds back, parting its maw as it continues to charge up. Laurina didn’t get deterred nor falter with the emerald particles now flow outward in front of her body. Its cast extended wider and higher with each passing moment as if a semi-transparent veil was starting to form before the crusaders. Several arrows were shot at the mighty beast, yet it continued on with fire now being seen from its maw. The Paladin continued with their spell, having now the emerald mists stretching further to the sides and upwards some in the shape of a large semi-transparent wall of sorts in front of the paladin and her allies. With the flames now cast by the beast, it shot towards the group before it. Laurina’s stance is strong as the shield finally condenses into a solid wall of holy light, having the flames strike up against it to no avail with the Paladin clenching her teeth. The attack from the creature warded off from the shield conjured. Redlines: -Shields summoned have to be reasonable in terms of creation. Spikes, chains, etc not possible on the shields conjured. -Cannot use Frontal Wall with other abilities(this including the Shield version). If invoking Frontal Wall, other summoned abilities immediately disperse. -Shields/Frontal Wall are immune to magical attacks such as voidal fire, dragon’s breath, lightning strikes, poison spits, etc. Physical attacks are actual strikes against the shield with objects, projectiles, and/or body parts. If unsure, contact a LT. -If there is a loophole seen, get approval from the LT or the answer is no. -The Shield can be used with Holy Affinity: Melee. -Cannot have both Guardian’s Bulwark and Mist Weave Armor up at the same time. Must be one or the other. One would disperse if attempting to summon the other. -The ‘four physical hits’ that both Shield and Frontal Wall can take before breaking refer to hits from things of moderate strength. A physical attack from a dragon, a firing ballista, or anything that’s significantly stronger than a Descendant will instantly shatter both. As said, Guardian's Bulwark is intended for magical attacks and effects. -Given the focus required to activating this ability, a Paladin summoning Shield can only walk while such is happening, being somewhat vulnerable and incapable of attacking while doing so. Summoning Frontal Wall is much more intensive, preventing the Paladin from walking or moving and requiring them to be focused upon the wall the entire duration of it being up. Sun’s Spear Traditionally grounded in their workings, the chosen of Xan have had a long history of dealing with aerial foes. Sun’s Spear allows Paladins to create a brilliant, yet volatile spear of light, more resembling a lightning bolt, yet of their chosen colour. When thrown, the projectile is packed with raw power, able to stun and ground lesser aerial foes of up to maximum size the likes of a dragon. The stun can last two to three rounds depending on the creature in question and the ET/LT hosting the event. Bigger foes would require more activations of the spell. Elder dragons, such as drakaar and dragaar, and other foes with size relating to them, would require around four successful strikes of it. Regarding ET events, communication is key with the ET/LT in regards to invoking this spell and using it against said creature in events. On grounded foes, this spell has no effect and gets negated into the earth. Emote Requirements (1 to connect, 2 to cast) Example: Ben moves his arm to his side in a stance akin to beginning to throw a spear. Particles of silver mist appear about his armored digits while his sight is on the mighty aerial foe in the sky. A deep, calming breath exhales from his lips while he furrows his brows. The particles of silvery hue now flowing upward and down in the outline of a shaft with an silver electrical charge coursing off every now and then. The light itself became condensed down with raw power as the Paladin now would focus and begin to aim. With the aerial foe now in range, the Paladin would then let loose the spear. Its course is that of a bolt of lightning, shooting forth through the sky as it aims to strike right up against the chest of the mighty beast. The impact, almost immediately, stuns & locks up the foe, with its form starting to fall towards the ground below. Redlines: -If a loophole is seen, contact a LT otherwise the answer is no. -The spell is only effective on aerial foes. Must be in the air when it strikes to have any effect. -Has no effect on grounded foes. -This is a stun effect that lasts a minimum of two rounds and can be more depending on the ET/LT hosting the event. -For massively large creatures around the size of dragaar/drakaars, four or more successful strikes are required to get them grounded. -Cannot use Sun Spear with other abilities except for Mist Weave Armor. Mist Weave Armor The ability of Mist Weave Armor has a long, lasting history within the Paladins. The spell has changed and been reworked by the Aengul of Order and Guardianship to be perfected and usable for all paths his servants can take. For when invoking this ability, the Paladin is coated within the Xannic mists to place temporary armor upon them so they are protected against foes. This spell however cannot be used if armor is already on the body nor can it enhance/add features on what is already worn. An example of something not to do is say coating a gauntlet with Xannic light to be more durable. As well, the type of armor can depend upon what the Paladin wishes. The strength, weight, and durability factoring in with the max comparison of steel. For those Paladins that are archers, they can most definitely cast a lighter attire armor for protection. This