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Status Updates posted by spqrSancus

  1. I take it back. Wardog, you were right. He is just about well and truly hopeless, and isn't quite as new as he seemed.

    1. CosmicWhaleShark
    2. spqrSancus


      Thanks. Sorry for losing my head at you yesterday. :(

  2. Does anyone know the coords of the Cloud Temple? Need to get there without having to use /dmg 20. :/

    1. Ford


      14, 65, -27

    2. spqrSancus


      Thanks, be making my way there shortly.

  3. I'll admit it: something which really annoys me is when someone a) votes on a post or b) posts on a post without ever reading the original post. It's... Frustrating.

    1. Cyndikate


      I hate it when people vote without posting.

    2. spqrSancus


      Same here, Ahri. Same here. :(

  4. What I had thought to be my internet has been spazzing out for days. Turns out 32x Chrome has since the last update become incompatible with 64x Windows. XD

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Use Firefox. Or Foxfire Ahri.

    2. Lark
  5. Whose steam is joshuachaput, just checking before I accept a random guy.

    1. Jonificus


      I told you in PM.

    2. spqrSancus


      Oh okay lol, didn't see that one. XD Thanks man. :P

  6. Won't be as active, but will still get on. You all know why.

    1. Heff
    2. Smithers


      guess you could say you just got... skooled!!!

  7. Managed to get myself sick for the third time this winter. *sigh* May be inactive for a couple days as I recover, see you then.

  8. San is dead... Mourn him.

    1. Evilbanana5757


      He's been dead, hasn't he?

  9. There are times that I am alone without actually being alone. Loneliness doesn't mean you must be solitary, and being lonely is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is the way to a realization of oneself. Remember that.

    1. Ford


      wis wuwrdz uv widom

  10. Looking for someone to attempt to enslave a certain char of mine, Rachel Lavoie. Marcitos123 is currently in line to try. If someone else wants to seek me out IG or send a PM... And try and catch her before the Blackie bannerman does. ;) If you want to try, good luck!

  11. You're so mean Charles... :( Your peasant character framed me for murder! D: :P jk. You're awesome. But you still framed me.

  12. #UnbanJuicy, and htf do you get a haunting permit, Renatus?

    1. Slic3man


      Speak to Chumpchump I'm assuming.

  13. Wait, what, now you tell me a new format's being released? GAH! Well, if I get denied because it's the old format... :/ I posted it before the new format is released, but honestly.

    1. Mish_


      Is it released yet?

  14. Augor, we were supposed to get Elsil turned. Gonna do it tonight or not? Because I'd very much like not standing around in Malinor waiting for something that's not coming. :/

    1. Demotheus


      turned? Turne dinto what!?

  15. Seriously, is there such a thing as contact lenses in LoTC, I need to disguise a char and need to know how far I can go!

    1. Katherine1


      Contact lenses are a 19th century invention, so probably no.

  16. *looks at the Knyghtfalcon report* Jesus Christ, I don't even. *won't say nothing. Don't ask. You know what I'm thinking.*

  17. Working on lores, working on lorez, working, working, working, working, working on ze lorez.

    1. Pinsir99



  18. What to do... *sighs* the BOREDOM.

    1. Pinsir99


      Figure out what dimensions Gifs need to be used as avatars

  19. I want to be the guy who's kind and compassionate. I want to be someone who is just, but does not look for justice. I want to love, I want to smile, laugh, and hope. I'll get there. Someday.

    1. Hanrahan


      I think everyone does, somewhere..

  20. What the hell is wrong with this community...

  21. #Viper3XForLeadDev2014

    1. spqrSancus


      And no, I don't care that it's not technically 2014 yet.


  22. Seeya, Snowshovel. Pull through. No one wants you dead. And if you don't... I'll hope to find you on the other side.

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      I have all the hope for you in the world too. If you don't make it, I'll personally see to it you get your own memorial at the CT. Best of luck man, stay strong for us and yourself!

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