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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. Smithers


      (...) which means you see yourself highly (by the virtue of your argument, as higher than the majority of the players on the server), and I've taken your advice and combed through your roleplay posts. You ought not think as highly about yourself as you do.

    3. oblivionsbane


      I do not make roleplay posts often at all. I am almost always OOC on the forums. The reason I firmly refuse your argument is that I would classify it as senseless. PvP default and RP default both have very dire flaws. The easiest way to counter your argument is to point out all the flaws of PvP default, throw some spice on how RP default is not so bad, then in the end we either agree they both are not that swell or you continue to try and argue the point. The point is moot, however, and that...

    4. oblivionsbane


      is why I did not even read all of your post. You can call this being stubborn, but I can outline the content of your post just by skimming it and it is not all that interesting. On that note, I have elected to not directly respond. Just because you say space is made of dead babies and no one bothers to argue the point since it is ridiculous, it does not mean that you win the argument in any way

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