armor works the exact same as all normal armor and must be RP’d of what type it actually is when emoting. When the armor is damaged, aesthetic cracks would form along where it was hit before that section disperses completely. Emote Requirements (1 summon, 2 cast) Examples: John stands within the courtyard of the keep with a silent sigh towards his duel partner. The silver mists now start to appear and weave to his command around his fingers in a masterful display of Xannic light. With a slight movement upwards with his hand, the mists start to flow along his arms and towards his torso. Its shape forms an outline of a typical iron plated armor set as it moves across his chest and down towards his lower abdomen then legs. As the silvery mists continue to flow, it now begins to condense down and form into a solid, armor set. The weight adjusted to what he can handle as if wearing an actual armor set. With a roll of his shoulders, John would then begin to pull out his weapon and start the duel. Redlines: -If a loophole is seen, contact a LT for approval otherwise the answer is no. -Cannot be used with any ability in Guardian’s Bulwark. -The armor summoned must match what the character in question can handle. -Summoned armor must state what type comparison in emotes. Aka leather, iron, steel, etc. -Steel durability is the max one can summon. -Cannot add onto armor already on the body. -When damaged in that area, the armor cracks and can shatter off. Example being heavy damage towards a summoned gauntlet, it cracks and shatters while the rest remain. -Cannot re-summon armor once it's shattered for the encounter. -Parts of armor is allowed. Example is wearing a set of iron armor yet no helm. The Paladin can summon a helm to be used. -Summoning leather takes two emotes. Summoning iron takes three emotes. Summoning steel takes four emotes. -Summoned armor does not have any antimagic capability, nor does it have the magical immunity of Guardian’s Bulwark. For all intents and purposes, it functions as mundane armor The Art of Mist Healing As much as the Lord of Sunlight is an Aengul of Order, he also extends his hand to those in dire need and mends their wounds so they can continue on. A testament to what he holds towards the Descendants of this realm, the Healing Mists Art allows the Paladin to enact the will of Xan through the form of Xannic mists to seep into the wounded and mend injuries. However, this is not the Aengul of Order and Guardianship’s strong suit. While the mist itself is able to seal off wounds, it cannot heal any deeper past that. A quick sealing upon the battlefield so the wounded can be helped later on. What is left, however, upon the flesh is scars, even with burns of the second degree. Though the mending of wounds are not deep, the soothing of pain however is. The mist itself can act as a numbing agent of sorts, capable of removing the feeling of pain while others tend to the wounded in question. Emote Requirements (Requires 3-4 emotes) Example: Amelia takes a steady breath as she begins to focus. Emerald particles start to appear around her gauntlet while it seems to hover just above the small cut upon the woman’s arm. With a silent prayer to herself, the Paladin began to allow the emerald mists to swirl and extend towards the woman’s flesh, creating a tether upon the broken skin so it could start to seep down and begin the mending. Slowly, but surely, the emerald particles would start to sluggishly close up the wound itself. During this point, a soothing sensation of a fatherly warmth washes over the woman in question as it casts out the pain that came from the cut itself. With the wound now closing completely, Amelia would give out a deep breath from the ordeal. The emerald particles now retract back before the tether severs completely. It took some effort and exhaustion no doubt, however with a flick of her wrist, the emerald mists finally dispersed. Redlines: -The mists can mend minor wounds such as small cuts, scrapes, bruises, etc on the body. Anything deeper, the Paladin can only seal off the wound itself. -If a grey area or loophole is seen, get LT approval otherwise the answer is no. -While under the effects of numbing pain, it does not excuse able to push pass the body’s functions.(IE, can’t suddenly get up and start to attack if your limb is severed) -Cannot heal mortal injuries or bring people back from the dead. -Healing will work on any unless the dark creature or user is exposed. Dragonkin of any sort cannot be healed. -Any wounds mended have scars left behind. -1st and 2nd degree burns may be fully healed, but 3rd degree cannot fully be mended with sensations of that area lost. -Cannot heal land or things of nature. Treelords, Epiphytes, and so on fall under this category. Purging While the art of healing itself is not as strong as those of Tahariae’s Light, Paladins excel in the art of purging blemishes upon a Descendant’s mind, body, and soul. The direct flow of mists into the victim in question causes extreme agony as the foul magic in question is seared away, before being replaced with a soothing sensation of a fatherly warmth. Curses or hexes of any sort take heed to this ability as this is where the Paladin’s light shines true. Though some cannot be fully removed, it still leaves a devastating impact to those carrying such blemishes. Diseases, poisons, and other ailments on the body or within an object that isn’t labelled a curse or hex steps beyond the reach of the Paladin able to purge. Though with certainty, Xan’s will is merciful in regards towards Descendents. Thus to any degree, the purge ability cannot be used on any to ‘test’ to see if they are indeed