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Everything posted by Geo


  2. Kharayr Role-play section overhaul. Success.

    1. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Yay! I'll apply (hopefully) as soon as I get a chance :)

    2. Amorphbutt


      You are amazing Geo.

    3. Kickstarted and Running
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      It got MRGoldd too!

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Somewhere I have a copy of danny singing boyfriend....

    4. Sultan


      I want your drama, The touch of your hand.. I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand..

  3. Eighteen straight hours of writing. Phew. I'll be reviewing some VA's tomorrow, I promise

    1. Amorphbutt


      Go get em Geobru. You are the VA's only hope [At being denied].

  4. Floats away to bed*

    1. Gunner


      I'll be there in a sec

    2. aron.


      Hope your sleep is "perfect"

  5. The only reason in which a priest would decide a Kharajyr would permanently die is after receiving OOC notice from myself. This would happen if the player had broke the Kharajyr application rules multiple times over after being warned and had their application revoked. We'd have to find a way to have their character die, somewhat. The only other reason I could think is if the player killed off the character themselves, and Metztli decided it was there time to pass. If they come back after an RP death, it would be as if Metztli had decided it was not yet their time. Here, let me grab you an extract from the 'Religion' section of the Kharajyr application guide I am working on. "The word of their goddess is law. This is very interesting, as Kharajyr law is actually controlled by the Ja’ Priesthood more than it is the military. Kharajyr laws are a lot more abnormal and strange to that of humanized cultures and this creates a nice twist in role-play. Kharajyr usually become stubborn when it comes to talks of other religion, as they believe their goddess is the only goddess. Speaking out against Metztli is considered a crime and would be heavily punished. Kharajyr should also dislike being healed by druids, monks, shamans, clerics and any other deity that would be deemed fake in the eyes of a Kharajyr. Some Kharajyr whom are very faithful will flat out refuse healing, claiming that they will survive if Metztli wants them to survive and that they will pass if Metztli has decided it is their time." Kharajyr would spit in the face of any whom healed them through the power of another deity, as they believe only Metztli should have the power to heal. This is why we need this, as by religious nature, Kharajyr would refuse most forms of healing.
  6. I've changed the font structure, font colour and font size in hopes that it will be much more clear to those who read this.
  7. 6am. Owch, my eyes. Oh well, night night, sleep tight, don't let the bed mimes bite!

  8. Congratulations to the two new Villain Application Team members, Meguzara and Jexdane!

  9. Me and Knox just played Mime Bowling. OH MY GOD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nobody
    3. Geo


      Well. There was only one bowling ball.#

    4. Wretched


      Forget 10-pin bowling, this was Teuton-pin bowling.

  10. Ben -is- the egg.

  11. http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=YGkuJlEZy04 For times where your mind needs to just, drift away.
    1. lemontide331


      Hey, why aren't you banned yet?

    2. Ford
  12. Daerthiriel quietly walks through the small mountain settlement on Elysium that they called Malinor. She kept her head down, staying to herself as she passed the post. She quickly returned to it however as the title of the flier on the post caught her eye. "Golden Thorns..." she whispered amusedly to herself. "Oh... the mistress will -enjoy- this..." She coughs softly as the footsteps of a dark elven man follow up behind her, putting her head back down and continuing quietly on her way.
  13. #WeDon'tForgetAboutAllen2013

  14. These changes will still be able to adapt into what we had planned for our role-play, perhaps even better in fact.
  15. To join the trend... or not to join. Now that, is the question.

    1. LeRenardNoir


      Never join the trend.

  16. Danny giefed me new avatar, fanks

    1. gingernut97


      dany iz nis prson, thnk teh lrd fr irn bru

    2. MonkeyCoffee
  17. Considering today is my 1year@LOTC. Should I make a topic, introduction post, ask me anything topic. Or just simply sit on my arse and drink Irn Bru?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Telanir


      Do it all Geo!

      I'm sure our forums would appreciate more positivity. Do it! :D

    3. Achilles


      Can I smack you with the Ban Hammer for your birfday?

    4. Tristanx7


      Just drink Irn Bru.

  18. The little black and white striped figure waddles around carelessly, filled with bliss and tune. Picking up a parchment and reading some information about some so called librarians. Deep within its mind it knew that these figures would be ripped to shreds from those that sought to harvest their knowledge, it thought about helping them but didn't. For the mime continued on, its little prancing way. ((I suggest adding some sort of bodyguard/defence rank, to make sure you are not all ripped to shreds by a simple bandit that thinks it may be funny to attack you. A similar concept to the Mageshields from the Arcane delvers, protection is valuable, always.))
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