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  1. That moment when you realise your essay is ****, and you have an hour to fix it up... God I wish I had a bloody time machine.

    1. Sporadic


      Because you'd use it to fix your essay? what a waste...

    2. Tethras


      A waste? It would have less of a chance of messing everything up. So personally I wouldn't call it a waste, I fix my essay. Without messing up the world in the process. I mean for example if you used the time machine to kill hitler. Sure you saved, millions. But at the sametime you have also essentially "killed" those from the future. By warping history. So if I had a time machine and I went back to kill hitler. That would most likely cause a paradox. Since most of us wouldn't...

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Use it to observe events of importance.~

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