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Status Updates posted by Lirinya

  1. Sorry LotC but, until Monday, we have kidnapped Alec. Until that time he IS NOT allowed to do ANY coding at all. We don't want to burn him out, do we?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aron.


      I lol'd at the "don't break him" comments.. God, I love this community

    3. Arkelos


      you better have a va for kidnapping

    4. Bawd


      Vardak, revoke Liri.

  2. If server goes down, poke one of us on TS. Alec's here and can reboot.

    1. Skippy
    2. Distuth


      POKE! ...It isn't down. I was just lonely.

  3. Reports a skin stealer > Gets accused of stealing the skins on her account. I think not.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lirinya


      Stealing as in downloading and re uploading to the site, giving no credit to the owner. PMC is a place to share the skins you make. When your friend has made said skin, for this situation, a skin Draeren made, somebody posted the exact same skin. Something which is heavily frowned upon on PMC.

    3. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      I found someone who stole a skin from a big skinner on PMC which I had used in the past as armor, its really easy to catch them if they have a bunch of different skins with much different styles in things like shading.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda remembers a skin she had that was used on LOTCfor a character that was captured as a slave so it appeared some one captured Amalia, Panda's character. The skin was not uploaded any where so it was taken using Miners shoes. Panda almost turned that person into a ginger chicken lettuce wrap. :3

  4. Anybody want to make me a basic model spaceship that's textured and ready to use in UDK.....?

    1. Samoblivion


      Unfortunately I lack the skills, but colour me intrigued. Making a game?

    2. Lirinya


      For school work. I have to make a game level and want to make a little ship as part of the story. Only, I'm not skilled enough in modeling, nor am I creative enough to do so.

    3. Danny
  5. There are three ways to do things in this world, the right way, the wrong way, and the Akorta way.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Nobody else? ... Okay.


      Aren't the last 2 essentially the same, except one has explosions?

    2. Akorta



      <21:52:14>"Akorta..!": FYI. The Akorta way is basicly the wrong way, but with more giggling

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Just want to point out, that I guessed that. For the most part.

  6. Reag fixed it.

    1. Supremacy


      The question is, who broke it?

    2. aron.


      ^ What is "Liri?"

  7. For once, Cappy broke it.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Sounds suspicious.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Day 43: Liri attempts to frame her co-workers to alleviate suspicion from her master plan.

  8. -Grips her GM Ban Hammer firmly-

  9. Of course both situations contain miscommunication. But the way in which situation 'utilizes' that lack of communication is entirely different. That being said, I wish I knew the English language as well as you do...the big worse make me stare in awe.

  10. Considering that issue was completely different. We're talking about players who are probably new and need a bit of guidance, rather than being shamed for minor errors. Not the removal of an area. Something which has been discussed several times. Perhaps it's time to leave it.

  11. Long shot but, anybody who knows their anime. Which was the one where it was a high school (all girls I think). They had red uniforms, one student was a ghost and another was a robot. The main char was a little boy who wore glasses and did magic?

  12. Hmm....walked into the communal kitchen I share with 4 others this morning to make some food. Find a plate with some cake on. There's a note that reads '-names here-, help yourselves to bonfire parkin! From, adam'.......Oh my god, it was so tasty. I think I might likethese guys after all.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Just want to point out, that putting milk on cereals is not considered 'making' food.

  13.  "Jingeh the Jive Turkeh": I have the lyrics but unfortunately I'm not a middle aged black woman.

    1. Aislin


      I love that boy.

  14. Remember, remember, the fifth of November....I kinda forgot until I looked at the calander and noticed a lot of fireworks.

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      8:30 > Still no fireworks > Britain, I am dissapoint.

    2. Lexperiments


      What's on the fifth of November?

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Commemoration toward 'Bonfire night', A.K.A, the night Guy Fawkes was arrested for attempting to destroy the house of parliament using explosives.

  15. Psh. AOL emails. Please, I grew out of AOL years ago :3

    1. Beneh



    2. Arkelos



  16. Guize. If we ignore it long enough, it'll go away.

  17. Gfx card...driving me insane....

  18. Should I go to bed or do school work? I really should record this...yeah...I'll do that and then go to bed...

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Go to bed at 3:30 AM, then wake up Midday. Simples

  19. Only now have I realized just how many hours I have been awake T_T

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      There is something called "sleeping", ya know?

  20. Happy Cake Day Panda.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~



    2. seannie


      Panda somehow got back on the computer.

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