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About Merkaken

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    Never Forget Watyll
  • Birthday 09/03/1994

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  1. How does Alchemy work in terms of RP? Do you need to get ingredients to use in potions to use in RP? If so, how do I get the ingredients?

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    2. Merkaken


      6 hours ago, Parker said:

      It is sad for me to say but,


      People like to use the wiki and browse through where and how to get and use alchemical things without real role-play effort onto LoTC thus you have alot of big brain potions which normally if you told said person making it to craft it in role-play without aid from the wiki they’d be fucked.


      Besides my rant, you can search for alchemy teachers by posting forum posters or search in role-play and you MIGHT find a dedicated teacher, not saying it is impossible but like I stated above.


      What I do


      What I tend to do is get a fellow com padre, in role-play and go from town, kingdom and home searching for different ingredients that I know in-character, there are a billion of them and of course I cannot know all of them.

      Alchemy is fun when you make mistakes, or at-least I find it fun to see characters of mine blow **** up on accident, and I do self-rolls all the time to search for ingredients, or if I am mixing it properly.

      It’s of-course better with a friend, and when you go to each town or group of role-play you can just sit in the tavern and rest, and carry on yatta yatta.



      Ingredients aren’t mechanically given, however you could make them just for the sake of making them. To make Alchemic potions you have to figure that out in ROLE-PLAY. I am a big advocate for literally hiding most lore just so people do not meta-game or say they don’t meta but want to have the surprise and immersion with no spoilers. Anyway, potions are made with mechanical descriptions – you should see an example on the auction house.


      Hope this helped.


      This was all a huge help, thanks. I have one more question, though, how do you know if your experiment is a success? Do all potions need to be LT approved like magic, or is it more of a “As long as it’s nothing extremely crazy it’s ok” type of thing? And if that’s the case, what would constitute needing to write a lore post for it?

    3. Parker


      Well there is a certain alchemy post that has a bunch of replies of ideas for alchemy potions. The main post is updated with those replies if they are accepted into the lore, thus you can play around with those potions if you find out how to make them or are taught.


      The good thing with Alchemy is, you can use a base potion and change up how you use ingredients- feel free to ask more experienced people on how more Air Symbols in an Alchemist fire could change the product.


      Rolling for Perception and Progression

      In terms of how you know if the roll is successful or not, normally I roll out of a hundred and if it is 65+ then I normally constitute that as experience in the specific potion or process of how to make that potion, and it is successful. I also do rolls out of 20 and 12+ are successful in finding the said ingredient in the respective region. Even if I rolled a nat 20 does not mean I would find flame-tongue in the frigid cold.

      v good pieces to look at.

    4. Merkaken


      I gotcha. Thanks a bunch

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