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6434 Rep Farm Business Owner

About Telanir

  • Rank
    The Optimist
  • Birthday 06/17/1997

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    Billy Bob's Shack
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    Writing, coding, video-production, podcasting, and game design :)

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    Farmer Billy Bob

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  1. how is it in anyway fair to force someone to admit their alleged wrongdoing before interacting with them at all so that they can even view the evidence which proves that they did indeed do it, let alone even try to argue why they didnt do something

    its incredibly backwards and beyond unfair

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    2. J


      Just don't get banned. It's really not hard. All current permabans are well deserved.

    3. Harri


      just dont get banned 4head XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


      its the greater principle that if you ban a player and force them to admit they are wrong, despite what they may believe or evidence may lead to, you wont discuss why they might not be wrong

    4. rukio


      @Harrison Don’t you know? Being slapped with a community guideline is basically a “Well you can’t be perma’d but now I have a clever way of keeping people off the server even longer because I rarely respond!”


      Note how in the past it’s basically been said “We only community guideline people I think can change”


      As nicely as I can say this: Telanir you are not god. Your system is ****.

      @Jaeden Except earlier this map we literally had someone from Norland get banned when we modreq’d to see who cut part of a tree on /our/ land. When we found out it was one of our guys we were like “Oh okay thats fine” and GM was like “Nah mans getting a ban for griefing.” Despite us telling them not to ban him. Sometimes you get banned for bullshit reasoning, and I can think of quite a few of those. I mean a sure way to never get banned is to not play the server in the first place I GUESS.

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