cursed. To randomly act upon any Descendant without truly knowing or seeing the true curse goes against the duty of a Paladin. On that same note, the target in question must be unable to move to any major degree, for the concentration upon such an ability is staggering. It, therefore, cannot be used during combat. Emote Requirements (Requires 4-6 emotes) Example Ethen stood before the cursed individual in question, having now restrained the firmly so they could not struggle free. The infliction itself was seen clearly by the eyes of the man being pure pitch black, revealing that of the shade curse. This however wasn’t a powerful shade, one not yet connected to a shade gem by the look of it. Thus the Paladin would begin their focus. Silver mists would erupt around the gauntlet of the Paladin now, having now fixated on the man in question who couldn’t move from the bonds and cursing whatever the shade within wanted to say. As the particles would take full effect, the Paladin would then move their hand over to place on the person’s flesh. The tethering of the mists would now begin, seeping down past the skin of the man and now flowing forcefully throughout their body. The parasite held upon the soul screams out in utter agony that was reflected by the voice of the man bellowing in fear, anger, and pain, having now feeling the searing wrath of the Lord of Sunlight coursing through their very being. The person jerked and pulled against the restraints yet the bindings were too strong to simply escape from the Paladin’s purging upon them. The light continued its work while the Paladin’s breathing started to heavy with beads of sweat dripping down his face. Suddenly the last of the abomination dark magic within the man itself had finally been seared away. With that, the man’s agonizing pain would start to vanish. As if a fatherly warmth had washed over their body and cast away all the pain they were receiving. Ethen would then start to pull his gauntlet away, having the silver particles retracted and severed from the flesh before dispersing completely. In the case of some curses however, the darkness upon one’s soul is so deep that it cannot be purged no matter how much of the Lord of Sunlight’s mists sears into the body. These curses which cannot be removed are instead weakened greatly in a variety of ways, depending on what it is. Here are the effects of each curse and how the purge ability affects it. Additional curses and how purging effects them may be added in the future, with communication with the loreholders of said future magics and with approval of the Story Managers. Shade Mysticism’s Hexes Witchdoctor’s Curses Event Curses Redlines: -The target in question must be restrained or unable to struggle really to any major degree. -Must follow the lore of each curse as seen above. -Purging can only remove the curse in question. It cannot mend/heal the effects of the curse upon the physical body as well during the process. Such would require additional healing or another stronger healer/remedies to mend the damage done. -Cannot purge diseases, poisons, or anything else. Only curses and hexes. -If a grey area or loophole is seen, get LT approval otherwise the answer is no. -Cannot use this ability under any form of ‘spook testing’ or ‘metagaming’. It will simply not work. -Must be 100% sure of there being a curse or hex in question on the person or object. Example being the purge ability will not work on a frost witch if the frost witch is disguised and not known they are one. Should the frost witch break their disguise, either by casting the magic or otherwise, the purge ability will be able to be used. -Contact and communication is required regarding any ET related curse event and how purging affects those cursed. -Sunlight’s Wrath relic is required to remove hexes and doesn’t lower the amount of Paladins required. Whereas Sunlight’s Wrath relic is used with removing other curses, the amount of Paladins is reduced by one. Only one Sunlight’s relic total is used per curse removal. The Art of Sacred Artificery The Art of Sacred Artificery allows the Paladin to create enchantments upon objects, whether it be a small necklace to a large weapon, that is infused with Xannic light which is then able to be invoked for its intended effect. The mist itself is very versatile and able to be formed to what the Paladin wishes for it to be. For smaller objects however, these tend to only know certain effects without the pure condense light breaking it asunder. For larger objects, the mists are able to take hold more effectively and the creation of various effects extends further. The Forge of Sunlight For the creation process to begin, the Paladin must have a forge blessed with the Lord of Sunlight’s will. This is sanctified by the Paladin carving holy runes along the anvil, forge, and crafting area. With this, the Paladin starts to summon forth their mists and begin to directly infuse each rune with it. As the runes begin to alite and shimmer, the final act is creating a seal within the center of the area that acts as a focal point where the holy energy is stored. However, the Sunlight Forge is not capable of its max potential. Without the addition of the fabled Lightstone within the Forge, the Forge would be incapable of producing major enchantments. The addition of Lightstone would allow for the full potential of Xannic energy to fill the Forge. Unlike in the past, once created, a Sunlight Forge does not need recharging. However, it can still be destroyed or removed simply with mortal hands interfering with the Lightstone or desecrating the holy runes. Redlines -If a grey area or loophole is seen, get LT