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381 Incredible

About Delrof

  • Rank
    African Machete Master
  • Birthday 08/14/1999

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  1. who are u

    1. Delrof


      genuinely forgotten who you are sry

    2. Icarnus


      I haven't forgotten you

    3. Delrof


      <3 I did not mean to offend it's been a long time

  2. yo dude you left the oven on again

  3. hahahahaha you're all vergans

    1. GloriaPreussens


      not what your dog said m8

    2. lawnmowerman


      hahaha yea funny ugy hahahah hehaeheahf yea funny gu abhhahahha funny ahahahah

  4. help i have badde trippe

  5. I used to be a man of hate, now I am one with the world.

    1. Delrof


      who you callin a flid you ***** ******

    2. lawnmowerman


      alright you absolute basket case talk to my psychadelic friend here like that again and ill put an end to your gob.

  6. you cannot silence the truth

  7. A thought provoking question - What makes you enjoy RP?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Medvekoma


      It's an adventure/politics game to me that never runs out of novelty.

    3. Savoyard


      I like to imagine all the RP being some kind of episode in a TV series. You should think about more of the storytelling and overall picture if you need some sort of inspiration.

  8. would I be punished if I were to change my mc name to 'TwoGenders'?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iris1612


      well gucko changed his name to leviticus1822 and wasn't banned so u should be fine

    3. zaezae


      That's a perfect MC name because you can argue for both sides of the issue. "Only two genders!" "What? I cannot be gender fluid?!" It's ironclad.

    4. Delrof
  9. Can we change 'Studded' armour to splint armour?


    Studded armour is a ******* stupid name and whoever thought of it ought to be smacked

  10. Ser Thorvald picks up on the bounty, he shows it to his ironclad brothers who agree to go on a hunt for the missing supplies.
  11. I am angry, ANGRY ABOUT RAEVIR

    1. Proddy


      we should really defile these raevir women.

    2. Medvekoma


      Hello there Angry-Angry Aboutraevir. I'm Sybil.

  12. can everyone just shut the **** up about Harambe its gone past the point of being funny it's just cringeworthy now

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zaezae


      Meanwhile, hundreds of people are being murdered this very second, acres of forest being destroyed, and someone is considering kicking a kitten. 

    3. zaezae


      Or...this day I don't know.

    4. Korvic


      Harambe didn't die to be spoken about like this.

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