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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by James

  1. I got every Assassins creed game up to Black Flag. Should I play Assassin's creed from the beginning, or does it matter if I play something out of order?

  2. If Orcs get to eat rotten flesh, why don't dwarves get to eat stone?

  3. I'mma write a guide to fire-evocation, would I present this to the MAT and then the App team? Or to the app team and then the MAT? Or either or?

  4. I want to be able to handle all of these new apps :(

  5. Prolly going to start playing an Ork, any guides on learning Blah/ people who could help me with it?

  6. Best pvper ever of lotc? IMHO it was Chuckaboo

  7. How does one spend 700+ on a char?!? We've only been on Athera for so long.

  8. 250 hours attunement! Yay bonus profession! Yay no life!

  9. I give all my blessings to those writing AP Calc tomorrow. We'll need it. May the integrals be with you.

  10. Good at CS:GO, looking for a team for the upcoming aengulic tourney?

  11. Skippy just beat Fumble in a drink off

  12. why the **** was adeon and VIBIUS removed from notable characters on the wiki!?

  13. I feel like VA's should make a comeback.

  14. Diary of an ex-Admin: Learned how to do a backflip with a spotter today, then broke my foot trying to do it unassisted. I don't think I'm doing real life right...

  15. One more week, friends.

  16. I have a feeling that I'm going to like it here... If I'm able to come on every time after school... =3='

  17. http://gyazo.com/acfa7b76bbb0e0bf41bb8dcd3cbb32e2 Developing a Golem concept art, so far this is what I've done, thoughts?
  18. AC3 or AC Black Flag??.... that is the question...

  19. Need a new completed anime to watch. Suggestions?

  20. Started playing sins of a solar empire 3 at 7pm, I just turned it off, at 3:30am

  21. http://gyazo.com/b9153cfa947710fab486072ee0e97c33 - Could a dwarf translate this for me, please?
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