approval otherwise the answer is no. -Paladin must have signs up on the crafting table, forge, anvil, and floor to state the runes are there. As well as OOCly stating when the holy charge was created and that it is ST approved. -The runes can be destroyed by striking it directly with items that can crack or break the physical surfaces the runes are on. -Destroying the center point on the floor causes all the runes to cease functioning. However, should one of the runes be destroyed, only that area would cease to function. (e.g. if the anvil rune was shattered, only the anvil cannot be used for Artificery) -Those magics that can silence other magics can cause the runes to be drained and go dormant, which would require the Forge to need to be essentially remade and reactivated to be used once again. -Undead or dark creatures that directly expose themselves (As in revealing themselves and not in a disguise) and any kind of dragonkin will feel searing pain when stepping into the forge area. A hint of the area is known within 5 blocks of the forge. Such as feeling a ‘holy presence’ which gives those in question time to move away. -The creation of major enchantments requires a Forge to have Lightstone. Creation The creation process of any enchantment begins with the materials used and the object to receive it. Be it leather, iron, steel, or even dragonbone, materials used for crafting follow the same guidelines of said materials. Dragonbone in particular is one of the things known to be worked on by Paladins, given the Xannic mists’ effect on dragonkin of any sort. This enables them to carve out pieces using tools infused with Xannic mists. Regardless of material however, the Xannic mists are infused directly by the aid of the forge so that the enchantment will be activated. Gems are key to this. Each minor enchantment requires a different gem, outlined below. The usage of Lightstone is necessary for two minor, and all major, enchantments. Gems Ruby - The required gem in an Eternal Embers enchantment. Sapphire - The required gem in a Fatherly Embrace enchantment. Emerald - The required gem in an Enduring Resolve enchantment. Diamond - The required gem in a Guardian’s Veil enchantment. Light Stone - The required gem in a Sunlight’s Wrath or Deific Rune Carving enchantment. Additionally, required for all major enchantments. For combinations upon objects, it cannot exceed past three gems of any sort. A light stone cannot be used more than once on a minor or major enchantment, twice on an MArt enchantment. Minor Enchantments For smaller objects such as necklaces, pendants, rings, crowns, or other various decorated accessories, the item in question usually is able to store the smaller enchantments given their size. While minor enchants can be placed on larger objects, it cannot be said in reverse. Below is a list of the minor enchants a Paladin can create. This of course, can be added onto should an addition be passed by ST. Sunlight’s Wrath - This enchantment is usually placed on a small relic or object the Paladin holds in order to perform and/or aid in the purging ability upon curses/hexes. Within the object itself holds a well of Xannic mists to be able to be unleashed and used when the spell of purge is being summoned. This enchantment cannot be used for any other means. Deific Rune Carving - This enchantment is only placed upon a carving tool that allows the invoking of performing the ritual that places deific runes upon a Paladin’s body. There is no other use for this enchant. Fatherly Embrace - This enchantment placed on an object emits a holy aura that can either soothe, give courage, pride, and/or as well wash away fear, anger, and/or sadness. The effects reflect what the Xannic mists can do in regards to placing within a person. This however cannot halt or force any emotion upon the user. Be it racial curse, intense emotions, magical curse, or otherwise. It is merely something to hold onto and find comfort in should the wielder allow it. Enduring Resolve - This enchantment when placed on an object and activated emits Xannic mists to flow into the user and fill with a boost of endurance. Tasks such as with crafting, smithing, farming, etc that would normally exhaust the user they would find easier to accomplish without the hindering of fatigue though it is still minor. For combat, this has no application. It applies only to menial tasks, and even then simply helps deal with tension and soreness from repeated action. Eternal Embers - This enchantment placed on an object and activated causes it to emit Xannic mists that flow within the user in question, engulfing them with the magic to give a fatherly warmth that aids in pushing away the cold. This enchantment is not fully cold resistant to any degree. It's a minor effect to aid in a cold environment or if the user is hit by frost type magic. For example, it’s similar protection that Paladins experience normally from minor cold, though one is of course still capable of dying from exposure. It does protect from any freezing or ice based attack in combat, though, helping the target stay warm. Guardian’s Veil - This enchantment placed on an object creates a holy veil over the user in question, negating or halting the effects of a curse placed upon them for a duration of time. This does not aid in halting the curse effects of frost witch or shade. It however can stop it from being applied should an attempt be made. This enchantment only has one charge, but that charge lasts for a full encounter. Ie, should one attempt to shade someone and the enchantment goes off, they can’t immediately attempt to shade them again. It lasts until the end of the encounter. Major