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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. Woah! Mez has 22 pages of comments on her profile!

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Been there since page 3. Caused a lot of it^^

    2. hypercrit


      Haha, nice.

  2. Tired Hyper is tired...

    1. Aryon


      Its 6:40. Man up.

    2. hypercrit


      I went to bed at 1, and I have been getting up at 4 the last few days. Now all the tiredness just hit me..

  3. Allright, I have slept on it. I could never leave you guys. I'm staying.

  4. Oh man, Auv's status has made me feel all lonely *cries*

  5. Must get invited to these tinychat things...

    1. NekoDanie


      A lot of it was poking fun at me.

    2. hypercrit


      Poking fun? At the Dragon Lady? Surely not! :P

  6. Finding someone as ****ed up as you is somewhat calming.

    1. Ever
    2. danic


      So, I suppose this means we've met.

  7. Why doesn't my blanket have sleeves?

    1. 154684321654951


      Because the universe hates us :(

    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
  8. Come on Mother, go shopping or something so I can start filming my youtube stuffs in peace.

    1. Admiral_Ackbarf


      Does she ask you who your talking to when you make your videos while she's home?

    2. hypercrit


      "Oh...umm...yes Mother! I'm talking to the computer, is there a problem?"

      Yes, she does.

  9. Blob.

    1. Hylian the Heretic
    2. gabriel101x1


      You have solved all the mysteries of the universe....

  10. Why can't I have another week of holidays? Why does school have to start noooowww....

    1. Aryon


      I know D:

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      School already did start

      last week...

  11. *cries* Today has been a bad day.

  12. Did I ever mention I love you guys to pieces? *group hugs*

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      *buries herself in the midst of all the hugging*

    2. Trouvo
  13. Stop advertising drugs. There are kids, like myself, who use these forums.

    1. Dasaro


      We are just jokin' around

      pal, we don't actually do

      drugs... at least I don't.

      I am just making a joke,

      because it is a fact that it

      is National Weed Day. Your

      basically saying "Don't give

      Valentine's cards to people

      on Valentine's day because

      it has a heart on it!"

    2. Hiebe


      Still we are an alll aged group Id like it if no drugs were adressed

  14. If you have RP'ed with me, like ever, or seen my RP, please, for the love of Aeriel, support my VA. Without support you will never see this amazing character!

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom.

    2. Lym


      For the love of Aeriel? Pah, you're going to worship a Mongoose? All my faith in humanity... gone...

  15. Going into offline world...if I'm not back in 9 hours, call 000/911/999 or whatever emergency helpline you have.

    1. CraftPrime
    2. 0000


      It's enough to call that number simply because he posted this.

  16. Bring on the public holiday!

  17. Woo! We are 12th! Keep the votes coming!

    1. EmeraldStag


      we were at 10 earlier 3:

    2. Thrym


      We're 13 now...

  18. Found this server that copies LoTC applications, city designs, place names and such almost exactly...me no gusta.

    1. Volutional


      Hand em' to an Admin :]

    2. Tigergamer


      Pm me the Server name.

  19. What an amazing website : http://www.breathingearth.net/

    1. Brokencrowe


      A scary one, too.

    2. 154684321654951


      The fact that more people in Britain are dying over being born doesn't scare me. Interesting site, thanks for the share!

    1. EmeraldStag


      Can't wait for them to release that :D

    2. 0000



      Elder Scrolls Online was enough.

  20. Why don't you shut up 2012?

    1. Raptorious


      Hyperion for president!

    2. Aislin


      Hyperion for ban.

  21. Why is Ursolon the only one commenting on my status's? I thought I was cool! :P

    1. domainoft
    2. Slic3man


      Comment. Feel better. Now.

  22. Come on guys! We are 12th! Let's get top 10! http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

    1. Cappy


      12th? My god...

      It's working.

    2. hypercrit
  23. Need a new character to RP with on my main...any ideas?

    1. Aryon


      Wait until I have my Iblees group up and running?

    2. hypercrit


      Can't wait. I really need to get back into the actual 'playing' of the server.

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