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Status Updates posted by ski_king3

  1. Saw a locked thread today which made me angry at people. Some of the people on this server are quite mean, unfortunately. Le sigh.

  2. Was about to get a house in the High Elf district, and my MC lags to death... Thanks computer :/

    1. gnarlan123


      Haha, good luck next time :)

  3. Check out my ideas for names for the 3.0 Elven Capital, all in Elvish http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/80684-naming-the-elven-city-in-30-ooc/page-5

    1. Cracker


      woah there cowboy lets slow things down a bit

  4. Made a status about returning yesterday... Forums finally fixed, just saw the comments... Apparently everyone likes Pugsy more than me :( thanks for the warm welcome back guys :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101


      I started it as a joke. Maybe you missed the part at the end where we all welcomed you back.

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Don't take people on the Internet seriously. xD

    4. ski_king3


      *whispers to everblue* "This status was a joke too..."

      :P Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

  5. Guess who has started playing on the server again?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      ZOMG PUGSY'S B- Oh nvm hi ski_king welcome back.

    3. VonEbs


      I think the staff has a Puggsy panic botton at this point.

    4. Stephensj


      Your 69 likes amuses me.

  6. Who wants to help me come up with an elf name? I had an idea for one which I posted, if anyone wants to check if it's grammatically correct http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/28394-elf-up-your-name/page-8

  7. Well, I want to rejoin LotC, but I need a skin. If you're interested, here's the post I made on the skinny skin forum http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/80462-req-new-high-elf-skin/

  8. Well, if anyone wants me to play on the server again, I need a skin. Who wants to make me a high elf skin, even if I make no promises I will use it? I'll look for an image on deviantart to base it off of if anyone is interested in skinning.

    1. Stephensj



    2. BrandNewKitten


      Bribery? I hope you have a VA for political corruption and possible cannibalism. Why don't you make a skin request in the skin forum?

    3. ski_king3


      Because I'm lazy :P I will if nobody responds. But if someone does it because of this status, I'll feel more loved and wanted, and be more likely to return :P

  9. Seriously considering rejoining LotC... I would be far less active though, so as not to cause the previous problems I had leading to my departure... Anyone wanna tell me what the land of the High Elves is like?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JtPv


      Same city. Malinor.

    3. Princeton


      I'd assume snobby, but awesome nonetheless.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      They've got their little gated community, but they're in the same city as all the other elves.

  10. So I'm not sure if you all remember me too well, but I realize I never gave anyone an update on my girl situation. For those of you who had any interest, I got the girl :) Just thought I'd tell you people. Tata for now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Telanir


      Woah, hello there ski_king. :D

    3. ski_king3


      Hi guys :) Considering coming back to LotC. Maybe...

    4. Cracker


      punk ass 115 benching scrub butt ski king

  11. Popped by and saw the Kha are being limited to a 20 character limit... So basically, most kha will be killed off, there will never be a reasonable amount of cubs, and the roleplay group players would generally like to see more of is being limited... I'm really at a loss for words.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      There's no way there's more than 20 ACTIVE Kha.

    3. ek_knight


      I think you misunderstood the post- As long as you are an active player who is playing a Kha as your main character you will nto have to kill them of. Kha apps will simply be closed until the number is under 20.

    4. ski_king3


      I fully understand it, although I am sure there are over 20 active Kha. Either way, it is pretty unnecessary to limit a group's maximum size, and the leaders of the Kha are clearly doing this as a reluctant compromise. It's unfair to make this limit, because active Kha can essentially never have children, and a number of great roleplayers will never have the opportunity to play a major race.

  12. I'm sorry buddy, I really had fun RP'ing with you and talking on skype and stuff. I just got real life stuff I gotta deal with. If you have Black Ops 2 and XBL, add me, I'm AssassinateR535

  13. I was gunna get on LotC for the first time in a little over a week and it's down. *sigh* maybe tomorrow then

  14. I will definitely actually be on LotC today. Like 100% sure. Happy day friends, ski_king3 is back, and his lady troubles are improving dramatically :D

    1. ZzKitKatzZ


      Lady Troubles? Not Suprised. No Just Kidding Friend :P

    2. ZzKitKatzZ


      Lady Troubles? Not Suprised. No Just Kidding Friend :P

  15. It seems like I've missed a lot. What was all this kha drama?

    1. everblue2er101


      The role pf the Kharajyr in 3.0 is undecided. The Lore Team has been working towards a solution and today met with Kharajyr players to come to an agreement. There's been miscommunication and extremism on both sides.

    2. TeaLulu


      The lore team is trying to force the Kha's to wear flea collars for the betterment of the server as a whole, and they're just not having it.

    3. TeaLulu


      The lore team is trying to force the Kha's to wear flea collars for the betterment of the server as a whole, and they're just not having it.

  16. To the few of you who have been wondering where I've gone, I'm sorry, I've been very busy lately trying to deal with real life issues. However, I plan on getting on to RP tomorrow some. See all you lovely people soon :P

    1. aron.


      I miss you. Aron also "needed" to talk to Jess, but all is pretty much cleared up now.

    2. everblue2er101


      We were wondering in App Team chat.

    3. Cracker
  17. Dear females of LotC, if you had broken up with a guy yet still had feelings for him, would it be better for him to do one big romantic gesture, or several consistent smaller ones? Thanks :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rilath
    3. paladist


      Adding to that, whipping it out infront of a girl is one thing. But a true master of the arts whips it out and helicopters.

    4. aron.


      "Waiting.." anyone? the batwing? Ryan Renolds? I swear, if no one gets this....

  18. To everyone who's seen me post the past few days, I'm sorry if I've been immature or flamey in any way. I've had a really tough past few days, but I've tried my best to stay professional and polite. Also, I may not be as active on the forums or on LotC in the near future. Sorry again if I was rude in any way. Love you LotC!!

  19. Getting women advice from trolls. It's great :P

    1. JCQuiinn


      Add me on Skype. JCQuiinn. I will give you what advice I have to offer.

    2. JCQuiinn


      Add me on Skype. JCQuiinn. I will give you what advice I have to offer.

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Watch davidbrowntv on youtube, he knows his stuff about women (well relationships with them anyway)

  20. Anyone with skype wanna help me plan how I can get my girlfriend back? I need tons of ideas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SparehoeCakes


      Threaten her life.

    3. everblue2er101


      Chocolate. Flowers. Kittens.

    4. Taiga


      Add me. I'll get on Skype soon, so I'll try and help you.


  21. Anyone else sad that Philip DeFranco's Sunday Show didn't happen today? I know I am :(

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. ski_king3


      No cave faces today... :(

  22. To those who see the petition I just posted, please follow my instructions. I am not looking for your feedback, whether it is constructive or not. Simply sign it or do not. If you feel strongly, then PM me or start another topic about it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hypercrit


      You speak the truth, brutha.

    3. Cyndikate


      It's fine to share your opinion, but no matter what you do the VATs are not going to do anything.

    4. ski_king3


      Honestly, I care more about communication between staff and community as a whole rather than just the VA Purge.

  23. Any chance any GM's would like to get on? There's at least one soul on here waiting to be implemented and I'd like some help lockpicking if possible :P

  24. Hmm, if my character is driven to do all other evils by his desire to see chaos, do you think he should have 5?

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Yepyepyep. A normal person doesn't want to go around destroying lives for nothing!

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