Enchantments Major enchantments are for larger objects able to store and maintain its infused power. Things like armor, weapons, crafted limbs, shields, and so forth are prime examples of what can be infused with major enchantments. For these, they tend to be able to hold up to two enchantments(for two, one minor, one major) at a time without much problem. If a Paladin seeks to place more enchantments or increase the power of a specific enchantment, a MArt would need to be created listing what it does, the gems used, how it was created, and so on. The list of major enchantments really falls upon the list of spells in a Paladin’s arsenal. Most spells are able to be used on a large object with the list shown below. For most of these enchants, only a Paladin is able to wield its ability as it requires the Paladin’s mists to invoke the magical property. For some however, anyone may use them, except for those of dragonic origin or exposed dark beings. A major enchantment is activated through one simply ‘willing’ it to activate. It can be deactivated similarly, however doing so will cause it to lose any remaining energy and require recharging. Activating a major enchantment requires the same emote times as their spell parallels. The object will glow and activate with the mist color of the one who forged it. Should the item be let go of, it will deactivate. The exception to this is the Ambuscade Rune, which is intended to be separated and laid as a trap. Each major enchantment has limited usability, deactivating after a time of being activated. Those times and other specifications are below, and are to be followed for any major enchantment item. To ‘recharge’ a major enchantment after draining, it simply needs to be sat in the sun so it’s Lightstone can regenerate its energy. This is for a thirty minute period, outside of combat. Lists of Spells All minor enchantments (Treated as passives. Active constantly, even included with a major enchantment. Viewed separately from the major enchantment.) Holy Affinity: Range and Melee (Holy Affinity: Melee allows for 5 emote rounds of the enchantment, before running out and deactivating.) (Holy Affinity: Ranged allows for 4 arrows, bolts, et cetera to be fired before the enchantment runs out. Alternatively, a single ballista bolt or similar large piece of siege ammunition can be manifested.) Guardian’s Bulwark: Shield and Frontal Wall (Guardian’s Bulwark: Shield allows for one specific kind of shield to be created, determined at the time of forging. This shield, following all the normal rules of regular Guardian’s Bulwark, breaks and shatters outwards after 4 solid physical hits.) (Guardian’s Bulwark: Frontal Wall allows for an object to be enchanted with the ability to summon the Frontal Wall. Since it’s bound to an object and not a Paladin, the one activating the enchantment does not feel every blow like a Paladin summoning it would. However, this comes at a cost of being weaker, only being able to take two solid, physical hits before shattering outwards.) Mist Weave Armor (Mist Weave Armor allows for an enchantment on a weapon or piece of armor, which will summon armor on the body of the holder. A good example is a helmet enchanted with the enchantment, that will summon the mist armor on the rest of the body. Additionally, any larger object such as a weapon can be enchanted with this. The item must describe in its description what sort of armor, and how much armor, is summoned by the enchantment. It allows for 5 emote rounds of the enchantment, before running out and deactivating.) Mist Manipulation (Mist Manipulation allows for an object to be enchanted which manifests mist in a predetermined form, determined on the item. This can be as simple as making a blanket of mist across the ground in a dark area to light it up, to something as intricate as a repeated telling of a story as the mists go through different shapes, forms, and images. When whatever it is set to do is finished, the item deactivates. Has no combative usage.) The Ambuscade Rune (The Ambuscade Rune allows for an item to be enchanted with the rune, which can then be placed into a hole in the ground and covered. An active Ambuscade Rune enchantment is one that glows faintly, inactive until made active by one holding it. It will remain active if activated before being placed on the ground, and will deactivate after insinaring, temporarily, whatever steps on it while activated.) Redlines -Must be Tier 3 to begin learning Sacred Artificery. -If there is a grey area or loophole seen, contact a LT otherwise the answer is no. -Cannot create major enchants on spells not known. -All enchantments must have at least one of the gems listed above within it. -For minor enchantments, one can only be placed on a small object at any time. -Major enchantments cannot be placed on smaller objects. -Functionally, all minor enchantments work as constant passives, lest they be deactivated or destroyed through some fashion. All major enchantments must be activated for usage, not passive. -On larger objects, the both that can be placed are two enchantments (one minor, one major). As in, a larger object cannot have two major enchantments. -Must state the description, activation, date of creation, and who can use it on each crafted item. -All enchanted items must be ST signed. -For an attempt at more enchantments or a more powerful version of an enchantment, a MArt must be made. -Should the item be destroyed, the enchantment will also be destroyed. Enchanted objects gain no extra resistance, and can break as much as if they weren’t enchanted to begin with. -Enchantments last ‘forever’ until destroyed, with major enchants