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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by jdesarno

  1. Mining crisis solved, dwarves  and Norland rejoice!

  2. Halflings got promoted to unkept Midgets.

  3. Bjorn frantically plays dramatic piano music in light of this stunning news!
  4. Blood for the blood god.

  5. If you had to recommend any staff position to try for, which, and why?~

  6. Using this image, create a spicy meme and post your results below~
  7. Daily reminder: It's okay to not win all the time. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Unless the person ur fighting just auto kills you. That's not such a fun time to lose 😉

    3. Nooblius


      Lies and slander.

    4. Zamaru42


      8 hours ago, altiar1011 said:

      Losing is fun as hell. Juicy character development? Yes please! 

      People need to learn this. I recommend enjoying some good old Dwarf Fortress to get it to hit home.

  8. Remember, if you're a Striga and say no pvp, no rolls and crp is uncontested, it legally gives you the right to be invincible.
  9. Cheers to Orlanth and the crew for showing how important it is to eat your gold plated vegetables~

    1. Orlanth


      munch munch munch

  10. Bjorn delcares war on Haelunor's inferior infastructure after seeing THIS HERESY


  11. There were no response, Bjorn were too busy exploting 'Capitalizing' on the newfound fruits of labor with Ferrum and Aurum ore alike. Haense is bound to receive a shipment sometime this later week.
  12. Thus, the wait begins.

  13. Thankyou for the emergency contacts.
  14. jdesarno

    Vortex Memes

    Dwarves hitting t10 tinkering. https://i.imgur.com/ZMT8a13.mp4
  15. If i had to describe The update in one Poem: Roses are red Boars are being hunted to extinction, better watch out them tusks cus, THEY GON GIT YA
  16.  Its all fun and games until your crossbow magically starts replicating bolts-

  17. I live again. 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      My favorite factions PvP server

  18. I just saw the update and well. . I’ve not much to say. Let this rat convey my feelings. Hope ya’ll are doing fine in these trying times. o/zzbus3dajqk21.png

  19. Everything crumbles


    1. NotEvilAtAll


      My favorite factions PvP server 

  20. Remove the fighting from lotc, what do you get?~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      LoTC SMP since role-play won’t have much energy other than slice of life

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Halfling world conquest

    4. monkeypoacher
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