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Status Updates posted by K33MST4R

  1. *eats popcorn*

  2. Last thing I saw something deleted this hard it was my search history

  3. After a long hiatus from the server even after my unbanning, I, by sheer coincidence discovered that my friend Ryan whom I live with at College is actually Narthok. He has convinced me to rejoin, and I hope to make awesome experiences once again on this server with all of you. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      living with narthok my condolences :^)

    3. Narthok


      Ouch, no chill

    4. aron.


      yo, you accepted me, necro'd this ***** to welcome you back 

  4. Chuckaboo is the best person ever for what he just did

  5. *Sighs* No one actually knows what pugsying is, they just call a no rp kill a pugsy nowadays

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      I agree with parading

    3. danic


      i don't really care, i just always get really surprised when i hear people say "What does that mean?" because i realize how long ive been on the server

    4. aron.


      You're back! You're the ****** who accepted me to the server.

  6. Umm... just realized I'm back, hello everyone

    1. Dalek348
    2. JtPv


      Aha, perfect timing you two. We just got fumigated ^-^

    3. K33MST4R


      aha i get it, cause cockroaches

  7. I filtered #LOTC in both DayZ commander and the actual multiplayer in DayZ, both said no results, where the hell is the LOTC server?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neri


      DayZ is too easy to hack. It's impossible to make the server secure because the game wasn't designed with such things in mind.

    3. Neri


      Hence, the server was shut down because Vaq shouldnt have to spend all day long booting hackers.

    4. Bogrin


      Freya, nice to see you

  8. The VAT may think they have denial powers here.. but wait until they approach women the real world

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. K33MST4R


      Feel free to post both my burns to the wars thread

    3. K33MST4R


      Just give me credit, me like credit

    4. SparehoeCakes


      HAHA, I don't need to approach women genius. I win. VAT > AT

  9. Really!? Really!? you spelled cruel and immature wrong http://gyazo.com/4bd665409fa759df7e78582d0c8f1bf7

    1. Taiga


      ur soe croo n immuchure.

    2. K33MST4R


      Simon, I expected better

    3. Taiga


      Aww shucks. Even I can't speak Orcish.

  10. Just Got DayZ and I'm loving it, who wants to play with me?

    1. CloakandDagger


      I'll get on later in the afternoon, have one of the best weapons in the game and all tools required to hunt.

  11. First day of grade 10 in 9 days... yay

    1. Yoff


      Same here c:

  12. Your idiocy both amuses and offends me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skippy
    3. danic


      This waffle fills me and makes me crave more.

    4. Slic3man


      Facebook has taken our status area.

  13. The amount of F ucks not given, may suprise you

  14. About to buy Arma 2 so I can get Dayz, keeping an open mind here, people are telling me it's good

    1. Jarkarll


      Just wait a while. The standalone game should be out soon.

    2. craotor


      Or better yet save your money and get somenthing good

  15. Grim, imma let you finish in a minute. But Pugsy had one of the best exits of all time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Wait Romantic? I didn't mean to hint that.

    3. K33MST4R


      Well I may be only 15, however I see romantic tension as any type of tension.

    4. Lirinya


      Oh totally.

  16. Yes Yes I know, a lot of applications for a day, but hey why not. If you've Rped with me, and think I'd make a good AT member, or you don't like me, feel free to check out my application http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68259-creeperslayer-at-reapp/page__p__541880__fromsearch__1#entry541880

  17. Hey guys, I made a new FM app, I invite ALL types of feedback, whether positive or negative to be posted, just take a look http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68256-creeperslayers-fm-re-app/

  18. #ShadowgunXforGM2012

  19. Oh for anyone wondering, I wasn't banned for bad behavior, I just asked Native to ban me after I decided to go on Hiatus

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Slic3man


      Have a nice break in the mean time Skelefriend~

    4. Slic3man


      Welcome back from your break my skelefriend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AllenTheGreat


      Accepted, Revoked, Denied, Blacklisted, Banned, Unbanned, Permabanned.

    3. K33MST4R
    4. Lym


      How about we just ip ban him?

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