having a set amount of emotes they can be utilized before deactivating and needing time to recharge on their own. Limbs of Light For the creation of an artificial holy limb, the limb itself must be hand crafted to fit the section lost. The materials of it can be a number of things from simple wood to bluesteel, as long as it’s within the realm of possibility of items gathered. Though for this to truly work, the original limb in question must be exactly like the one previously. The reason for this falls with the first design as the memory and functions of said limb are kept within the mind of the Paladin, and thus helps them adjust with the newer, functioning limb. Once the limb in question is created, several deific runes are placed at each joint and along the object. The focal point of this being powered is a Lightstone placed somewhere upon it. When that is complete, the Paladin using it invokes their own mists to fuel the limb in order to move it. This limb however is never quite as smooth or dextrous as a normal Descendant limb, too foreign for such, but strength and speed can be gained depending on experience and the materials used. The materials used are of the utmost importance, and effect the versatility and abilities of the limb. A very heavy but strong metal would mean the limb is slow and sluggish, but capable of taking more damage and has higher resistance. Using something lighter but more fragile would obviously grant more speed but allow it to break quicker. It’s all relative, and the materials used must be considered and described. Redlines -If a grey area or loophole is seen, contact a LT otherwise the answer is no. -For Limb of Light, no other enchantments can be placed on the artificial holy limb. -Cannot have extra limbs attached using Limb of Light. -Things like claws, fangs, or anything different than what the original limb was are not possible. -Cannot replace lost of senses. -Cannot function as dextrous as a normal limb. A hint of this must be made in an emote regarding the movement of that limb when attempting very specific and delicate actions. -Limbs of Light can be used with Holy Affinity: Melee as a melee weapon. -Requires an ST signed item. -The materials used must be defined in the item, and considered on its weight and strength. -Limbs made out of any super light but also very strong material cannot retain both of those qualities; you must pick one, discarding the other. For instance, you can have a limb that is as light and as fast as a mortal limb, but it would be more fragile and capable of denting compared to the metal it originates from. On the other side of that, you can have a very tough and strong limb at the cost of it being slower and harder to move, about an emote slower in movement. Tier Advancement Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
  12. Yes I see that now. Weird, it’s comic sans and looks totally normal in browser.
  13. [World Lore] Ikurnamon - Elven Ironwood Ikurnamon, (from elvish: Ikurn’Amonn, meaning ‘Iron Wood’) is a special type of wood whose cultivation was a secret only known to the ancient Seeds of the Wood Elves for centuries. It is harvested from its namesake, the Ironwood Tree. Origins Raw Ikurnamon Properties Raw Ikurnamon is simply wood, either still living and attached to the Ironwood tree or pieces that have been broken off or chopped down. In its raw state the Ikurnamon can take on a hue that is either rose brown, ashy gray or faintly pearly silver that depends on the tree it was taken from. Its trunk and branches are typically wavy and twisted, intertwining into a gnarled mess. The trees require more sunlight than anything, and too much precipitation will stunt the trees growth. Wood from the Ironwood tree does not burn well in its raw state, burning hot for several moments before dying down and producing more smoke than anything else. Raw Ikurnamon Applications Anything you would do with regular wood. Raw Ikurnamon Redlines -Seriously. It’s just wood. It is roughly as heavy as any other type of wood and does nothing normal wood wouldn’t in this raw form. Harvesting Method The wood of the Ikurnamon tree can be harvested in just about any way one can think of removing wood from a tree. The most common method is obviously chopping or foraging for falling limbs, but it could really even be blown into chunks with boomsteel or blasted with eldritch energy if someone wanted to get fancy with it. It is considered tradition that only pieces that have fallen naturally be harvested and worked with, however this is by no means required. Tempered Ikurnamon (Refined Form) While the untempered branches and logs of the Ikurnamon tree are naught more than just wood, any who possess the knowledge of tempering the wood may turn that very mundane wood into something of legend. First the bark of the tree must be peeled off, being far too brittle, thick and unwilling to accept the tempered properties of the wood itself. Should the bark not be removed the wood will not be able to heat correctly and in turn will not adapt its refined properties. One must be careful to not remove too much wood alongside the bark or they may be left with too little wood to work with. The craftsman must then shape and carve the wood into the approximate shape they wish for the final piece to take. They cannot be too precise as the final stages of the tempering process require further shaping and will cause the wood to shrink ever so slightly. Much like metals, ironwood is easiest to shape when it is hot. This is the hardest step of tempering Ironwood. Under too hot a fire, the wood will simply burn up like wood does. Under a fire that isn’t hot enough the