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◀ Doone ►

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54 Fantastic

About ◀ Doone ►

  • Birthday August 16

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    Rocky Mountains, USA

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  1. Move nite, Princess Mononononononononononoke - http://www.livestream.com/jjkoshanefuntime

  2. Listening to Bunga musiq whilst watching my Estate burn at my own command; Salvian Thug Life.

    1. Gemmylou


      Has Siege finally cracked?

    2. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      Hehe, Siege is long gone, Zandros is incharge now, deary. It was Jericho, he just wanted to see the Ashby Estate burn.

    3. Gemmylou


      Jericho is still around?!!?

  3. There should be a notice before every restart with a link to vote, telling people to do so while it restarts-- What else do we have to do?

    1. FalconByte


      Great Idea, but then the sever, which is restarting will be overwhelmed by people voting and people might not get there 50 minas

  4. Dat Salvian Harvest Festival

  5. -glares forward sternly as an extensive amount of the Harvest Festival's progress is undone, and most of his all-nighter as well.-

  6. Server jizzing out on my procrastinated Harvest Festival monkey frantic-icalness?

  7. http://prntscr.com/1krwcy (All dat Wither)
    1. ◀ Doone ►
    2. Shadeleaf


      I made these, that idiot had nothing to do with it

    3. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      I had everything to do with this.

  8. Yeah I am back, even had made a post in the Off topic section bout it lol

  9. Wonders where his return letter about the Shields is!

  10. The note is received after the speech, he reads it slowly with a nod before readjusting his armor slightly in the process of reshaping and fixing it. He glances to the left for a moment in a sigh before heaving his head slowly back to the letter with a nod. Then making his way towards his study within Westwarde Citadel to make his reply, an odd expression lingering beneath his greathelm as he does so.
  11. #TTVS "Tu tantum vivere semel."

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