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Status Updates posted by seannie

  1. can we bring back downvoting ?

    1. Textarea


      I agree. I want to downvote like 90% of the people that think nexus crafting should be removed. Most of them think that they should be equal to where other people are at with professions without spending the hours grinding and they also think that for some reason they can't roleplay professions because nexus professions exists. If everyone were to be equal with regard to Nexus Professions without spending dozens of hours, then this wouldn't be much different from people getting max level characters on World of Warcraft with no effort. Nexus Professions and minas OOC, but they enhances RP, sort of how you can buy a horse OOCly then include it in your roleplaying.

    2. Llir


      But then people would just down vote each other on opinions they don't like - have debate and a conversation, not meaningless dislikes.

  2. can we fix this ******* server

    1. Andustar
    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      Where you at devs xdddd

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      ricky you know where the devs and the gms were- having naps.

      (and buying steam games)

  3. can we get a temp map?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Just give us some Mc generated temp map to dork around on instead of Almaris until next map is done

    2. wowj


      Click Disconnect, click single-player, click "create new world" play that for 2 years, then come back.

  4. can we get an update to the war

  5. can we have warclaims on ANOTHER SERVER

  6. can we make sure everything prepared for the warclaim server wise, people forgot to tune the server for the first snelve wc

  7. can we perma ban people advocating for swing timers?

  8. certified Canadian Heritage Moment

  9. cloud temple being in the clouds is finally happening... its been years

    1. Laeonathan


      I wanna do this so badly. It'd be fun building and really practical.

  10. damn didnt think kosher would lose the empire this quickly 

    1. rukio


      no king but seannie

    2. TankM1A2


      How do you do, fellow kids' has become the 'how do you do, fellow kids' of  memes - The Verge


      seannie rn

    3. Crevel


      Empire to Kingdom any%

  11. damn malgonious got btfo 

  12. damn orcs were on point

  13. death before taxation

    1. Fionn__TWG


      For the last time seannie, it's only 10 mina a week. This is your final warning before Maxim is kicked out on the streets.

    2. HogoBojo


      You weren’t saying that when you were King of Haense and I filled your coffers with minas, lot’s of which came from taxed citizens. 👀

  14. death is a preferable alternative to communism

  15. denizens of the freebuild model shouldn't be given any recognition whatsoever 

  16. did ppl even die in this warclaim? I swear I was hit 100 times by someone and all it did was 4 health

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taketheshot


      I dont know. Honestly salt aside, It would be nice to have a lag free skirmish.

    3. Reno


      Because people sat for 2 hours clicking their mice trying to win, and nothing happened...there's going to be some false claims over it 


    4. Reno


      Idk what the final say is over the whole matter, nor do I know the whole extent of the event as I was not there

  17. disgusting

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      how is getting castle ruthern going

  18. do you feel it now mr krabs?

  19. dont forget to treat yourself

    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      In the end, we all die alone with ourselves, we're the only ones to quit the world at that exact moment. Treating yourself once in a while with something that you love, with the hopes that it doesn't become an addiction, is one of the best thing a human can do. If you feel better yourself, you're gonna interact with people with a clear mind.


      It's easy to think that you have to be selfish in life because nobody will be there for you at the end, but your death will ultimately affect people. Surely, there's people that love you at this current moment. Even someone you have never met before was probably influenced by something that you have done.


      Treat yourself to treat others better.

    2. seannie



  20. down with oren ! !!!

  21. dwarves in vekaro 

    1. Fimlin


      dunamis in petrus

  22. elves and magicians fear the gun 

  23. elves should unite under malinor

    1. Lirro


      elves should split into another half a dozen groups

  24. Empire

    1. Javert


      Total War

    2. wolfdwg


      If Aaun actually starts the empire path it’d be so based.

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