wood will simply never begin to undergo its transition toward malleability. This is not to say that when the wood is heated properly it may be twisted into unnatural forms well beyond the capabilities of it’s normal form. But it will be slightly softer and springy, allowing the craftsmen some wiggle room in the crafting process. Once the wood has reached the proper temperature and has become malleable it is time for the craftsman to finalize the shape of whatever they are creating. Once the wood rehardens it shall be unable to be properly reheated or else it will begin to crack and splinter, so it is of the utmost importance that the craftsman acts decisively and does not allow the wood to cool down too much before they are finished. Once the wood has been properly heated and has cooled down it shall become Tempered Ikurnamon. The Ironwood is as hard as Iron albeit slightly lighter given that it is wood and not metal. The texture is smooth and polished, any structural impurities would have been worked out in the heating process, though aesthetic impurities such as knots in the wood may remain depending on how the craftsman works the wood. However before the process is complete some steps need to be taken to ensure the product doesn’t rot over time. The ironwood appliance is soaked in a special chemical mixture which both prevents natural rot and makes the wood resistant to fire. It must soak in the substance for a week before it can be removed. At this point, the ironwood tool is completely done and free to use. This chemical mixture includes alchemical components, consisting of - [1] Earth Sign, [1] Air Sign, [4] Vigor Symbols, [2] Endurance Symbols, [2] Balance Symbols and [3] Agility Symbols. Tempered Ikurnamon Redlines -The wood must be heated over the coals of a fire which burn at approximately 2000 degrees fahrenheit. -Once the wood has been heated and cooled it is unable to be reheated or else it will crack and splinter. -Tempered Ironwood has the same strength as Iron and can be made equally as sharp. -Crafts of Ikurnamon are not ST Signed, but requires teaching to craft IRP. -Ikurnamon does not require an Alchemy FA to create, nor does it's chemical mixture. -Tempered Ironwood weighs 75% of an equivalent amount of Iron. -Tempered Ironwood cannot be used in place of Iron or Steel when creating alloys such as Slayersteel. -The bark must be removed from the wood or else it will not properly absorb the heat. -Ironwood cannot be used to create fireproof structures such as walls or houses. -The chemical creation cannot be used on non-tempered ironwood items and exists only as a way of creating a skill that must be passed from craftsman to craftsman. -Tempered Ikurnamon is vulnerable to damage from alchemical oils and treatments as much as any normal blade. -The Chemical mixture consists of - [1] Earth Sign, [1] Air Sign, [4] Vigor Symbols, [2] Endurance Symbols, [2] Balance Symbols and [3] Agility Symbols. Tempered Ikurnamon Applications Tempered Ironwood has many practical applications, predominantly formed by its use by the Mali’Ame seeds. The Iron-like strength allows for weapons and tools to be created with it, and the unique smoothness and colors of the wood are sought after by those with a taste for fine jewelry and other ornate items. Credits
  14. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess we remember the entire situation differently then. I distinctly remember going through the entire team, making lots of changes based on their feedback and then being given useless, arbitrary requirements on length and other such things by Telanir in order to make it to his ‘chairman standards’. We’ve never claimed perfection, and were simply trying to revamp the prior rule set to keep up with the many issues that arose during the War of 2 Emps and ensuing drama. At the time I think it would have worked in patching things up, and I still think it would have worked in patching things up. It might have needed some TLC over time to keep up with the ever changing culture of LotC but oh well. The main issue with Telanir’s status quo, as you call it, isn’t requiring moderators to think for themselves. The main issue is that its based on the fallacy that with the culture of LotC in mind two warring groups, inherently against each other, will come together and work together to agree to whatever random terms the other side is trying to force down the others throat. The concept of ‘good faith’ isn’t a bad one, it is just simply not realistic to expect it to work a majority of the time. Now sure, you can have this idea of Good Faith as Avenue 1 for a conflict, and if it fails you can fall back to Avenue 2, being a more meticulous rule set. That type of system is something that we are working on balancing and that might be realistic to pursue. But ultimately no matter what the system layout, there will need to be precedents and defaults to rely on. Funnily enough when Telanirs system went live it was the people who practice neutrality, or relative neutrality, who were the happiest about it. But from what I’ve seen they’re the people who have suffered the slow burn of this system. They’re the ones getting roped into silly, B.S. wars over minor things. This system has proven to be incredibly abusable and simply does not function. When I made our ‘Your View’ on war a couple months ago we get something completely different than what you claim is the right way to handle things. It may not be their first overall choice, but I think people recognize that bringing back CBs, better cooldown times, better rally caps, etc. work for the culture lotc perpetrates, and are just better than what we are stuck with now.
