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Everything posted by rukio

  1. I cant wait to get kidnapped from another nation tile by a raid group over the cap and get killed irp, pk, then see them punished 2 months later for rule breaking, if at all because I’m not a fan of BRs :3
  2. @GodEmperorFlam Holy **** my notifications 

  3. how do u cop a forum ban? Tired of Telanir’s forum ****. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Salvo


      I’m not gay and I don’t have a foot fetish


      not a furry either...

    3. rukio


      u have hairy legs, banned. 

    4. Salvo





      send feet pics


  4.  I crave bleach

    1. rukio


      if u start giving warnings for people not emotion perfectly how you want you should honestly **** off telanir

  5. Losing patience
    You're so complacent running around in circles
    And I think I'm going numb
    You're isolating, my head is aching
    "How was your day?"
    Was it just something you say?
    'Cause I think you only care if it goes your way
    This is the end, farewell, farewell, fair weather friend
    Good to hear from you again
    I hear you preaching all these words you can't erase
    I've been wasted
    Spent a lifetime letting you get the best of me
    There's no meaning in your friendship
    This is the end, farewell, farewell, fair weather friend
    Good to hear from you again

  6. Warnings are not a tool to help us. They’re a way to censor and shut down people you don’t like without having to open a conversation with them about why they responded in the way they did.
  7. “This is the warning point you knew was coming.” Lmao I dream of the day Telanir gets removed from staff.
  8. ((I mean. They did kill them irp. In the past you just had to ensure it was specified they werent pk'd, but considering one literally said it was ok hed had his head cut off before....pretty clean and dry pk there.)) Marlow would watch the men burn, face expressionless.
  9. rukio

    For the Reivers

    Someone explain it, I’m stupid.
  10. I’m not gonna front, the aggressive anger on this post has made me lose a considerable amount of respect for you Goblinberg. Then again, I, too, am but a dirty pvp goon which... you seem to hate. So my approval won’t matter. As for TheTri, I’m sorry you feel inconvenienced by pvp, but pvp is part of roleplay. Who knows, if you learned to pvp you might find, like many others, that you quite enjoy it. It’s a faster, cleaner solution to a roleplay emote fight (which I have yet to see not devolve into an OOC bickering war instead of an IC fight because no one enjoys losing on this server!) I was once a fan of roleplay fights, but upon rejoining the server...never again. Monkeys think swords can pierce armor. Enough said.
  11. Some day, Qaz, you will discover that admins and mods won’t care about posts like this. They don’t care about how much someone has behaved where it actually matters, aka in-game. “Appeal your warning points” they will say, but not take into account that he was un forum banned less than a month before his reban, which means he couldn’t have appealed any points, regardless of if he wanted to. They won’t take into account that he was on content mod and whoever approved his post should be the one in trouble. Then again, perhaps no one should have been punished, as it was a non-issue for several days before one person went “hey, wait, that’s a neo-nazi!” and a mod jumped on the chance to warn and ban Narthok. For a reference to a pagan who burned churches, to someone who referenced the god Varg worshipped, Odin, on a roleplay post. They won’t take into account that he had requested to stay forum banned. They also won’t take into account the community he has built by IC means, his efforts to improve who he is as a person and member of the community, his in game behavior being perfectly exemplary. No, they will cry that he is toxic and bad for the server because of his blunt nature and unwillingness to play two faced like most people do on this server. Yes, the mods will make excuses and cite his history. They will cite posts he tried to make or successfully made as proof that he was unreformed. Yet yourself and many other Morsgrad (and other nations) people will know the truth. Mans just wanted to lead his group into a bright future and never would have intentionally risked all of the people he took under his wing. But, this is LotC and while our staff claim to care about roleplay, they care more about their OOC grudges. Quote me and argue if you wish, Wacko and other staff, doesn’t matter. My opinion is based off of years on the server. You are the same as the ones before you and the ones who will moderate after you are demoted.
  12. We’ve had our ups and downs through the years but you’ll always be one of the better influences on me from this server. Even at the peak of my toxicity, when other people just actively gave up on me you just called me a retard and carried on being my friend. Don’t think you’ll ever understand how important that and our friendship is to me, even when I call you a MORON and block you for a day or two. Cried a bit when you told me about your impending ban, but hopefully in the long run it all works out. Whether that’s you being unbanned or just being able to move on with your life like you’ve wanted to for some time now. Better be ready for Tobi spam and for Ark in the next few months or else. . . Lowkey though, stupid decision to perma you.
  13. There’s a grief that can’t be spoken 

  14. He’s just a cringe lord that idiots cheer on.
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