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Enyahs V.

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Status Updates posted by Enyahs V.

  1. Two years ago, I was a musician, I loved playing guitar and writing music. The fun faded away after about 6 months of going to school for my performance degree. But those of you interested, here is a song I wrote and recorded 2 years ago. http://soundcloud.com/shayne-hayden/deaf-ears-demo

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      The fun will be there, just give your music soul.

    2. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      After you know music theory and ear training it feels as if you have brought a gun to a knife match that fire 300 rounds a second and never misses. Therefore, no fun :/

    3. Aryon


      I play guitar, and I absolutely love it. Personally, I have no idea how you can get bored of it. And your recording is awesome ^_^

  2. I will say something here instead of making a post...which I am afraid will cause more drama. But, Alec has left. It my duty as a guide though to give the correct answer though.

  3. 500th post. done. Nothing special.

    1. Telanir


      Yep. Got a screen of it too in the Off-Topic "fame rating" as well to commemorate. :3

    2. Enyahs V.
    3. Telanir


      Seriously... the time that I have on my hands... I'm going to now go read through all the server lore and become server-smart. That'll be a nice and interesting time-waster. :3

  4. How is 'inbred' an insult elves would use? Technically we are only on our 5-7th generation and we were brothers and sister of ONE father. we are inbred. Hypocrites.

    1. Patrick.
    2. Mirtok


      There are common descendants and then there are inbreeds, technically you aren't wrong but officially you are.

    3. CTap


      Hush you inbreds

  5. Iblees curse to the Kha http://imgur.com/gallery/xpwb9xO

    1. Ryski


      I rofl'd...

    2. Merkaken
    3. bloodofgore


      Is that why modern day Kha are always chasing the red dots? Damn you Iblees!

  6. What if I told you... Liri really really hated that joke?

    1. seannie


      what if I told you she laughed about it?

    2. Trouvo


      Given what i have missed over the last year, i would believe that to be a possibility, before that I would just lol and say you dont know Liri

    3. gingernut97


      Nah, she was was coo' with it.

  7. Oh hey guess what. week late but ICLY got married last week :D yay!!

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Took you long enough to post this. .-.

    2. Enyahs V.
  8. and again people....

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.


    2. Wheatley


      *glomps Shayne*

  9. I just had the most awesome roleplay with the high elves. Talk philosophy and theroes for four hours straight. I love playing a high elf engineer!

    1. Shadeleaf


      But then again, what is awesome, someone

      may think that awesome is horriable,

      yet how do we think... we are currently

      thinking about thought, and taht requires

      the physical and mental capabilites to think

      ,yet this is what we are thinking about,

      what happens if we live life... Life

      is therefore a paradox that can't exist

      due to it's circular nature.

      Talk to the darkelf, not the highelf...

    2. #Flexave


      Join the club ;)

  10. I get no love :'(

    1. Guest


      I kissy yo face.

    2. Enyahs V.
  11. It has come to my attention that noone on here f**kin knows me >:I

  12. People on EST who are still awake. You can vote again.

    1. Joe_Blackman


      Hay! Us GMTers are awake too!

    2. ~≈Panda≈~
  13. I just realised I accidentally started play guitar when I was on TS....Sorry pudclud!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I wish I could go on ts...

    2. Pudclud


      T'was quite good actually.

  14. Got my desk clear...Got most of my stuff done...Got the itch to rolpelay...Load up minecraft...Log in...And cry when I see the server is down :'(

    1. Pinoy_Boy12


      There There *pats on back*

    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      It's okay. We're all feeling the pain.

  15. I'm sailing away~

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Set an open course, for the virgin see~

    2. Spinzir


      You said virgin, lul.

  16. Updated my signature :D I love playing this character

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      *reads it*


  17. I just realized something. Enyahs is the son of an insane woodelf. A very nice high elf mother. married to a half elf and became a dark elf in an accident. oh! And lives with the mori. Any elven races I missed? (does this mean my children are every kind of elf except mor?i) xD

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Ps. We need aquatic elves o.O

  18. So today I did two forum posts that were in need of being done for the passed few days. Go take a look and maybe replay if it applies to your rp?

  19. #uselesshashtaglinethatdoesnothing

    1. gingernut97



  20. Just incase anyone care. I am on TS in the Holm channel.

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