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Everything posted by Almenodrim

  1. OOC: MC Name: Frottimer Age: 18 Country: Murica Timezone: EST Skype Name: Frottimer Do you have Teamspeak?: Ya ya How long have you been playing on the server?: 2 years in January How long you can you be online per day?: It all varies, so there is no set time What past guilds have you been apart of?: Phoenix Guardians, Silver Gauntlet Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Kind of, in a small city. Do you have a VA? (What evils?): 1abc, 2abc, 3b, 4a RP: Name: Keegan Ceallaigh Age: 52 Race: Human Past Experience in military and combat: Keegan was apart of the Silver Gauntlet, Phoenix Guardians, and I traveled with the Subudai for a few years. What are your skills?: I am decent at battle. What weapon do you prefer?: A Shortsword Why do you wish to join the Order?: I wish to aid you in the events after being approached by one of your leaders. What are some strength’s of yours?: I can provide a few extra men. Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): Keegan has always had a hatred for oren even after serving on the guard with them.
  2. Congratz to all the new FMs and GMs I wish you all luck!

  3. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/96913-idea-sifting/ Feel free to post some feedback! Thanks, Y'all are beautiful!
  4. Recommended texture packs?

  5. Is it bad I'm this close*pinches fingers* to buying another minecraft account cause I want to play an orc?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Almenodrim


      Imma have to think about this :p

    3. Demotheus


      Why do you need 2 MC accounts...? Just...why?

    4. Almenodrim


      I just have feeling that its eventually going to come down to 1 char per account

  6. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/96913-idea-sifting/ Feel free to post some feedback! Thanks, Y'all are beautiful!
  7. I feel like I've seen this in some show or another but I do love the concept!
  8. this download is taking forever

  9. Anyone got any ideas of what i should do with my villain? Hes on the backburners right now because i dunno what to do with him

  10. Anyone have any tips on MC building. I struggle so much and want to improve myself

  11. Attempting to make a mau5head is so hard

  12. Coming up with a few events to pitch out to the event team... hmm time to think

  13. Why is it that its not letting me post or vote?

    1. FlareGunCalamity


      Log off and on, or shut your browser and then re-open it.

  14. Soooo pumped to get Diablo 3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augor


      Pff, it really isn't that bad, the loot hunting aspect and all 'dat is fine. The story is just... so.... horrible though..

    3. Trouvo
    4. V0idsoldier


      If they didn't make me wait like 10 years for diablo 3 it would have been better. But they really hyped it up, and it just wasn't all there :(

  15. I'd like to thank all of the LotC staff for just being awesome

  16. This lore is definitely well written, thanks for the awesome read! I love the names you guys gave the characters and the involvment of color meaning something different! But I do have one question: How do you give the names to the Arcsimali?
  17. Soooooooo excited to start my dwarf character!

    1. Valdis


      warning, not many dwarfs at the hold lately

    2. Almenodrim


      That's okay, im up for it!

  18. Anyone have any recommended texture packs?

    1. mmat


      Johnsmith legacy

    2. gingernut97
    3. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Ozo's for a 32x. Ovo's for a 64x

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