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Status Updates posted by comanderbly^

  1. had a great rp session thank u guys!! :D

  2. Copyright © 2013 The Lord of the Craft. All Rights Reserved.

    1. Skippy


      2013 was a great year

    2. Giga


      'Twas the last of the good years.

  3. Rebel fast travel charter is so studpid. Rebelling factions act out as full-out autonomous nations, they should receive the privileges of such until the war ends. Paying 3000 minas/week is also a huge amount for a simple fast travel

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Haven't quit advanced to the Reich's technological level where we can actually destroy our entire settlements with ease yet

    3. comanderbly^


      @Eli_Cohen people only rebel if there is an issue, before there was no fast travel and people wouldn't rebel. So clearly you haven't put much thought into your words.

    4. Publius


      I believe simply fight over it, like chimps over a shiny penny; the Raev was served well with Aesterwaldshima

  4. Let's give support to Hunwald, one of the best members of our community. A true example of change and positive attitude on the server

  5. I'm still banned in game, probably misspelt my name

  6. 3 years 3 days ago since i joined le_lotc so much time wasted

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Ain't wasted if you had fun!

  7. 3 years 3 days ago since i joined le_lotc

  8. Don't forget to check this out for 4.0:

  9. Regarding blind characters, wouldn't it be far more interesting if you didn't announce your character was blind? And through roleplay people would find out.. I think it would make it much more interesting to realise that a character is blind.

    1. Watyll


      your username is a clone trooper

    2. comanderbly^


      wow!!! ur rly smart m8

    3. Space


      Prefixes suck. I want to LEARN you're a merchant, not read it in your nametag.

  10. Deus est regit qui omnia

  11. i feed them gunpowder.....

  12. Is there any thread explaining how the season plugin works?

    1. Helbolt


      If you type /me ingame and select persona -> help -> seasons it explains it.


  13. this plugin is a b.itch for builders

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. comanderbly^


      but u dont need 1000 different blocks to make a 5x5 hovel

    3. Watyll


      make remove of messy medieval everything is coming together haha

    4. Navin_


      lol it took me two days just to make a good looking dock/platform... I haven't even added buildings yet

  14. 3.75 looks better than 4.0...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. comanderbly^


      It's not really a reason to be proud of to have 100 builders and take so long to take something that isn't even top quality :P.

    3. nordicg_d


      comanderbly worse troll

    4. shiftnative


      I could care less about "top quality" builds, the fact of the matter is we had the very players who would be enjoying it - building it and it was fun.

      Thankfully it doesn't look so good that everyone would treat it like a museum and not want to make their own mark.

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