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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Old-Rattlesnake

  1. Oh, hey, the developer of MPM is planning on adding skirts. *stares at Adunians*

    1. Ford


      ****.ing kawaii as f.uck

  2. Again, why does Heial sound and act like a grizzled cowboy? I don't understand.

    1. spqrSancus


      You tell me, you're the floating ender pearl thingy. XD

  3. Found a lost voice-take for the end of Aegis. This was orginally planned to be in a player-made trailer advertising the Nawari:

  4. Reasons Heial is awesome #34535: Be the discoball at the masquerade party,

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Reason number #34536: Heial's great choice in disguise as a ghast. NO-ONE WIL SUSPECT IT'S YOU!

  5. Jar Jar Binks is the greatest star wars character of all time.

  6. Thought you wizards might like to have this: http://i.imgur.com/UDmNV7O.gif

    1. tnoy23


      -Is glad he considers himself a mage, not a wizard-

    2. Guest


      omg yes, yes. love it, love u

    3. Old-Rattlesnake
  7. Let me just leave this here since it was meant to be public anyhow, before being immediately deleted: http://goo.gl/hczm9K

  8. It really seems like LoTC is a mixture of PVP faction enthusiasts and roleplay enthusiasts. I see very little in between.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Agreeing that the congress-stab was brilliant.

    3. Moot


      *Raises hand* Honestly, I'm in the middle.

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      Sorry about that, someone posted and immediately deleted the comment.

  9. I laugh at warclaims that don't allow the use of ender pearls.

  10. I hate it when an item description goes off screen.

  11. Sometimes I think about requesting character art and then I remember my character is a circle.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Lion
    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Swgr, I like the way you think.

    4. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I was thinking of getting a picture like that xxx... then I actually bothered to see what you linked... yup, I'm not as clever as I think I am...

  12. Oh, hey, sorry about refunding all of your money so you can't use it for the next week. Call this faulty phone number that works 1/10th of the time so we can hang up on you. -Paypal

  13. Well I was GOING to donate today but apparently paypal is refunding all my money back to me by check now and I can't stop it.

  14. This next high-res food image is dedicated to Alan: http://i.imgur.com/9il13rP.jpg

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Why? ...is it alley cat meat? :<

    2. Pinsir99


      Cats eat birds? Wings = Birds?

    3. Heff
  15. Alright so I have Iron VIP right now, which is 25$. If I donate another 25$, do I get bumped up to gold?

    1. tnoy23
    2. Rassidic


      Yuuuuup. Although , I would DEFINITELY recommend you contact an Admin straight after you do. :3

  16. How often does the server restart?

  17. I've suddenly realized how much I miss being a travelling merchant.

    1. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      I know man. I KNOW.

    2. Desires


      <3 I miss the merchant rp.

  18. I have had the weirdest craving for vienna sausages for the entire week.

    1. Swgrclan


      You know what happened last time.

  19. Okay so, for example, a previously tier 3 telikinetic could lift 50 kilos and use this in RP. Has this changed with the new magic system?

    1. cruzazul


      Well as tiers aren't in use any longer you would need to go on system you've came up with yourself, however of it has been about that same period of time that would be acceptable, yes.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Cruz, I love you.

  20. Welp I'll be doing other things until this manor thing subsides and I can log in without insta-death.

  21. Kudos to my professor for keeping our class of three people for an hour before realizing we should probably go home in the midst of a snowstorm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake
    3. Lark


      Death builds character.

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      I swear to god I will hit you with this snow shovel.

  22. Why am I roleplaying Heial like a grizzled cowboy.

    1. Swgrclan


      It's those Vienna sausages.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Oh god don't remind me.

    3. Aengoth
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