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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. does anyone else feel like the elven supremacist-purist **** is overused as ****? every subrace uses it, and it seems to get kinda old. like, there

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    2. Burkester


      zaezae your obviously an edgy high elf if your defending the supermacyops nazi master race 

    3. zaezae


      I'm actually a normal human being living in the digital age.

    4. Space


      admittedly, my original status did get cut off because of these **** forums, but i think the rest of it was  'there is an infinite amount of possibilities, why bog yourself down with the same one for every subrace' or something like that.


      So I presented my issue "does anyone else feel like the elven supremacist-purist **** is overused as ****?"


      i gave a reason as to why it was bad or i dislike it (albeit a bit short) "every subrace uses it, and it seems to get kinda old."


      and then i would have given a solution, but the status was cut off


      so in your statement xZaebos, an issue is presented " I hate this one aspect of whatever group I'm talking about," and nothing else


      do you see where mine differs?


      **** i need to stop arguing on the internet

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