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Status Updates posted by DecoLamb

  1. I just realized something kinda slightly heartbreaking.. I havn't seen fireflies in over ten years.

    1. Nolan_


      Scotland only has sheep :/

  2. Waited over an hour trying to connect. Manage to connect for 1 second, then another crash. Yay.

  3. Okay I don't care about books anymore the server being up is more important than mc books.

    1. Space


      Telanir said the ddos protection people were moving their hardware or some **** so that's what's going on.

  4. I hope we can get these wires or whatever fixed soon. Can't even keep connected for a minute..

  5. I take a break to finish school and everything is diffrent. What is this.

  6. Baby with the bathwater, yo.

  7. Memes are cute, until they're flodding out everything else.

    1. Fimlin


      Zhis is why Fimlin's memes are ze best.

  8. See this **** right here is why I play pathfinder instead.

    1. Dougstalicious


      are you advertising, ma'am?

    2. Ragadorus


      3.5e master race

  9. Decide to make pathfinder map. Turns into full on world with area themesongs, custom drawn NPCs, and currently 40 pre-planned city/encounter maps to make. **** what have I done.

  10. Color version with zoom since i've gotten 12 goddamn PMs about it; http://i.imgur.com/QoDuPOt.jpg

  11. I'm happy enough with it at this stage; http://i.gyazo.com/448582c223a459b889d3570055c17c21.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rassidic


      That would actually be a kickass LOTC map if done right.

    3. Praetor


      the lake of nerd

    4. Z3r05t4r


      If it's bigger than Athera, why not.

  12. Small peak of an ongoing project of mine; http://i.gyazo.com/6c83b0d246045f1c2febea77f84f66fa.png

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. BrandNewKitten


      What is it? Just a map? It's pretty.

    3. DecoLamb


      Map Im working on. Working name is 'land of god damnit'. For a pathfinder camping I've been working on for about 4 months or so.

  13. Doing anything while listening to Black Better will make you feel like you're a real badass.

  14. How much does a freddo cost?

    1. lemontide331
    2. IrishPerson


      30 or so cent in Ireland, they keep going up :(

  15. Anyone wanna buy some land? >w>

  16. Do rabbits even eat haybales like other livestock..?

    1. Dakirennis


      Rabbits eat other livestock. Throw a few chickens or a cow in there and they'll be fine.

  17. That agony when the water decides to cut off in the middle of shampooing.

    1. OhDeerLord
    2. Fireheart
    3. DecoLamb


      I'm supposed to start my night classes today, the well reader is still broke, and now its raining. Surprisingly its actually a pretty decent day so far. Usually its a lot worse when I have things to do in a certain frame of time.

  18. Sorry for everyone who wanted to come to Muffin Day at the Vhemented Lion, sister's come ill and needs me to keep her kids for the night. I'll host something else later in the week!

    1. Ogdan


      Awww, okay. :D

    2. Supah


      IRL before LotC~

    3. Space



  19. I hope I dont hurt any feeligns but.. this high elf plateu is really ugly..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      originally it was a pit but it didn't work out so I leveled it. I actually am helping all three subraces create new areas to help jump start their RP. Space is right tho. It looked cool and solved lag. It's also a way to increase map longevity.

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      It does look pretty cool. Certainly no issue if all the subraces are getting something.

    4. Dreek


      it looks good, i dont like the concept of it though

  20. Today's Special at The Vehement Lion: Iced Auvergine Vanilla Mocha!!

  21. That feeling when you really need to grocery shop but are too tired from not eating to do so.

    1. VampsWillDie


      have fun starving to death.

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
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