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Status Updates posted by Tayelikel

  1. Must.learn how to get my staff blessed. must get this staff made. XD also...must wait for teacher to tell me how it is done :P

  2. i hate my roomates alot right now

  3. Anyone know if i can install MPM on windows 8?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tayelikel


      ah i see lol, how do i install it on 8? i cant find the folder im supposed to put it in

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      You can, works with me.

    4. Tayelikel


      ah then imma fail ^^ i cant find the %appdata% which leads me to my minecraft stuff

  4. Thank you to all who ref my MA! Elphie can now start /Learning/ Magic ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tayelikel


      *Halo appears* :3 i iz gewd rper

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Awesome! Is she older, or something?

    4. Tayelikel


      shes rply 16, my first app i accidently out as she was 10

  5. Today: Do fimling...all day! this week of doing this movie project is starting to get to me, my bed time has been 2am and call time has been noon! for a week straight! jeez i feel sleep deprived

  6. I got denyed, but hopefully the PM i sent can help things

  7. must be paitent, must be paitent! come one i can wait! my Magic app will be reviewed soon...i hope...just need to wait

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tayelikel


      thanks maltone! XD

    3. cruzazul


      I waited 2 weeks for mine to be accepted. Hopefully yours doesn't take too long.

    4. Tayelikel


      Its only been a half a day, im sure when they have time it will be seen :) good things come to the ones who wait

  8. Thank you so much to the peope who suppot my MA! I will keep you posted on if i have it

  9. Im not sure if anyone noticed, or if anyone cares ^^; but i have not been on lotc for what seems to have been a month, in any case, to my friends or anyone who it intrests, id like to say...IM BACK ^^ and it feels good to be back after a break

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Awesome :D I was wondering where you and quite a few other people were.

  10. Baka IM, watashi wa kare o aishite iru nodarou ka. Kare wa watashinojinseidesu! Watashi no tamashī wa... Watashitachiha, watashitachi no saisho no dansu ni kisu o hajimete o oboete, kare wa hohoemu no hōhō wa, watashitachi ga issho ni iru toki, watashi wa kare o aishiteimasu! Watashi ga yaru to, kare wa watashi ga otoko ni shitai subetedesu. Naze soreha... Naze sore ga watashi wa totemo ki ni kattō kanjidesu! Naze kore wa totemo muzukashīdesu. Watashi wa kare o aisuru... Watashi g...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken


      Yes, you're very cute, Jibuis. Now off to your corner.

    3. Gunner


      k, I get it now.

    4. higgsyy


      dozo harigato mister robato

  11. everyone...everyone....i have....somthing to say....CALM DOWN....EAT A COOKIE, LISTEN TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND DUN WORRY....BE HAPPEH

    1. Skippy


      hard to be happy when a serious problem is lingering

    2. Tayelikel


      people should try to stay calm though

  12. Looking for a better job =/ current one only gives me 8 hours a week!

  13. to the people playing Acaeles twins boys, PM me please, i need to talk to you both

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      You don't even know who play them? Good mother :3

    2. Tayelikel


      Acaele iz epic mother! and she doesnt even have her boys yet! shes only pregnant :p

  14. I dont wanna sound like a bad ass or anything...buuutt...i just hit everblues and zebanamana's drama buttons...at the same time

  15. For people who have rped with my characters, who should i keep?

    1. Tayelikel


      Acaele? Raevyn? Scarlet? Elphaba? or all

    2. Stephensj
    3. Birdwhisperer


      I think I've only RPed with Elpahaba and Acaele... you should keep those two at least, but they're your characters.

  16. RIP Auslon 11/25/12

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      So, where are our characters moving to?

    2. LedZep98


      *LedZep has a tear the size of the pacific ocean running down his face.

      Such a shame, but I guess we'll have to move on.

    3. Tayelikel


      @Sckolar- we are apprently gonna follow villaers who attacked dwarfs

  17. Watashi no rūmumeito wa sō tachiōjō meinu, shīzudesu. Kanojo wa totemo kanpekina shīzu no yōna yakuwari o hatashi, kanojo no subete ga watashi no seirashī nodesuga, nani mo kanojo no seide wa arimasen. Subete wa watashi ni ari, watashi ga okonau subete ga machigatte iru, kanojo wa genjitsu-sei no chekku no gen'in Penn karejji nettowāku wa dochira kanpeki minogashi naku shutoku suruhitsuyōgāru, to kanojo wa kanpeki ketsujō sa rete inai koto o ninshiki suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Shīzu nai wat...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Glyc


      All I know is that Watashi means "I have"

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Actually, "watashi" just means, "Me", or "I".

      Like... Watashihagenkidesu. "I am well."

    4. Aandie


      What the ASD?

  18. All Elven races will make it to 3.0 right? theres not going to be a genocide of any elven race is there?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      All 3 of you? Har har har. :P

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Make that 4!! Hah! Bisch. Didn't see that comin', did ya? Huh? Nah, didn't think so.

    4. Mithradites


      We high elves were supremacists before it was cool. ',:/

  19. Server...y u no take your server medicine!

  20. The elfs are gonna be in 3.0...right? O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dante


      Well, we wouldn't want to kill off a good third of our server o.o

      (rough estimate)

    3. TeaLulu
    4. Tayelikel


      Skippy said they would be! thats good enought for me

  21. So where do the races stand with eachother?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eleatic


      Elves became fleshed out and diverse.. :/

    3. Birdwhisperer


      Everyone's ganging up on elves. ;_; Except for the dwarves.

    4. Tayelikel


      why are the elfs hated DX

  22. so the elfs arent really dead...right?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tayelikel


      @Aiden there was a huge...HUGE Oren vs normandor battle and apparently normandor is burning

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard


    4. FORƎST


      It's not burning lol. There would be a much bigger shitstorm if it was.

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