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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by bickando

  1. If an FM could capitalize the E in Exalted inmy fm application's title, that'd be great.

  2. uh your iblees lore is wrong everyone knows iblees is a hot dark elf female

  3. Not sure what the problem with a new Lore Admin is, not like there's a Lore Team application so it's not going to go down the drain.

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      The problem is we don't want a Lore Admin at all.

    2. Kardel


      Free the lore!

  4. Literally unnecessary overreaction

  5. There's already something with blood sucking that's as close to a vampire as lotc is willing to have, but good effort. Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/86266-✓-lore-completed-those-that-feed-in-red-imp-parasite/
  6. can we just have a lotc reset and use aegis again

    1. Samler


      Wouldn't change much, the community changed and that is where change is needed if you want an Aegis-like experience.

  7. The last time the antagonist did well was aegis ago

    1. Endovelicus


      I see what you did there.

    2. Vanir
    3. LPT


      Thanks dad, now get off the internet

  8. guys its still like 10 AM on christmas eve plz

  9. I remember both when autoequip wasn't allowed. Then again, I remember even further back when it was.

  10. I remember both when autoequip wasn't allowed. Then again, I remember even further back when it was.

  11. Everyone i know has finals, mine is after winter break...

  12. When life gives you lemons, throw the lemons on the ground and demand better.

  13. Why do you call them Wyrssa? Do they have anything to do with Wyrvun, or did you just think it sounds okay? How is it that only Atgaard has this plant they like? Why are they Crystal Daemon deer if they're nothing like Daemons? Why are the crystals worthless if they're so hard? Did you know that nowhere in the lore does it say Elves weigh less than Humans? And that if this deer was indeed the size of a moose, it would be able to hold a Human just as easily as an Elf? Why can a 6'8" deer be represented by a cat?
  14. Is the server down or does it have a new IP?

  15. Dwyn the deserve Server is, the hero needs the one but it doesn't.

  16. ((The name sounds a lot like Wyrvun for something unrelated...))
  17. There's a bad post maker? Look no further! Link 'em to this! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119376-a-guide-to-ooc/

  18. I get that you despise the Snow Elves for whatever reason, and I myself am not a fan of this lore either. It's unnecessary for the culture. That aside, you're being incredibly toxic to another member of the community. Your arguments are lackluster and pointed just to shame him into dropping his character, so I would ask that you kindly stop harassing him. We're all people here, so why is it that you have to bash so hard on him for throwing out an idea that he thought might be cool? It doesn't matter that this never had a good, or even moderate chance of acceptance.
  19. I was wondering why a baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

    1. Kim


      I didn't get it :( Guess it went over my head.

    2. oblivionsbane


      And here I thought all we could break was windows. Turns out, we can break noses too.

  20. It sounds nice, but it's pointless. It just adds needless intricacy that would make the culture opaque and seem more exclusive, not to mention the fact that it juts into two schools of lore.
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