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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. The influx of Dark Elven rp'ers gives me a warm fuzzy feeling while I make a bonfire with them, also it is fun killing characters that are PC. So #WhiteRoseSwag #Darkiesdie3.0

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Lemme fix dat.... #DarkieSwag #BurnTheRoses

    2. Sultan


      Ehm Dark elves are PC..

  2. Oh LotC, How close many people are to rage quitting your soap opera of a server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog
    3. Temp


      Make a song about the server! It has to rhyme!

    4. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      you too Temp. Bedtime.

  3. Well I am tempted to cut my ties from all military rp and become a halfling, since everyone ******* about rp fighting... It is a chore for the person who actually wants to rp fight and can. #Peaceful halflings 2012

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      This is a bit late, but YES!

  4. -cries- It won't let me change my photo, it keeps going back to the teapot

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      good. go to bed.

  5. I hate apps, I can't make any small one-off characters that have magic or may be villianous without writing an app. I'll go cry naow

    1. everblue2er101


      VAs for minor evils are pretty easy to fill out.

    2. ScreamingDingo


      I know with minor evils, but like I can't be a mini murderer or I can't even be a bandit without a full fledged VA



    1. Lykos


      Use a ¡ damn it.

  8. Hmmm, storms are brewin'... Will Dusk be demoted or shall she be let free. Find out on the next program of Judge Grim

    1. Pliz


      major league

    2. Neutonic


      Why would she be demoted? What has she done thats so bad?

    3. ScreamingDingo


      You're a bit slow, the crime that has gotten so many banned... The trails of ***********-space

  9. The Gm's and Admins are Corrupt, look at the banning of Pugsy.. UNJUST #PURGEALLSTAFF

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic





    1. Gunner


      EPA EPA EPA!

      Woop woop woop woop


    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    3. Raptorious


      I aint even mad.

  11. Hmmm, interesting villains... All the ideas have been taken and my only other idea will result in lots of rage and probably ban reports. -cries-

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Dwarf. Tunnelsmasher Clan.

    2. Drelik
    3. argonian


      Just be a bandit. There aren't enough bandits.

  12. So I'm pretty happy, dark elves are getting new lore. More to burn and torture~~

  13. oh yeah like, da server is back up

  14. Hmmm, going to write double VA'S for Post-Purge... I'm scared, as I suck at writing

    1. Akorta
    2. Rhisereld


      Waste of time, eat icecream instead.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      And I eat ice-cream instead... Go Rhis

  15. May someone give me posting privileges on the forums back, it's not good being restricted to only reading ;~;

  16. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Esterlen


      This makes me wonder why some people are on the VAT. It should really be an application process instead of the current system which is heavy on latent bias and nepotism.

    3. problematic z
    4. Zebanamana


      And if you are denied because of Font Mith? At that point I would just proceed with being obstinate.

  17. Hmph, I cannot break my addiction to the forums .___.

  18. Time to start writing a VA for a vicious, wild bandit... Since it isn't really cliche' anymore since of the amount of rich bandits.. Time to make the roads feared again~~~

  19. It's 6am, I'ma tired

    1. craotor


      Ohh you silly Australians with youre weird times

  20. Timmee to swwweeeppppp ZzZzZzZz

  21. Well I've been playing Batman:AC and I'm thinking of making a character like the riddler, Who steals items or people and sets riddles to come find him, If you pass you get the items or people kidnapped.... Though would people want that?

    1. Shuness


      Too Unoriginal.

  22. Guys, Temp character ideas that don't need a VA or MA. Chuck 'em in the comments and I'll play one.

    1. ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      A blind halfling who starts fights with orcs.

    2. ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      A blind halfling who starts fights with orcs.

    3. gabriel101x1
  23. Caaaarrrllll The bandit .w. People like him so he might make more appearances :P

    1. Jimacat


      The orc seem to love you. I just watched one impale you with a sword and throwi you into a lake

    2. danic


      Mime's seem to really like you too :3 <3

  24. Damn... I just realized I can't make a bandit temp character without writing a VA... ;---;

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You don't say? ._.

  25. Thank you E-team for the event with the Navy, It was quite bloody fun

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