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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. Not to attack the magic team, but do guys find it weird that it's just..too easy to get magic? Like someone can easily make a magic app if they OOCly want their characters to have magic. Even if IC teachers aren't readily available, they can easily ask someone OOC to teach them. Maybe I'm being stupid but, don't you guys think it's way too easy to attain magic?

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    2. Patrick.


      Yes, it's easier, but it allows for a more intimate relationship between those qualified to grant such powers to those who wish to learn it. Of course, it's a double edged blade, but it's not really a flaw. And with the server's general stance (or should I say, disdain) of magic, it's not really an issue.

    3. Cyndikate


      Doesn't change the fact that you learn the magic anyway, again, without thinking about why one's character would want magic, and two, how they RPly get the resources to even start learning.

    4. Neri


      If your character has no IC reason to learn magic, why are you applying for it? It's more down to common sense than anything else.

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