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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. Make me a skin for your son.

    And what the fudge is this "Doomforged" ****.

    I ain't into that.

  2. The first way to improve RP is to STOP RPING YOUR THOUGHTS.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      Yes Arik. Yes. Yes. Yes.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      I use RP'ing my thoughts only when around friends and usually as a joke.

    4. Igneberr


      Arik u head dead center, I hate people doing that because I'm thinking "Dude my charcher isn't phycic and no one else around is, so need to think outloud"

  3. I play with Void on a regular basis, as long as he's in a good mood it's fine.

    Lamaenic is my LoL name, I'll get on now.

  4. Cause you can fake your way to the top-round and around.

  5. Gotta love that destroying of the Normandor gate xD

  6. Somebody explain to me how the Orcs justify taking an entire city in RP. And then try and sell it for a cookie.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bethykinss


      Ehh.. They're hungry?

    3. Praetor


      Trolls. Also, weren't warclaims abolished?

    4. Braxis


      The orcs did not actually take the city, they merely attacked some elven guards and broke into the Gates. Controling it, someone outisde made a joke saying it was the new orc city so they proclaimed it following it. and looks like they wanted something out of it at the end, such as a cookie. -Shrugs- I was just watching on my Cleric at the time that is my point of view from it and I was not involved on neither sides

  7. What...Are the Orcs doing....?

    1. Volutional


      Stupid things that result in nothing but /loo ARaiugfkaF

  8. I tried to be at Normandor as Riel'a yesterday but I kept getting crashed. I also somehow expect people wouldn't take too kindly to it :x

  9. I just woke froma dream in which my yt videos went viral. I believed it. My heart is still racing.

  10. Let me just say-If you are going to use the word "***" to refer to your cigarretted, don't troll with it. And people trolling with it, don't try and say that saying "We should make a law that makes it illegal to blow fags in public" is serious RP because it's not. It's offensive.

    1. Kaiser


      fags are piles of sticks, yes?

      I don't get how that offensive...

    2. Kaiser


      er, scratch that, I wasn't thinking

    3. Misery's Host

      Misery's Host

      er, if you "scratched" that then you could've deleted the comment you made. So, if you just want your tasteless comment out there this bad, then take it somewhere else. It is not needed here.

  11. Mastermage has been banned.

    1. everblue2er101


      *Arik stands triumphant over the corpse, his gun shining in the sunlight*

  12. I'm sorry-how do you know that your cigarrette will harm the pregnant lady IC?

    1. Braxis
    2. danic


      I was unaware cigarrettes existed IG

    3. Slic3man


      ^ This, also, tends to seem people slap all sorts of things they know OOC'ly that they shouldn't IC'ly. Internal Bleedings, Brain Damage... etc.

  13. Tehlulu is part of the Family of Heroes.

    1. Guest


      Arik is part of the cool peeps.

    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Laurina is a part of the magical wizard people.

    3. Pum!


      Pip is part of the Tired peeps

  14. Y u delete troll statuses

    1. Raptorious


      We have come to the conclusion that all Arik's will be purged. Not all of you will return.

    2. Javelberg
  15. Is it possible to just go ahead and reapply m VA now?

    1. Song Druid
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Yes. Everyone is kinda doing it I think.

    3. Arkelos
  16. When will the VA purge be in effect? I'd like to know so I can know when I can redo my VA. Thanks! :)

    1. Urasept


      2 weeks from now

    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Thanks for the info.

  17. Still thinking about making a lost son of Urir who starts an Ireheart church to worship the Champion. Badass.

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