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Status Updates posted by Catarrh

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I can't tell you how many times I was trapped inside a sticky mess of cobwebs and sand. 

    2. wolfdwg


      Filthy animals.

    3. Bardmancer


      THAT'S ME!

  1. http://prnt.sc/bo3w4n I thought this got fixed.

  2. http://prntscr.com/bgxrra Likely many people looking through the forums right now should've learned this many years ago. Also, this, while I'm at it http://prntscr.com/bgxsw2 If English is your first language, and you're over eight years of age, learn this.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Catarrh


      Mind you, I'm not talking about what you're referring to as normal conversations. I don't go around correcting people on skype or text messages. I'd be a very busy man if I did. In fact, I very rarely correct anyone's grammar, because there's always some guy who feels personally hurt over any and all correction. So, if you're talking about something like a skype conversation or your own intentionally butchered replies to my status (yes, I caught the joke, Pie), then you and I aren't talking about the same context. 

    3. AGiantPie


      Just a prank, my friend. I agree with you.

    4. Catarrh


      It should be said, I'm hoping to become a teacher in the Fall, so I tend to rant on this kind of stuff.

  3. http://prntscr.com/d2bk7w This happening to anyone else?

  4. unknown.png?width=1083&height=610 
    It’s stuck like this when I log in

  5. A friend of mine and I made a cleaver for an orc cosplay. My friend did most of it. It was more of a learning experience for me, but I helped a bit. https://gyazo.com/b7922916311c933d2fb5088e0f293471

    1. Ambduscias


      Any start is a good start. Definitely looks really high quality, nice work. 

    2. Skippy
  6. After recent events, I feel compelled to mention that the "h" in Catarrh is silent.

  7. Assasinnoah's app is all slanderous propaganda, Elad. Don't believe it!

    1. Elad™


      idk fam i hear those yars r pretty bad dudes!!!

    2. Catarrh


      Nah, man. We're sweet peaches.

  8. Can anyone help me out? Maybe an FM or something knows what to do. I typed up a topic that included spoilers, and when I posted it, the whole thing was made into one big spoiler, and the whole second half was a spoiler within a spoiler. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Catarrh


      no results for that name

    3. Cooliomafia


      Strange, let me add you, what's yours?

    4. Catarrh


      I'll pm it to you

  9. How long has the book copying mechanic been broken?

    1. Ogdan


      I find I can only make copies from the original book or 'copy of original' a 'copy of a copy' will not make me a copy.


    2. Catarrh
  10. Lore Team, your creature index goes neglected. I'm sure keeping it updated is a pain, and probably lots of people wanna cry and complain to you when you deny their lore submissions; however there are eight people with submissions on there (admittedly, myself included), some of whom have been waiting since September. Someone should probably take a look. Even a denial is more courteous than just ignoring them.

  11. Moved my Ogrni'Shapend Lore to Lore Submissions, because the Creature Index is a waste apparently lol.


    1. Catarrh


      *Ognir'Shapend, rather.

    2. TeaLulu


      Wasn't the creature index created to make it easier for ET to do creature related events, thus expanding the frequency of events? Not keeping up with that forum is a failing on the LMs part on multiple different levels. Yet somehow they manage to keep up with all the completely illegitimate and lore-breaking changes to fi magic that happen. :')

  12. Quickly! Someone who knows dragaar lore! What's a dragaar?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Catarrh
    3. Space


      was Neko's dragon really named ******* Alecstraza? lmfao


      tbf that dragon build was dank though

    4. chaotikal


      Something like that. It was based on WoW's Dragon.

  13. So, I've been wondering. Is Fi'Ceru pronounced Fi'Keru or Fi'Seru?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mithradites


      The second one.

    3. Catarrh


      Thank you. Wasn't sure if it was a soft c, or a hard c, since I have no idea how elven names work in lotc lol.

    4. _pr0fit


      it's actually pronounced feces-roo

  14. The Clan Uuthlini forum post has been updated. Blueberries for everyone! Spread the word, or I'll tell your mom on you!


  15. The heck happened to everyone's inventory? (stupid broken status thing not finishing what I type...)

  16. The orcs can thank me for my glorious drumming, and magnificent rallying speeches now.

  17. To whomever wrote the current wiki, http://prnt.sc/b9nds4 Sanjezal not only no longer exists, but it didn't exist in Vailor at all. It was the orc capital in either Aegis or Asulon. I'm not 100% sure which of those, to be fair. It definitely has never been in Vailor though.

    1. James


      San Jezal is the Orcish capital of Aegis. 

    2. Catarrh


      There we go. Aegis. Point being, not Vailor lol.

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