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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. He used the money to buy me Darkest Dungeon (it’s true this happened) but my shitty laptop couldn’t run it so it’s been sitting in my steam account (also true). It was embarrassing for both of us. He likely shunned himself due to this.
  2. Get rid of birds but then give the couriers elytra.
  3. Your vision of the red realm really isn’t that far off from what is actually was. Also This concept is pretty neat and I agree with the idea of event/dlc expansion content.
  4. “The Red Realm” is already a location that refers to the plane that the corrupted draakar, Setherien, ruled over. This was during Anthos. Edit: Check the spoilers you have at the bottom.
  5. Haha it’s all I care about. I simp for arcanism.
  6. Ah i stand corrected then 👍 or rather the topic is so vague it’s really up to the interpretation of whoever is current Lore team
  7. Your understanding of the veil seems a bit off. The veil & void are not one and the same. The Veil keeps the void out. “Voidal Horrors” exist in the void.
  8. I’m 26. 27 in August. I attempted to change my name from BrandNewKitten a while back since I am in fact, not brand new, or a kitten…. But that failed. Romantic roleplay in general kinda weirds me out. Did it once like 10 years ago & never again.
  9. Next question; If the winning screenshot is of something I built, do I get a constellation prize?
  10. Are the fringe & red realm maps available?
  11. All this time and my render of “Saiko, the dediest warior” is still being used. Brings a tear to my eye
  12. Rewards are a bit lackluster. Shouldn’t the reward represent the time and energy put necessary for those winning pieces? 100 mina? A pixel item? Seems stingy.
  13. Necromancy should have stronger interactions with the world and more of them. Balance combat spells but make rituals and the like overpowered. There should be heavy incentive to be an active necromancer that actually does things. It can take a long time to build a plot so finding ways to incentivize or speed up that process would be my go to with a rewrite.
  14. Instead of fixing my laptop to play LoTC I bought a very nice ipad during quarantine and have been teaching myself to illustrate. 

    I do miss RPing magic tho.

    1. Aislin


      That's awesome! Please send me your drawings, illustration is a far more powerful magic than whatever degenerate magic on LotC is going round right now!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Holy **** it’s my troublemaking friend Aislin! 

    3. DahStalker


      You have to show us some of your drawings sometime!

  15. This is now canon. (but no seriously I tried to search for info on Rivel but could not find any) edit: Wait wait wait… isn’t Rivel the floating city from Athera? edit 2: This lore would work for me if I was playing. It pulls in all the “simple” mechanics of Arcanism that were cultural fixations.
  16. BNK magic is the only magic you should be talking about. Nuff said.
  17. Honestly, I didn’t know you had gotten the orange tag. However I share a very similar Lotc-passion with you & am incredibly happy that you are here to push your dream forward. This admin and his work have an official #bnkstampofapproval *u*k sh** up dude. You do what you think is best!
  18. The abjuration fixes seem more strict. Perhaps an explanation regarding what these changes would fix?
  19. so basically, we agree on most things, but the format of this guide needs work. Your points are valid but let’s get some people together to make some user-friendly magic RP guides that cut out the BS.
  20. This isn’t a guide. It’s a rant. “People aren’t doing things the way I want. They suck. Do what I want instead.” -> Is the impression I get from reading this. I agree with some of what is being stated here like how magic lore should be open enough to leave the concept of light & dark out of the majority of its OOC context. The idea that magic should be motive driven is right on point as well. “I want the power” shouldn’t be an acceptable motive either. This is very much not reading as a guide though. If the original use and intent of the void was to serve as an explanation for why fireballs are being slung around then it isn’t “misappropriation.” It simply isn’t the thematic choice you desire. Not everyone on the server wants some sort of dark souls / cthulu trope all the time. The server might have too many different opposing magic themes & systems though & if one has to be chosen I’d much rather go with anything else besides a grimdark style. Magic culture & magic science are the same thing. Does the system encourage the use of magic to demonstrate science? Maybe, but magic in science was a large part of the culture for a long time. The issue is that people wanted the lore to be so defined that the science part of it was undeniable. At the same time you had magics like mine that were the complete other end of the spectrum. So free & non-scientific that it was also game breaking. It is easy to blame older players and those of us who eagerly crafted magic in the old, vague system. However the fact is that if you look back 3-5 years magic was cultural, it was whimsical, and it was spontaneous. It would be more beneficial to look at what allowed magic to have that cultural influence rather than continue with the current narrative that old magic & its users sucked. Even if we did at least we were having a heck of a good time with it. As I see it magic is suffering the same way it always has. A small group of people set a new set of standards and people are pushing those standards to their limits, aka abusing the system. However now a lot of the creativity that drove day-to-day RP has been reduced to make way for carefully written spell lists. The culture of magic was expunged to ensure each subtype is adequately stocked with players. While the old system was easily abused it also allowed for people like myself, who never had a single issue of abuse, to supply culture and roleplay in a DM-like fashion. You need some of that freedom back but in a format that is easily referenced. Now we have both ranted.
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