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Everything posted by Volutional

  1. I've always loved the Elves of Middle Earth, High and Wood Elves alike. Shame that there aren't similar portrayals in our server.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Redbaron™


      There has never been a close representation of LoTR elves in LoTC. I wish it was differet.

    3. gingernut97


      In the wise words of Picard: Make it so.

    4. Slic3man


      "Hell no. Most LotC elves are modern IRL humans."

  2. Can you not delete my passive aggressive statuses because they call out problems in society pls?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redbaron™


      I get so many deleted statuses lately.

    3. shiftnative


      I will smite all status's that bring bad vibes or deal with things inappropriately /flex /flex

    4. Volutional


      Native can't help but flex on my statuses.


  3. Shiftnative back in his best colours again I see. :]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rhia


      And wants. :P

    3. gingernut97
    4. shiftnative


      *flexes his giant beardy muscles* I WILL FIGHT FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!

  4. I feel that sometimes people forget far too often that we are all Human (not how I didn't say 'just' Human), and that we are not just people behind the computer screen. If you're reading a book, and suddenly find yourself emotionally affected? Um, that's because emotion comes through understanding, not through whether you hear it or read it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You are referring to be emotionally effected by RP? If so, yeah, ain't nothing wrong with that. People cry over books and movies, and this has much more personal involvement than your average book.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Vol, you have misread ski_king3. He is speaking out against people clinging to the game so tightly that they cannot prioritize in their minds that things in IRL come first and foremost. This is entertainment, hell I wish I could stay 24/7 in a strip club, but I got bills to pay and grades to make As baby.

    4. Volutional


      Gaius, this isn't about Ski's post. Nice try doe. :]

  5. Danny posted yesterday. STOP TEASING ME BROTHER>

  6. I shall now proceed to kill everything in sight. Starting WITH YOU, CLOUD TEMPLE.

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      *tucks his nerd back in and glances around nervously to make sure no one noticed*

  7. Nice, warm, soggy moist waffles.

    1. Lark


      Nice, warm, soggy moist French toast sticks.

    2. Volutional


      soggy french fish sticks

  8. Get the **** off my profile ya noob

  9. So um ... my FRP characters have taken form ... http://gyazo.com/18bb408f4be02d9e5cfae19043cd4d1a

    1. Swgrclan


      One of those is a girl. Are you one of those sissy-men, Vol?

    2. Volutional


      Two of those are girls. Gotta have dat straight-RPer balance.

  10. I dunno what to buyyy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wavejammers


      (Or DayZ standalone and support indies)

    3. Space


      Buy DayZ and support money grabbing developers that erlease unfinished product because they are too greedy and want the money from the game.

    4. Space


      before they are finished making the game.

  11. I ... I put an Electric Guitar into ... I FEEL BAD https://soundcloud.com/volutional/untitled-electric-guitar-test

    1. Mish_


      Nice music :)

    2. hoodmaster906


      I would use this as a theme, when I slay an entire court and its king, thus proclaiming my TRUE RIGHT AS KING OF MAN AND THE OTHER RACES!

  12. So I have a new Avatar. Feel free to take it personally.

  13. Ew. Not liking that board thang.

  14. This gal deserves more views:

    1. Pinsir99


      O.O She is amazing

    2. shiftnative


      Small world, I was already subscribed! =]

    3. Volutional


      I subbed back when I seen her Misty Mountains cover last year :p

  15. Urgh. Just seen a Kha go 'Mew' - This is why we should have changed when I said

  16. I'd love the server, or at least a group of it, to adopt a Fable-esque RP style. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neri


      Marry fifty husbands and behead them infront of our newborn children? ... just me?

    3. Volutional


      They were all great in their own right...

      And yeah, me too Freya...

  17. I've come to find that swearing excessively in RP appears distasteful. Perhaps cut down?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      I love being vulgar. It fits with certain characters. And saying 'feck' doesn't have the same effect.

    3. comanderbly^


      Swearing is a part of RP, deal with it

    4. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      They're tlaking about EXCESSIVE swearing, no need to be rude. And for the record I agree, it can be a bit rediculous when they say "****" every 3 words, or any other colorful word.

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