  15. Truthfully it’s a bit silly to think that the reason idea after idea is shot down is because they’re all inherently bad ideas. When I first started the project I made a Your View to get the communities feedback on what works and what doesn’t. Some of our attempts have been based off of the prior rules that were in place that many are calling to be brought back t, just tidied up and expanded upon in a few places to fix loopholes that were previously abused. We’re not so naive as to think that what has been proposed has been 100% perfect, but surely better than what we have now and seemingly what the community has advised that they want. I can shoulder a bit of that blame to be honest. The reason I wasn’t initially vocal about the status of the project was because some part of me didn’t expect so much push-back, despite almost the exact same happening the first time when Kaelan and I attempted to rework Joels War rules. We had gone through everything, rewriting and revising as needed, brought it to the team at the time and let them pick it apart and fix it up and what not, and then Telanir tossed it aside and gave us what we currently have. So I don’t know what I was thinking expecting much different results. Definition of insanity I suppose. With the War Patch to fix up some aspects of Telanirs rules hopefully being pushed through now Braxis has been working diligently on taking the ‘best’ parts of many different systems and make something that will actually function for 8.0. Right now the team has not done a whole lot given how the War Patch was a bigger issue, but with an end in sight real work can now begin on an 8.0 system. Whether it is more consistent monthly updates, independent war-related updates or more Your Views, the team and I will be doing what we can to keep people in the loop this time around, especially if things spiral out yet again and the rug is pulled from underneath us.
  16. Not gonna bother responding to any one person, but I think this is applicable to everyone when it comes to conflict rules. We know. We hear you. We’re trying. But every proposal or change or attempt to revert to ways of old is always shut down in one way or the other by the ‘powers that be’. There’s only so much we can do, and we’re sorry that it isn’t enough.
  17. GIMME TENDIES REEEEEE edit: wait why the **** did you necro this thread
  18. Brunob Frûm-iistum The Cabal of Spiritual Knowledge Goal: To see the will of the spirit is carried out in a manner that ensures the prosperous future of Spiritualists, following in the path of the Spirits. To ensure those who are not aligned with Krugmar are kept in check and prevented from bringing unfixable disgrace to those who follow the ways of the Spirits. To ensure that, despite it being a grand gesture to the spirits, the likes of the world ending Orgonic Plague are not repeated for the betterment of Krug’s kind. Structure: Frumgrat - Incumbent: Hargurr’Gorkil - The Frumgrat, a call to the ways at the start of Arcas. The Frumgrat is elected by their peers on the council by majority vote. The Frumgrat is typically the Goj of Krugmar, however this is not mandated in any capacity. They do not have any “real” power, however they call, oversee and give the meetings a sense of order. As such, their ‘term’ ends when they step down. Their vote is worth no more than any other council members. Spirit Touched - The rank of shamans who have achieved Tier 3 or higher, showing their loyalty and devotion to the Spirits. Their name is derived from their passion for Spirituality, as if chosen by the Spirits’ will itself. They are granted a seat on the council, and to vote and voice their opinion on all matters that come before the council. Invited: Nurena’Yar Malog’Yar Nazark’Gorkil Brunhyldir Snawt’Ox Tedyn’Yar Falum’Lur Thurak’Yar Shakul’Gorkil Hu-Din Daki’ir Des’Nox Burbur Wisemen - A rank bestowed on non-shamans who have proven themselves to be exemplars of the Spirits’ will. A vast knowledge and a hunger for more, are the primary traits associated with those of this rank. Loyalty to the Spirits is the only requirement besides knowledge, the two going hand-in-hand on the path forward. They are granted a full vote on the council in recognition of their devotion. Invited: Fiil’Yar Murak’Gorkil Acolyte - The rank of the Tier 1 and 2 shamans, those accepted to the council at this rank typically are accepted as part of their training. While allowed a ‘seat’ on the council, they will likely be unable to vote on something unless explicitly asked to do so by their seniors. They are mostly there to watch and learn in hopes of better understanding the spirits and their politics. Pilgrimage The Halls of the Spirits’, the meeting chambers of the Cabal are to be considered a holy site. When a meeting is not in session it would not be uncommon to find Shamans and wiseman merely talking, praying or doing other spiritual tasks. Uruk and Spiritualists alike may travel to the halls on a pilgrimage to show reverence to their ancestors and the spirits alike. Once every few years a great pilgrimage will be held to the City of Krug, the holiest of lands on Arcas. Led by the Frumgrat those who go on this pilgrimage will enter into several weeks worth or prayer and spirituality, taking time to learn about their kins past and hopefully gain information to help them going forward. Teaching The Hall of the Spirits is not only home to those seen as worthy enough to speak to, and on behalf of, the Spirits. It is also a home for those who hunger for knowledge, both rudimentary and advanced. Shamans are encouraged to hold informal classes for Spiritualists, helping them better understand what it means to live your life according to the Spirits and how to properly show reverence and praise for them. On occasion those gathered may find themselves thrown headfirst into the realm of Shamanism itself, being brought on Spirit walks by the Shamans to meet Spirits and seek their guidance and wisdom. While not required to by any means, Shamans can use these impromptu classes to find potential students among the Spiritualist ranks.
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