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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. Who was logged into two teamspeak channels and said a bad word in Lord of the Craft TS thinking it was the other TS? This guy. Who's still got 18 hours and 33 minutes left on his TS ban? This guy.

    1. Brent


      Bad, bad Arik.

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      "When in doubt, shut your snout"

      freely translated after my grandpa

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      You are a complete noob.

  2. Whoah. You need to calm down.

  3. Why am I seeing 10 year old girls run around a snowy Abresi with sleeveless shirts on, wetf

    1. Bethykinss



    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      When I asked why she wasn't wearing any furs in the freezing weather, she shrugged and said she was used to it :x

    3. Taiga


      Wait, why are you surprised that they're ten...? >___> @Beth

  4. Why am I still awake....

    1. NekoDanie


      Same reason I'am probably.

    2. HappyShackles


      In hopes of finding a Good Barber.

    3. Ever


      because you're not sleeping

  5. Why do we have a Day-Z server? I don't want to be "that guy" but we shouldn't retract from our purpose as an RP server. And it appears we have an official alternate server now. Is this to bring in more money from more audiences?

    1. Zarsies


      Dun care. Hi Arik~. ^~^

    2. Zarsies


      Dun care. Hi Arik~. ^~^

    3. Austin


      dayz is fun so vaq made a server for this community

  6. Why is the server constantly going down? Why are there no updates about this? And why is this apparently a regular thing? Forget 4.0, We need to focus on making the server stable first.

    1. Space


      be the force for change

      stop the patriarchy

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I think what the server needs most is a more relaxing environment.

    3. Thu'um
  7. Why no signups? I guess none of you want secret ONE OF A KIND items you can get as a prize? There is one you can get for just being there (not even performing) and one for winning performances! It is a one of a kind RP item that doesn't hinder other's RP but gives you a unique distinguishing value.

  8. Why was my Ex-FM tag removed? Also I was de-whitelisted on the server...could I be re-added back? Yifengzhong

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kim


      Too many groups so they simplified. You can put it in your signature or something if you feel the need to remain known as Ex-FM xD?

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Nah, no worries I was just wondering. Cause my account was de-whitelisted I thought someone was punishing me for something lol. Thanks for clearing that up.

    4. Lark


      Punish the popo

  9. Why, is the MAIN server down? Can somebody please give us a straight answer? Is it being DDosD again? We know you're working on it, but working on what exactly? T_T

    1. yekim8


      Waiting for Alec apparently.

    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. Lirinya


      Read the main thread, Arik.

  10. Will do apps after sleepy time, never do important things with poor judgement folks!

  11. Will have an overview of Druid Magic up within the next 2 hours :)

  12. Work out new world kinks-Ready, set: GO!

  13. Work, keep up your great Neko!

  14. Worked 12 hours yesterday, probably working 12 more today..money money money

    1. Wavejammers


      Mr. Krabs would be proud of you.

    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Moneymoneymoney :D

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I work because I am my own boss, and I enjoy working with my friends :) not cuz of stupid money~

  15. Working on a great collaboration with Haelphon, omg! :D

  16. Working on some Druid Grove concepts...;)

  17. Would that even be possible? Is Vork even you know... O.o I mean after Fae I don't think he'd even look at Arik again much less in that sort of way xD

  18. Wow, over 40 people in the Creative Cafe Channel!

  19. Wow...Really? Warning level? Revoked villain app? Lol. I've done nothing wrong.

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