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About rukio

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    Toxicity Incarnate
  • Birthday February 4

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  1. Don’t offer PvE sections to your events if you’re going to be a stupid jackass towards the PvErs and their efforts.

    1. seannie


      please remember us, we pvers are an oppressed class of people under the over lordship of these aengudaemon elven magic et



    2. Dont_Advertise


      Yall ran to the last section of the event made for the CRP people, and once I politely stated to you all that “Hey I can’t do PVE anymore due to it being too laggy for the server” yall just spammed my DMs asking for your “finale RP” when yall had just blitzed to the end less than 10 minutes into the event despite me giving a guideline for how to do stuff.

      I’ll apologize about the fact that PVE did not work as I originally intended for it to and disappointing yall there. But I aint gunna forgive being slightly annoyed at yall for spamming my PMs 24/7 and complaining you should get final PK clause **** haha.

      You coulda rejoined on the side of the CRP people and did the CRP stuff like some of you did, but yall for the most part didn’t. Oh well, sorry you had an unenjoyable time. When the server is less of a slideshow in terms of performance ill just make a PVE only event that you fellahs can blitz through and kill withers with. Cheers 

    3. rukio


      You legit did not tell myself anything about PvE due to lag. We were left 100% in the dark. I am unsure who you think you contacted but you clearly didn’t inform the actual group I was with. The ONLY contact we got from ET was “You’re getting TP’d back” with ZERO explanation, and then us being informed we were getting TP’d to CT at your request. We would have 100% joined the CRP if it had been offered, but no one spoke to us. We had lightning and tons of bullshit spawned on us so we’d pop. It just happens the people in the SS were too stubborn to pop to your bullshit. 


      Dunno who “spammed your DMs” but it wasn’t me and it wasn’t at least two of the other people, so keep your lies to yourself rat. Don’t try to act uppity about this ****. We did offer to join CRP when threatened with TP, considering it was NEVER OFFERED TO US PRIOR. But I hear that was **** and plenty of people’s emotes were ignored for not being glorified GODs with magic. 


      Dunno why you’re being a ***** about PvE when it’s something we enjoy, but given your attitude now, hard ******* pass on any **** you do in the future. Disrespectful *****. 

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