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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kitten

    1. AGiantPie


      what is this i dont understand

    2. AGiantPie


      This is amazing. 10/10 art would recommend.

  1. OK, Techies this is so easy, so get your heads out of the sand. REMOVE the part of the code that says animals die. Because I was standing in an area with a horse on the lead, and 3 horses and my horse just died!

    1. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Remove the stick from your butt, friendo, and calm down, first!

    2. Kitten


      I've made complains, bug reports, posted on the forums, come on its such an easy fix!

  2. Me: Excited about that candy? Grim: yes, its a sweet that isn't sugar! WAIT ****!

    1. Gone


      Sometimes I am not a smart person ;~;

    2. ScreamingDingo


      i like comments about me

  3. Gone for 2 days, and my town gets raided, threatened and so, @.@ am I not allowed to elave?

    1. monkeypoacher


      close your gate

  4. https://secure.join.me/799-469-718 Photoshop tried to kill my computer.
    1. monkeypoacher


      what am I watching

      I don't know

  5. I made a picture of Kala!

    1. Kitten


      Now off to Play league with Nero and Lion, then maybe sleep and some rp after!

  6. Anyone notice, if you get something nice, everyone else wants it too?

  7. I want to run barbek hold, I think i would be well suited for it.

    1. monkeypoacher


      um ok teers for barbek hold leader

  8. Got my horse population back! YEAY!

    1. Kitten


      Back to 21 horses!

  9. Anyone want to volunteer their head for my picture, you can see the work at http://www.livestream.com/teers

  10. Dear god, Meta's about to killlll me.

    1. MetaSolaray


      Must...restrain...need to murder....

  11. Ok, you guys are screwed...I run barbek.

  12. So my roomys dog died, she had it since she was about 6 RIP Doogie.

    1. AgentSunny


      *Gives a single, non-trolly, internet flower, to you, for roomy...'s dog's grave.*

    1. Hanrahan


      "Elves, Fairest and Wisest of all races." Tolkien would be rolling in his grave.

  13. Viper, I hate you

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Wow. Such hate. Much angst. Wow

  14. o.0 so I look and turns out everblue gave me a warning, luckly no warning points @.@

    1. tnoy23


      @.@ = AT-AT?

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