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Status Updates posted by Cracker

  1. Oberyn about to pull that RP default...he can't handle Gregor PVP

    1. AlmondTree
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Nah, dont hate my ****** yet.

  2. I do it for the community

    1. Aislin


      I do it for the rep

    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory














  3. Heff you need to stop shitting up RP threads.

    1. Potts244


      Heff is a big boy he can make his own decisions.

    2. Publius


      you can't just ask him to quit posting on rp posts

  4. Please unhide my post. I will remove ejaculation if it is controversial. My PM Box is full so I can only communicate like this.


    Thank you

    1. TinyBiceps


      If you'd like to discuss your hidden post please contact me via skype (amskybuscus)


      We can discuss it privately there.

    2. Thatpyrodude


      haha free my boy cracker

  5. Weapons are glitched, with 100 swords 100 blacksmith i only do 1.5 damage to unarmored people. Wrestling is also broken

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      I've also heard that being a bungling breeder gives you diamonds.

  6. Messiah 2012

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Who? Obama? Hahah! What a madman!

  7. Beautiful day to be an Orc. 8 different awesome events,

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Good to hear the Orcs are shaping up.

  8. nooooooooo divinus you fool!

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      What did he do now, that absolute madman!?

  9. Vekaro exposed inapprioprate behavior today,. I am disgruntled.

  10. No kiddings here.

    1. Jarkarll


      There are kiddies though.

  11. Skippy, how you doing today

  12. that was the most fun steamroll ive ever been a part of

  13. happy 10th birthday to my homeboy D.A.V.E.R.N. #decadeofdecadance #squeakernation #babalouch #sexonfire #clubmascot #nolovelikeleland #swaggerdownpat #downlikedavern #yolodolo

  14. finally white rose nerf #2op4me

    1. Zebanamana


      I'm happy they finally added it this patch

  15. my favorite pokemon is pedot

    1. Valdis


      =/ mine is meloetta

  16. Do a rollback they are creepers everywhere

  17. Email to Grool - Remember to brush your teeth twice a day and always wear fresh undies. Love, Cracker

  18. Eddy and Alty unbanned these are better times!

  19. Didn't u guys learn from the merrymoogle-boxxy incident that unless the IPs match u shouldn't ban on suspicion?

    1. Avacyn


      my IP's did match, though, because we both used the same proxy service. Still not definable proof.

  20. Azog Mating Festival, come to Kingston!

  21. Are the dwarves pulling a russian strategy or ban report strategy...real talk

  22. charles the bald is jahrmann when bald

    1. empirerebel


      so hes you when bald????

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