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  1. this is a controversial idea

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ryloth


      i think romance rp is a necessary level of socialization rp that brings characters together and can be a necessity to progress certain things such as politics, it just has to remain vanilla and pg-13

      the core problem of romance rp is what happens beyond the game, and that's already banned -- but banning romance rp won't fix the problem wholly either, it'll just encourage even more off-game content which makes it more difficult to track. at least when you can see the romance rp, admins (as you may know) can actually omnilog all of that stuff and see how intricate it is, if there was an ftb, if it's super sussy or not. but if it goes on to discord, it's much harder to track and protect ppl. imo ban ftb and ban anyone who circumvents it regardless of age, not romance rp

    3. DrakeHaze.


      i agree with ryloth, i think the gaius approach with the removal of ftb to be an entirely good direction for the server

    4. Unwillingly


      I can come to agree with banning FTBing and instead have it be something that simple "happens" w/o the explicit implication being emoted. That's actually how I've been RPing it for quite a while now


      Otherwise I agree with pretty much everything Ryloth said

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