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About BrandNewKitten

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    Creator of Arcanism
  • Birthday December 31

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  1. If the community is dissatisfied with the way the staff is running (and honestly I wouldn’t blame ya) why are our community leaders not holding our playerbases accountable? Can we just sit down and put aside subjective wants to talk about how we can solve this issue or at least move past this? 

    1. Ankan


      Oh wow, halt there BNK. That is too much common sense in one status update.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      When you are sitting down at board-game night with your friends and you don’t agree on the rules can you not rely on the other friends present to help sort it out? And if it can’t be sorted out don’t you move on?


      LoTC relies too heavily on staff to get things done. We need to simplify things and create our own fun. When you ask volunteers to create and manage your happiness then you run an unnecessary risk. So why don’t we have players like Mog & Vege & etc... sit down and say “Okay we are going to have war games on this date. If you lose your faction concedes so and so. Maybe instead of land the winning team is offered event lines or something that creates roleplay?” 

      Players who can play the DM for their communities end up offering much more to the server than the ET. We need to put the tools back in the players hands and leave staff to solve major, bannable disputes. 

      EX: There is a fort alongside the road. Occupying this fort allows the faction to take part in “Titans of the East” event chain and it then becomes that factions turn to lead the server through that storyline (whether or not it has a large impact is irrelevant this is just hypothetical). Faction Z says “Yo no fair we want to do that event.” and Faction O is like “No way dudes. We control the access point.” So Z goes to war and claims that upon total victory the access point transfers ownership.


      What I am trying to get at is we need to find someway to give incentive to wars that doesn’t include total annihilation as the one and only goal. We also need our players to take charge in policing our sub-communities. Players need easier access to tools to allow them to develop RP & they need to be given options other than “Destroy the enemies RP and source of fun on the server.”

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