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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. the best meme is going to be when trump gets impeached for obstruction of justice but then it is proven that he actually didn't collude with the russians in the first place

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    2. Space


      If the Republican party wants to exist I think they'll eventually have to hop on the anti-Trump.


      And I don't know for sure, but there is certainly a lot of evidence that Trump was trying to pressure Comey for whatever reason. I guess the biggest event to look forward to is Comey's hearing in a few weeks (after memorial day iirc).



      And you would want an impeachment because a president is trying to actively influence an FBI investigation. Or because he is blackmailed by Russia. Or because he is influenced by Russia. Or like a bunch of other sht.


      I don't think there was nationwide violence when Nixon **** was going on. Think we'll be ok, America will stay stable.

    3. zaezae


      @Ended Because we do not want the country to go (further) to the wolves. We all know presidents cover things up but at least we don't want them to openly defy congressional orders and subpoenas from the courts. 

      You can't impeach a president by being influenced by another state. Otherwise, all presidents in the past and all in the future will be impeached. Everybody hates russia for getting involved in the election, but no body wagged a finger when European heads of states gave their opinions on the election (and influencing the election). No no, the real danger for trump is the destruction of evidence or obstruction of justice. 

    4. Space


      Yes you definitely can impeach a president for being directly influenced by a foreign state. Bribery and **** like that.

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