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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. I really wish I could tell what other titles(such as Fancy Fedora, Brilliant Breezer, Top hat, etc.) I have besides Diamond VIP. If I was a Fedora or a Breezer as well, I'd so want one of them to be shown instead of my VIP.

  2. If VIP titles show instead of Fancy Fedora, Top hat etc. titles, how do I tell what titles I have?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Don't think you can.

  3. What happened to Enor/Wildeboy? Does he still play?

    1. comanderbly^


      I don't think so, last time I saw him it was back in Solace in the first months of Asulon

  4. My Minecraft is really laggy this morning.

  5. I saw a status 'bout this change a few days ago, but what's the point of changing the forums so often?

  6. Crossbows should become a special items that you can craft like warhammers are/were. I'm tired of people RPing their bows as crossbows and then a minute later RP it as a bow to suit themselves.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      Damn, good point Lago.

    3. BigAssFrog


      This is so true though

    4. Lago


      If they know how to use a bow... why the hell are they using a crossbow? Bows > Crossbows for those trained in their use.

  7. My mouse randomly broke so I have to click everything like 3 times and I can't hold stuff or highlight stuff with my mouse. It makes breaking blocks in MC a nightmare

  8. Some stupid AVG thing is lagging my computer so badly and it's finishing bar hasn't moved a single pixel in ages!

  9. Is it just me, or has everyone's avatar doubled in size?

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I noticed that as well.

  10. This server has so many spam accounts with 0 posts. Who made these, and why? I know some are people who were gonna apply and then never did, but there are TONS of pages of accounts with 0 posts. Go to "Overall Top Posters" and then the last page and try and get to the first account with even 1 post...

    1. Cyndikate


      It's probably players who want to check out the forums.

    2. argonian


      Dozens upon dozens of pages of players bothering to make accounts to check out the forums when they could just do that as a guest and then make an account to apply later if they like it?

    3. Valdis


      some people are used to the idea that they cant do anything unless they have a account.

  11. I meant where's the post, Queen o' Aegis.

  12. That moment when you realise that 99% of the drama on this server is people complaining about drama and the community...

    1. Dargene
    2. Merkaken



    3. Telanir


      How about, less posts on this so-called 'Drama'?

      Unfortunately, it's becoming irritating to see them everyday, I don't know if anyone shares this feeling. :\

  13. Hayden's unbanned? I /seen'd him a while ago and it didn't say he was banned.

  14. Where are horses native from?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Basically, somewhere in Europe. The Americas are right-out.

    3. hammer01


      ...they come from my back yard... right?

    4. Tsuyose


      I believe North America and then they split out into Europe, etc. -Rides horses.- :p

  15. How old is Godfrey? The char's been around most of Asulon, which I heard lasted 70 years, and then Kalos/Elsyium too so would he be like 60 something?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. argonian


      Ski, he started his character as a teenager in early Asulon.

    3. Braxis


      As stated in the last status about this he was NOT around since ageis and is his very late 50's to mid 60's

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      And to add to that, 50-60 is not at all old so Godfrey has many more years left. He's a good ruler so I wouldn't worry about it.

  16. This sounds like a great time to make an Elf :P

    1. Lord_Sauron_


      Probably is. Great opportunities lie ahead. And there needs to be people to take action on them.

    2. spqrSancus


      Totally. My elf is more of a human, actually. Treated like one, too, because he's such a good fighter and generally sympathetic with other soldiers.

  17. I like arson becoming it's own evil so that not everyone and their grandmother is allowed to burn buildings to the ground, but I liked 4a being a minor villainy. And there were some rebellions in the works by people with 4a who'll now have to stop the rebellion, apply for it, and wait a couple days before continuing it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wealthypiano


      I agree with that statement. I also feel like the need to get OOC consent to use arson is a bit absurd though. Will this not limit RP? To what extent can this person keep saying no? Will it simply stop the RP like that? Will it void it? I've heard Urasept say before he hates voiding RP. I am quite confused about this.

    3. Cyndikate


      This was needed. I'm irritated at the number of players who bring the same stale RP to other players just because they have a minor VA. Now players can't create 1 day characters to start wars. It becomes very stale and old for players who are involved in the conflict. Now the real villains will come out and play.

    4. argonian


      There, now you aren't claiming I said I disliked arson(when I said the opposite) and I'm not deleting it.

  18. I hate it when /s and /w use ur mc name instead of char name. I know /setname'ing fixes it until you relog again, but it really needs a permanent fix

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      A fix : (( .

    2. nobody


      It isn't all the time, all you have to do is speak normally, without /s and /w and then all your shouts and whispers are with your roleplay name; no need to /setname or anything!

    3. argonian


      You can emote whispers sure(and risk meta but w/e) but you cn emote shouting to them when the person is out of talking distance...

  19. Where's the post on the reintroduction of the shop plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I was told this was it: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scs/pages/usage/ Would like to get some formal information on everything soonish though.

    3. Ever


      Yea, that's the plug-in. Atm, it's currently disabled in-game due to some... bugs.

    4. Redbaron™


      Bugs is an understatement lol

  20. Crossbows should get it's own enchanted bow item, like warhammers, so that they could actually do more damage and people couldn't just one second say their bow is a crossbow, and then say it's a bow again later to suit them because they share the exact same item.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aiden


      Then everyone would use a crossbow for PvP, besides that's all power I would do, help in PvP not roleplay

    3. Shadeleaf


      They have them... just no one knows how to make them...

    4. Evilbanana5757


      And noone knows WHO makes them ;D

  21. What item is the malin represented is? Or do they just RP their minas as malins?

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      It's a piece of paper named 'Malin'

    2. steelersfan1221
  22. Why are Halflings smaller than Dwarves? They're meant to be a mix between Humans and Dwarves, so if anything, they should be a bit taller.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      If I am correct, due to all the mixing, Halfling do live short, but usually longer than humans (to the ages of 150 - 200)

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nope its 120-200, but ages near the former being far more common.

    4. Kaiser


      Exactly, that's why Kip was about 150 or something.

  23. Why did they take the server down?

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