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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. It has been 7 years since a home page graphic update. I will let people know about this every day until that's fixed.

  2. It’s day 10 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years.

  3. It’s day 11 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years. I have a new prefix in game to remind staff now

  4. It’s day 12 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years.

    1. UnusualBrit


      KevinBlabla ever eternal!

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      man, i remember when it was released, shit felt like the real banger

    3. Amayonnaise


      They have a whole ass media team too, hmm

  5. It’s day 13 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years.

    1. Traveller


      i suggest we put rick and morty on the front page!!!!!

  6. It’s day 8 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years. our community admin has refused to respond with any substance. 

    1. VonAulus


      There is a new forum theme already created and ready to go that has supposed to be implemented for like three years. It is pretty dope and I wish others could see it!

  7. It’s day 9 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years. More and more support is coming from this movement, keep pushing! 

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      I still laugh every time I see the Teamspeak IP

    2. _Jandy_


      You're right, return it to the old one.,


  9. Just looked at my server application denied in 2012.... Seems @iMattyz has been out to get me since the dawn of time HmmMmmmMmm https://gyazo.com/c3db072459178764b9b1a575eb9a80d6

  10. Late night mass is begining soon in Felson come join if you want some fun RP

  11. Leafs have 2 franchise centers... Do you guys even have 1 @WuHanXianShi14

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT


      And in that time we'll have a cup or two ^ _ ^


    3. WuHanXianShi14


      dont count on it. youll have a decade or so of good regular seasons and come within a WHIFF of winning it all before having it all ripped away from you and fading into another decade of mediocrity, the canadian team way



    4. LPT


      We went from mortal hockey rivals to sad brothers in the Canadian hockey team struggle... Stay strong. If it helps I was cheering for Kessler Canucks back in the finals.

  12. lol just read the reform of the Keshigs, an entire clan is considered a Keshig... I've never seen something so dumb and un-orc like.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LPT


      An old grumpy man who liked the Orcs during their peak of activity.

    3. Quirkyls
    4. LatzMomo


      Orcs haven't fully recovered from a string of bad leaders in the past

  13. Looks like it hasn’t been fixed yet… 

    It has been 7 years since a home page graphic update. I will let people know about this every day until that's fixed.

    1. Shiredom


      They won't do it unless they get a bonus or clout of some sort.

  14. MASS IS STARTING AT 6:15 EST in Oren capital!

  15. memes are fun

  16. My belly button looks like Brazil...

  17. My Halfling family's lore is complete now, it's writtren exactly how you'd expect halfling lore to be.

  18. Pops is my new favorite artist, like no over exaggeration. I've been listening to his band's songs and his songs for a few days non stop. 


  19. Really hate having to spend time making a feedback post instead of RP innovations for my community because of a rule that directly affects the way Halflings live.


    1. NotEvilAtAll




      It's alright buddy, we've bounced back already for the most part 

    2. Demotheus


      Feedback post for what/ What's going on? 


      Well I guess I'll see it soon. 

    3. LPT


      already posted @Demotheus

  20. Sorry to everyone who showed up to mass with no avail. I had some internet issues. I'll be hosting the mass at 2:00 PM EST now. (7PM GMT) I hope with this large of a notice that many of you can show up so we can have a large, and fun mass! :)

  21. Tested out The Cannon's regular discord chat and gotta say 3/10... They wouldn't let me vibe, but some of them knew me. 

    1. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      Come play a dwarf my boy 

  22. tfw I don't get special privileges and I donated $500 to the server. Is the Aether+ donation of 600 dollars how I get that. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space
    3. LPT


      @space According to a certain bald dwarf not naming names LoTC does... I must of missed out on this deal.

    4. Kaelan


      Well, redeem the deal now! You missed it but now you have a chance to redeem it now!

      How many times must I beg of you!!!



  23. Thank you to everyone who attended that mass. There was probably about 50 people there. The church was packed.

    1. Kaelan


      It was! I was left having to lean against a pillar at the back of the church! And I showed up a few minutes before the mass began!


      Only complaint is not being able to read what the priest was saying because of the flood of "Amens" mixing with the text from the priest. 

    2. LPT


      I agree that got a bit out of hand. Perhaps for the next large mass I will make less spots which require the congregation to say amen, or I'll ask them to whisper it so the whole church doesn't hear

  24. Thanks to whoever updated the front page graphic. I had to and still do need to step away for IRL reasons, but it's good to see it. Kudos!

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