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Status Replies posted by Nekkore

  1. put the rep in the bag



  2. Please don't message me asking to do something very specific in RP with you unless it's a magic or druid lesson. Sure I'll go on a certain character and have them bump into yours to spark a conversation, but I'll choose the course of action I want them to take.

  3. Feels like I've been roleplaying less and less.

  4. holy **** I woke up at 6pm never go to bed at 4am

  5. I teach majik now. Praise me!

  6. holy **** I woke up at 6pm never go to bed at 4am

  7. holy **** I woke up at 6pm never go to bed at 4am

  8. cringiest pick up line go

  9. cringiest pick up line go

  10. Happy birthday to my favorite pocket artist. She's bomb af and if anyone says differently, I'll get super angry and breathe heavily behind my computer while I contemplate suicide. (For real though happy birthday Allie)

  11. Welp, it's 4am...No point in sleeping now. :p

  12. Welp, it's 4am...No point in sleeping now. :p

  13. >mfw I read arcanism as anarchism... 

  14. Grr grrrrr grrr grrrrr

  15. im back mongs

  16. Gus love me..

  17. selling necromancy for $

  18. selling necromancy for $

  19. meg

    meg    Farryn



    LISTen HERe

  20. *Things people say to me when I wear heels* "Don't wear heels, you're to tall." or "Why would you want to look taller than a guy." *Things people say when I don't wear heels* "You should be more confident in your height and wear heels." 

  21. Who else hates the word "Moist" ?

  22. d'ya know those 3am rps that you say you aren't gonna fall asleep in the middle of, but you do and you only realize it in the morning and now your mum sees that your laptop was in your bed???

  23. how do people get so much rep hot damn


  24. 5JXnLKj.png





    Just a way to remind me to add these pieces of character art of Illion new spouse to his new character profile.

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