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Status Updates posted by Nononymous

  1. What would you guys like to see from the villainous community?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinefly


      I'll create a very good villain ;)

    3. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      A goblin who offers people gold nuggets which he's buried out in the desert and when they follow him out there, he kills them, peels off their finger skin, puts it in a soup along with some pork, ale, and mushrooms and then just pours the soup onto the ground without eating it. We need more villains who only do minor stuff like waste good food.

    4. Pro_Whistler


      Oh god. This made my day.

  2. Told you that you were a furry. I told you :P

  3. This event would be fun, if of course people could actually see what I typed in. So much spam. . .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miquill


      It would be fun if it didn't lag like crazy

    3. Nononymous


      The lag and spam are completely destroying the event. . . *sigh*

    4. Slic3man


      You can thank the dwarves. :3

  4. Someone call ambulance! EYE LASH IN MY EYE! Gah!

    1. Aryon


      Sure, I'll just get an Australian ambulance to drive across the ocean.

    2. gingernut97



    3. Lykos


      Hmm... This is not so good, sir. We need to amputate.

  5. Looking back, I miss some of my old RP buddies from not even too far back. . . Feelin' nostalgic tonight I suppose. . .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Don't come back. Don't be like me. You'll regret it.

    3. Lykos
    4. Guest


      I know you love me.

  6. Sometimes I add people as friends just to feel loved when I get a message in my inbox. . .

    1. EmeraldStag


      I know dat feel.....all too well.

    2. yekim8
  7. Ey' der sexy thang ;)

  8. New character idea! He is super buff, cannot be defeated in combat, he is a warrior, he has no fears, and he never loses! Won't you guys love this guy!?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      *Casts a thrust of air to blow him off the cliff*

      "Try and buff your way out of that, you bastard."

    3. Blundermore
    4. MrSyth
  9. Spent six hours of my saturday doing homework. . . Darn me

    1. Bawd


      I just leave mine 'til Sunday.

    2. yekim8


      You get your grades now Cena

    3. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      I leave my homework till the class it is. Due in. Due tomorrow, do tomorrow.

  10. Name this character; he takes people, he goes under them, and he fought the WWE wrestler Kane.

    1. Wizard


      The Undertaker!

  11. Man, I've been on a face stealing role today! :D

  12. Name this character; he likes Snow, he lives with a Ghost, where he lives has high walls, and he has a thing for red heads.

  13. Name this character; he can fly, float, and ride. He is british. He has a particular love for a family containing a grandpa in a safari costume, an inventor (the dad), and two imaginative kids, a boy and a girl.

  14. One year I just wanna mess with Santa's head and leave a Weight Watchers pamphlet for him rather than some cookies.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      *Spoiler alert* Santa's not real.

    2. Geo


      We don't like your hax.

    3. Nononymous


      Lying is ban worthy on LoTC

  15. Dis is the definition of funneh. . .

  16. *Drinks his coffee contently and cracks his knuckles* Lore writing time ;)

    1. Pro_Whistler


      Good luck on that. I hope you are successful.

    2. Stevie


      Don't break any fingers typing furiously.

  17. To everyone with a VA up. . . GET YOUR REFERENCES SO I CAN REVIEW THEM! Thank you.

    1. Pro_Whistler


      Mine has the references. ;~;

    2. Stevie
    3. everblue2er101


      I don't ask for references. If my character dies before it gets reviewed, so be it.

  18. Name this character; he flies in space, he "reaps" what he sows, red, blue, and green are his favorite colors, and he used to work for a "three-headed dog of the underworld."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stevie
    3. EpicSmith


      "three headed dog" AKA Cerbereus

      "reaps" suggests reapers

      "Blue, green, red" - colours of ME3 ending

      Sounds like Shep to me

    4. MonkeyCoffee
  19. Name this character; He wears a suit, he is good with girls, and is the opposite of his sexuality in real life.

  20. Name this character; She has red hair, she travels through time and space, her name begins with D, and she helped to "move" the Earth.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pro_Whistler
    3. Trintea☕️


      Gosh! Amy Pond would have been

      Awesome,Doctor Who would like it,

      We would have call her Pond most

      the time Well, Derora? It means

      'Free' I found it kinda cool =)

    4. Gorum©


      Ban appeal? Really? u r little shiz!

  21. I love you Wardog, you lovely lovely man!

  22. Congratz on becoming a GM!

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