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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by James

  1. Remove james27049 from application team! He abuses!

  2. yo why do things always happen when I decide to go out?

  3. I'm signed in but it says I'm not aloud to role-play

  4. Can't figure out how to start out, haha :p #helpmepls

  5. Skype won't receive new messages, and it deleted all my chats. Love this program.

  6. I /know/ there is information on what to do after donating to get the perks... but I can't find it...

  7. Does anyone know any program that can copy a minecraft skin's head and apply it to another skin? I have seen many people do this and I would like to do it myself.

  8. how can i play

  9. Skyrim - 9 Devies. LoTC - 9 Aenguls. Illuminati.

  10. Oh yeah I nearly forgot. Now that I'm gold VIP, could i get the forum tag for it? Much appreciated.

  11. It's really fascinating how this community has changed both OOCly and in character over the past four years. In the beginning we based ourselves off of LoTR and classic fantasy, then when GoT became popular things all changed drastically.

  12. You can't submit a complaint on LoTC TS. I tried to make a complaint on Lark, but it said 'insufficient permissions'.

  13. http://i.gyazo.com/72c4d43b6d3d65b4618e1d5817d46a43.png This person needs to cease this skin immediately
  14. Yo GMs, you've got some ban appeals sitting in the forum for almost a month... people want to play lotc, at least post on them before 4.5 :(

  15. What song is stuck in your head? GO ->

  16. How do we get our rp items moved to the new map?

  17. I guess I can't make a status without being censored *sigh*

  18. Mfw I wasn't at the pugsy but I got banned

  19. How known am I on this server?

  20. give us non-deity based healing or give us death!

  21. Hey Why., I was just wondering: does your topic include mountains as well? Or just walls?

  22. Wow. James start saying Dwarf TS can't be DDOS'd, right after he finishes that sentence the TS goes down.

  23. I looked up "dwarves vs orcs" on google images and this was on the third row http://i.imgur.com/YrM36QD.jpg #RIPAsulon

  24. I'm not a bird.

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