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Status Replies posted by Tethras

  1. Hoo'Hoo! The Mighty Subudai assembles!

  2. The Darkness is unconcerned of the men of flesh seeking to breach the manor it now calls home. These "Teutons" will fall as the rest did...

  3. White Roses, you are saints today: http://i.imgur.com/vaepqkV.png

  4. White Roses, you are saints today: http://i.imgur.com/vaepqkV.png

  5. Any settlements in need of a town guard force?

  6. Those classic disney movies always lift da mood.

  7. Gladiator honestly gets better every time I watch it.

  8. ... I want to talk to the Druids in the grove but I feel so awkward and don't know what to say... <_>

  9. Night night, server.

  10. So I am writing lore finally. But for some reason I am writing in role play sense. Do most do this? Does it make more sense if it is in OOC writing

  11. What kind of books would you like an in-game bookstore to stock? Need some ideas of what to write.

  12. Reading Aegis Books, fricken halarious

  13. Reading Aegis Books, fricken halarious

  14. Reading Aegis Books, fricken halarious

  15. And here... we... go.


  17. *Flops over from exhaustion* I can't do this all on my own anymore gais. ;-;

  18. Dead and gone, dead and gone.

  19. They changed the texture on Lapis... RAGEQUIT

  20. Yeah, Okay. Public apologize time to all. Sorry for making such a ruckus.

  21. *Sigh* Now Godfrey is gone, and someone exactly like him has taken the throne...

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